Monday, June 28, 2021

Communication With Your Unborn Baby in Pregnancy.

Welcome to spiritual and instinctual connections with your unborn baby before life. Come and explore your self into pregnancy and allow your heart to guide your way in this sacred time for you and baby being..

Call 9773170560/9825463394 You pregnancy is a miraculous time and an experience that you get to embrace and expand into over the weeks and months of gestation for you and baby being. ​Remember your pregnancy is unique to you. Do not be fearful in these times of change (Pandemic/ negative forces) and lost in chronic stress. You are meant to be heart to heart with baby and you are meant to trust in your connection with your nunborn baby. Your relaxing and loving pregnancy begins with practices of body and mind. Your prebirth communication or baby bonding communication requires a few things from you: self awareness, space to listen, and knowing when to take actions. Your baby is a spirit and or soul with a unique personality and ready to add to your world with deep meaning. Your intimate conversation with baby before birth is your own and a special bond. You get to be allow your psychic and telepathic space merge togther and bring communication skills into each trimester. Learn how to connect your unborn baby from the womb is energetically, through healing touch, or with daily spontaneous insights and psychic/ telepathic awareness. They all have spiritual meaning, messages, and purpose. The imporant part is that you acknowledge it and allow trust into it. It begins with relaxing into your physical body, bringing mindfulness to yourself through your mental body, and accessing the flow of spirituality through heart awarness and other experiences of spirit...listening to your body sensations and increase your internal spiritual voice within. You are in your own body and nobody knows you better then you. Remember your baby is always in communication with you and allow the listening and trust to continue to unfold. Your baby's powerful vibration will suprise you and teach you about the loving rhythm of feeling, sensing, inner visions, thoughts, and sounds. Blessing on your pregnancy into labor & birth & postpartum! Schedule Your Consultation Call 9773170560/9825463394 #garbhsanskar

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Garbhsanskar : Spirit Baby Communication

 Everything is energy, when we go beyond our five senses we can communicate with this energy and learn how it works.

Energy is always ebbing and flowing in and out of your body and life. The thoughts you think, the words you use, the food you eat, and the people you surround yourself with can all affect this flow of energy and your vibration, inviting it to fill every single cell of your body, your womb, and your entire reproductive system. you create space for your body and life to connect and receive your baby, their message, and unconditional love.
The soul has chosen you and the time they manifest in their earthside body for this incarnation, they are available to you, to talk to, to engage in prebirth communication.
They are not blank slates, they are souls with bodies, missions and life paths, interests and things they will do in this lifetime. They chose you to help be their guides.
My personal experience with spirit baby communication with my own little own has been quite a journey.
Learn how karmic pairings affect conception and pregnancy, the cycle of incarnation, life script, karma, intuition activation and development, exercises and meditations.
The moment you have a loving desire in your heart to have a baby, spiritual conception, and bonding has begun.
I support conscious conception, infertility, pregnancy, prenatal & posnatal care.
So today I wanted to simply remind you how incredible your body, womb and menstrual cycle actually is.
Schedule Your Consultation
Call 9773170560/9825463394
Garbhsanskar is a process of sacred invitation to slow down to reconnect with yourself, your womb and your baby physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Pregnancy is a physical, emotional, and spiritual experience.
You pregnancy is an intuitive, highly available, and miraculous time and an experience that you get to embrace and expand into over the weeks and months of gestation for you and baby being.
Take a couple of deep breaths into your womb, feeling into the fact that this part of your body is a portal that has the capacity to hold, grow and birth life into the world.
Fill your womb with the unconditional love you have for the baby you are calling in. Your body is always speaking to you and inviting you to listen. You are magic. Your body is magic.Your womb is magic. And your connection with your baby is magic.
So take time to connect with what is within you right here, right now.
Your relaxing and loving pregnancy begins with practices of body and mind. Your pre-birth communication or baby bonding communication requires a few things from you: self awareness, space to listen, and knowing when to take actions.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Planned Pregnancy

 What if you could start your journey to motherhood by feeling prepared, informed and in the best hands possible? How would you feel if you could wake up in the morning knowing that you have done everything possible to ensure the health of your future baby?

