Thursday, July 2, 2020


Maintaining a healthy cycle and hormonal balance will impact upon a woman’s whole body health, vitality, and general wellbeing.
Our experiences and our relationships with our own menstrual cycles are as individualized as we are. It is one of the biggest windows into the overall health of your body. 
According to Ayurveda, the menstrual flow itself is a by product of the first, most basic tissue layer (or dhatu) in the body, the plasma (or rasa dhatu).
After we ingest our food, which undergoes transformation through the seven tissue layers of the body. The first is plasma, then blood, which is then followed by the muscle and fat tissues. After these four layers comes the bony tissue, nervous system, and, lastly, the reproductive tissues. The actual menstrual flow is considered to be a byproduct of the first layer, rasa dhatu, or the plasma. Plasma is a vehicle for nourishment. It carries hormones, vitamins, minerals, water—all sources of nourishment. When this layer is healthy and flows freely, so too do all of these nutrients as well as wastes so that they may leave the body with ease. The second layer, rakta dhatu, or the layer of blood, also is part of the menstrual flow, releasing excess pitta.
How do you take care of your womb ( you never care or think like this), what does that mean and why is it even important? Ayurveda is one of the few sciences that looks at the reproductive tissues outside of the major transitions of puberty, pregnancy, and menopause.
By paying attention to your flow, its qualities, and your experiences before and after its release, you can get a strong sense of how the doshas are at play even before they fully come to fruition on a gross level in other layers of the body. 
The doshas also come to play and each dosha will show its face and have the most impact in specific parts of the cycle.
• Day 1 – 5 (from the first day of bleeding) - the vata phase
• Day 4 – 14 (from the end of bleeding until ovulation) - the kapha phase
• Day 14 – 18 (from ovulation until your period starts) – the pitta phase
Vata dominates the uterus. Due to decrease in plasma and blood tissues, decreased nourishment to the endometrial lining of uterus the overall flow and menstrual discharge will be less. Where ever there is a blockage for the free flow of Vata, there will be pain. So most of the Vata dominating cycles will be painful. Menstrual blood becomes red, black or dark violet in colour, thin in consistency, dry, frothy and scattered (with small clots), and the patient feels piercing type of pain.
Most vata-vitiated cycles are accompanied by discomfort. As the flow of blood is slowed and even obstructed, fresh blood is mixed in with some old blood as it exits the system, giving a darkened color of the menstrual flow. Vata is the force that regulates all downward movements in the body, pushing the menstruum down and out of the body. 
Pitta menstrual blood becomes yellowish or bluish in colour, is free from unctuousness, smells like pus, fungus, the excreted blood is hot, associated with burning sensation and there occurs feeling of heat at the time of its excretion.
Pitta is hot and sharp. So it brings more fluidity to the blood so that it flows easily. Pitta resides in blood and in excess it may cause heavy bleeding. As it causes tendency for swelling, it leads to tender, swollen breasts, acne etc that women experience during their premenstrual period.
Pitta is involved in the ovulation and luteal phases. Fire is transformative and this is the stage where the body prepares itself for new life. Essentially, pitta fires your body in readiness for conception through a peak in the hormone progesterone.
Kapha menstrual blood becomes whitish or slightly yel- lowish in colour, very thick, slippery or lubricous, unctuous and settles down if put in water.
Kapha is dull, heavy and sticky. Stronger the influence of Kapha Dosha, the more likely to get a prominent growth of the endometrial tissue. As more blood vessels grow to supply this growth, the Kapha cycle is more likely to experience a heavier flow than Vata cycle. The kapha stage of the cycle is all about building the endometrium (the mucous membrane that lines the inside of the uterus). Oestrogen is the hormone that builds and increases at this time - restoring strength to the body and preparing for conception.
The unobstructed flow of menstrual blood will be possible only by the optimal assistance of the three doshas.
Paying an eye on the characteristics of menstruation will bring into light the Dosha which is predominant in that cycle.
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Today, everyone’s life has become so fast and stressful that we don’t have time to take care of ourselves properly. There is no fixed schedule for daily activities which creates a lot of health related problems.

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