Creating a healthier future generation through preconception care is my greatest passion.
Guiding women through their conception journey has given me insight to what works when it comes to improving health which in turn creates ease in pregnancy and a healthy, happy baby.
Call 9773170560/9825463394
Physical,Emotional & Spiritual Preparation of Your Body:
Your conception begins with detoxing of your body, the busy mind, and your emotional healing, and spiritual development. Request from yourself that you are on a consciously concieving journey that will have you exploring all the areas of pre-parenthood by looking at the whole self: in your physical life, emotional life, and spiritual life. It is creating awareness in your life for deeper exploration, preparation, and spiritual awareness. Your physical preparation comes with body awareness and nourishing it with foods, exercise/movement, and good health routines that support your specific body. Your emotional preparation comes with tuning into your daily life, your stresses, and finding your emotional balance. Your spiritual preparation comes with your being able to connect with your spirituality in a way that makes you feel fulfilled and open to accessing truth, wisdom, intuition, and love along with building a soul baby communication relationship.
Also start spirit baby communication practices by joining the series of Garbh Sankar sessions today.

Soul Babies

 When we meet a newborn baby after delivering, we act as if she/he has just arrived, but actually she/he has arrived long before the birth.

The preconception period is surprisingly relational and, as incoming soul’s, we're having many experiences. Our choices and soul’s purpose motivates us towards a new family and an embodied life. Attachment dynamics that we will imprint into our embodied experience are forming during this period. What can we do to parent soul babies, and how early do they need our guidance and empathic connection?
Jivatma the individual soul is the reflection of Atma within an individual, a wave the emerges from the ocean of existence and wanders from embodiment to embodiment and after a long process of development and experience again returns to the unity of the Atma. The soul that has manifested itself in a form
"entered the body" however does not identify with it's divine essence but rather with it's attributes, the physical body, the mind, the thoughts and physical-mental elements associated with the individual.
Under the supervision supreme lord and according to the result of past deeds, the living entity, the soul is made to enter into the womb of a woman through the male semen to assume a particular type of a body.
Based on the actions taken by souls in their previous lives(karma) the supreme lord arrange for each soul to enter the womb of a mother in a particular universe to a particular mother, exactly based on what the soul deserves.
If you are actively in conception or creating space, while in pre-conception, I suggest you bring self awareness to your body and begin to move inward more and more for answers. Get a great meditative vibe going and body practice. Once you do that explore what your psychic space and listen to and ask your higher self to connect with any baby being that you are ready to welcome into your family. Begin by building your relationship with your soul baby before life.
How to Make Consciousness in the Preconception.
Call 9773170560/9825463394
Your baby is listening, that she or he is open, and ready to create with you. That your sacred connection with your baby means everything towards your spiritual evolution. All you need is to receive your heart and shift your awareness inward and ask yourself "what are you doing today to connect with your spirit baby?"

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Garbhsanskar : Shape Your Unborn Baby, Womb Communication

 Vedic Guidelines for a healthy, physically strong, radiant & well nourished baby.

Call 9773170560/9825463394 Garbhsanskar is a scientically proven fact that it is an amazing way of teaching and educating a mom bonding with her unborn baby in womb during pregnancy. To create the baby with intelligence, emotionally stable, good valued, and imbibe good virtues in the baby. Educating unborn baby & making the personality of the unborn baby which is ultimately contribute to making a good human being. Unborn baby's mental set up along with personality is greatly influenced by the thoughts of mother during pregnancy. Mother's feelings and moods are linked to hormone and neurotrans that travel through the bloodstream and across pla- centa to the developing brain of the unborn child. Starting from the moment of conception, a baby’s brain is wired by its environment provided by mother. The fetal environment can be altered if stress in the mother changes her hormonal profile, hypertension is the commonest medical emergency encountered during pregnancy which is a stressful factor for both mother and fetes & because of stress and anxiety the future child will suffer mentally & emotionally. Prenatal Stimulation. Which gives good environment for your growing fetus due to which one can get the baby with good virtue. For the better future of society & Nation Garbhasanskar is one, which needed most during this period of time. Special techniques such as positive thinking, guided meditation, visualizing, music therapy, relaxation are used to create this communication with baby through Garbhsanskar. Garbhasanskar is a process to create a healthy, happy, good virtue, well cultured, intelligent, and blissful child. Virtues and Sanskaras are overall personality & emotional wellbeing of a unborn baby which can be done through Garbhsanskar. Pregnancy is a time to maintain your focus on bringing in some positive changes in your lifestyle and day to day activities for having blissful & stress free pregnancy. Positive moral values and virtues are more important in today's world now. Vedic reasons behind Garbh Sanskar : Divine Souls come with good learning to perform good acts in this world. Scheduoe Your Consultation to Book Your Garbhsanskar Sessions for a guide to healthy brainy babies “Evam kurvati hi arogya- bala- varna- samvahana-sampadam upetam jnatinam shreshtam apatyam janayati.” - Charaka Samhita If a pregnant woman is taken care as advised, she will give birth to a child who does not have any diseases – a healthy, physically strong, radiant, well-nourished and brainy baby. Call 9773170560/9825463394 Focus on giving importance to your needs and necessities. A childbirth can activate ancestral memories and a rush of overwhelming feeling on a cellular level. These changes imprint not just on the physical and emotional level; it is imprinted on unexplainable deeper levels of your existence. For all these reasons ayurveda honors the entire experience of this divine journey. Ultimately your life style, habits and perception towards how motherhood should be are in your hands. Just as you enjoy capturing all the moments of life, enjoy the big step into motherhood with care and healthier choices. Pregnancy and motherhood is a big responsibility: from now on every choice you make will affect not just you, but also another human being. If you need to make some changes in your life, make them now.

During pregnancy your happy hormones will also find their way into your baby’s system, so keeping yourself happy is now a top priority. #garbhsanskar

Monday, June 14, 2021

Baby Bonding In The Womb During Pregnancy(Part 2)

Babies can hear, taste, smell, and feel from inside the womb. This means that you can communicating with your baby through the food you eat, the fragrances you smell, the touch of your hands, and especially the sound of your voice - creates a nurturing environment for yourself and baby, before birth and after.
Hearing is the sense that is most highly developed in utero, and the one that gives you the most direct connection with your baby.
Bonding with unborn baby could be achieved through singing to them, reading, talking and other such activities which tend to stimulate the intellectual state of the baby from an early stage in womb.
Unborn baby is able to hear and remember certain sounds and these sounds can be recollected by the baby even after birth.
Reading to babies in utero may have beneficial effects on the development of the foetus.
Playing music to the baby provide a great way to soothe the mother and the fetus, indicating that enjoying music together could promote early bonding. Prenatal interventions not only evoke responses from the baby in the womb, these also help in maintaining the best of physical health.
So many studies have shown that babies in the womb hear, recognize, learn and remember their mother’s voice and respond to it after birth. This means your familiar voice will calm your newborn baby, and he/she even recognize stories heard you read........ the best way to raise a book lover and a kid who loves to learn & intelligent.
There are more chances of a baby being soothed by the mother’s voice rather than by any other voice, as it is the first voice a baby records. The heart rate accelerated among those who heard their own mother's voice, and decelerated among those who heard a voice other than their mother's.
Even before they are born, babies are learning from experience, especially if it’s directly related to their moms, new research is shows. For example, while in the womb babies can learn to recognize a nursery rhyme if the mom repeats the verses between weeks 28 and 34, according a study published. When recordings of their mother’s voice are played to healthy newborns, the hour old babies will suck faster on a pacifier than babies who hear a recording of a stranger. Numerous studies have shown that babies in utero can recognize and remember stories read aloud to them, especially in the last trimester of pregnancy. Newborns then respond to those same stories, especially read in the familiar voices they heard from the womb.
Choose a story that’s rhythmic and repetitive; the research says that babies respond best to stories with an inherent beat.
Read the same few stories or poems every time so they— unique voice—will become familiar to the baby. Watch the magic begin when the baby is born! The newborn will be calmed by the voices of both parents and will listen attentively to the story she’s already come to love.
Also talking to the baby in utero is one of the first and best ways for the father-to-be to start loving, caring for, and teaching his baby.
What an incredible connection you both will have created with your unborn baby which to last the rest of your lives.
The research suggests that while still in the womb, our brains were learning speech patterns and laying the groundwork for language acquisition.
Schedule Your Consultation to Learn More Ways to Bonding Your Unborn Baby while in Womb.
Call 9773170560/9825463394
So cherish all this extra time at home, and use it to make that sensory connection as your unborn baby grows inside you.
Nurturing yourself and your baby will help to release endorphins, or feel-good hormones, which will communicate to you and your child.......All is well and calm and safe. Rest, relax, and grow, and soon you’ll join us in this beautiful world.

Baby Bonding In The Womb During Pregnancy...Part 8

 Did you know that there are techniques you can use to stimulate your baby?

Did you know your baby will be able to enjoy his/her sense of sight, reacting to visual stimuli?
Visual Technique: You can stimulate your baby’s retina and vision by doing prenatal stimulation exercises that involve light. You can use technique since the fourth month of gestation, by exposing your belly to light, photons go through your abdominal walls and stimulate your baby’s vision and boost (his/her) cognitive and physical health. Visual Technique can help your baby develop better visual discrimination, along with a better sense of direction and orientation.
How You Can Do it?
Expose your belly to sunlight for about 20-30 seconds and then cover it with a dark blanket. Let the sun fall directly on your belly. The light will enter smoothly through all the layers until it reaches the baby. Do this several times. you can try it in a room with artificial lights also, as well as shed light on it with a flashlight. Slowly move it around, side to side, up and down. Make different games with flashlights, turning them on or off to attract your baby’s attention and elicit his/her response.
Prenatal stimulation is made up of a set of techniques that optimize the physical and mental development of the baby through external stimulation, such as light and sound.
Different Stimuli Techniques:
Talk to your baby. Do not stop talking to your baby. Your voice is the best stimulus baby can receive.
Walk in nature. The sounds that nature provides are stimuli for your baby.
Pet your belly, using fingers alternately or all at the same time.
Massage your belly. By using different degrees of pressure, your baby will react.
Respond to the baby’s movements. When baby moves, put pressure on the area where he is fidgeting. It will be the perfect interaction between the two of you.
Motor stimulation. The baby will move as you change position, so try changing your posture. By week 10, baby will already begin to take notice.
These stimulation, in addition to developing the baby’s emotional and physical levels, also helps to develop an emotional bond with the mother. The way mother interact with her baby even before baby is born has an impact on the development of the child later in life.
Try different postures at home.
To start bonding with your unborn baby we have designed some bonding and stimulation techniques of prenatal stimulation.
Call 9773170560/9825463394
Studies suggest that it is possible to enhance the development of the baby's brain before birth. Prenatal stimulation is a process that encourages learning in unborn babies optimizing mental and sensory development.

Baby Bonding In The Womb During Pregnancy(Part 7)

 Prenatal Music For Baby Bonding

The sound environment of the womb is very rich.
It is proven that music has a role in brain development before birth. Listening to music during pregnancy will not only have a soothing and uplifting effect on the pregnant woman, but also a positive influence on the unborn baby. In the third trimester, the baby will be definitely able to hear the music you play. Classical music, gentle sounds like lullabies, nice melodies that inspire happiness all are designed to be soothing.
Your womb is a sacred place. Let’s create a divine connection which a mother and baby develop during these magical nine months of pregnancy.
For this reason, music prepares the ear, body and brain to listen to, integrate and produce language sounds. Music can thus be considered a pre-linguistic language which is nourishing and stimulating, affecting body, emotions, intellect, and developing an internal sense of beauty, sustaining and awakening the qualities that are wordless and otherwise inexpressible.
The sense of hearing & touch are probably the most developed of all the senses before birth. Four month old fetuses can respond in very specific ways to sound; if exposed to loud music, their heart beat will accelerate. “Use all five senses to connect with your baby and create a nurturing environment for both of you.”
Music, because of its nature and qualities, is most suitable for the task of nurturing the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual development of the unborn baby. Music affects the cells and organs of the body. Music can play a role in happiness. Several studies have shown that uplifting, soothing music helps increase the baby's intelligence. The positive vibes thus created will be passed on to your baby also.
The impact of music interventions during pregnancy have an impact on stress reduction, not only during pregnancy but also during the course of delivery, and furthermore induce fetal awareness. Among the therapeutic qualities of music, we find that it relieves anxiety; it produces slower and more uniform brain waves that provide a state of greater relaxation and well-being. it influences cardiac rhythm and blood pressure; and it lowers muscle tension and improves movement and coordination. Music therapy is one of the disciplines that are involved in prenatal health care and has shown positive effects on stress, anxiety, and depression....High stress levels in expectant mothers can have negative effects on fetal development. Music and singing has a soothing effect on the expecting mother and the unborn baby alike and contributes to a healthy and happy baby later in life....Listening to a relaxing song sends calming chemicals throughout the body and into the placenta, facilitating bonding and relaxation, because music facilitates neuron connections in the brain. Listening and experiencing music stimulates the fetus’ brain and assists with the growth of brain structures.
Also remmber that the sound of the mother’s voice is incredibly soothing to baby and assists with developing a bond before baby is born. The mother’s voice has been proven to have an impact on the developing brain.
Schedule Your Consultation
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Baby Bonding In The Womb During Pregnancy(Part 6)


1. Readind aloud to the bump brings so many benefits and so much joy. Cherish this relatively quiet time at home, building this beautiful connection as your unborn baby grows. And while you’re there, start reading aloud! This is the very best way to bond prenatally.
2. Your baby become familiar with your unique voice : Research shows that babies recognise their mother at birth & can distinguish their mothers voice from that of stranger.
3. A familiar rhythmic story will smooh your newborn: babies can remember or story heard regularly during last trimester for upto weeks after birth and they ae calmed by that story.
4. Talking time to relax is part of a healthy pregnancy: when mother to be sits in a comfortable place and breaths, she is doing the most important for herself and her baby. Setting aside time everyday to relax & read to your baby in th4 womb will help to slow down your heart beat and beathing.
5, When you take to relax, beneath and enjoy a beautiful book, your baby relax too: when an expectant mother's heart beat and breathing slow down, her baby responds physically and neurologically. These responses have a positive effect on the baby's growth & development.
6. Bonding with babies prenatally benefits their future health and emotional wellbeing: when you feel love your baby to be you release feel good hormones...the result is unhindered growth & well being.
7. Establish a routine reading now creates a special family time for years to come: There are incredible benefits to children of having a regular storytime routine. Reading to a nightly bedtime story while you are pregnant prepares baby to be for a sleep schedule....Reading to your baby before birth and after strengthens family and socisl bonding.
Hearing is the sense that is most highly developed in utero, and the one that gives you the most direct connection with your baby.
Babies are particularly sensitive to touch, which is the most highly developed sense at birth.
The more you can relax, the more your baby will relax inside you. The more you talk, sing and read to your baby, the more he or she will become accustomed to your voice.
If you are regularly communicating with your baby. He/She knows the rhythms of your body and your sleep cycles, your movements and stillness, and, most important, the sound of your voice.
Research shows that their mother’s voice plays a crucial role in babies’ growth and development in the womb. Long before you hold your baby in your arms, you begin nurturing baby through the power of your unique voice.
Schedule Your Consultation.
Call 9773170560/9825463394
Infant’s temperament is influenced by the mother’s personality, family economic status, pregnancy-specific anxiety, depression and stress in pregnancy and after delivery, parenting, and mode of feeding.

Baby Bonding In The Womb During Pregnancy(Part 5)

Babies begin to learn about the world they live in while they are in the womb. Their prenatal experiences can shape their expectations about life outside the womb, and prepare them for life after birth.

"Sensory Development in Utero"
Use all five senses to connect with your baby and create a nurturing environment for both of you. Babies are also eagerly sensing the world around them, starting from a very early gestational age.
Touch is the first of the senses to develop with development starting at around 8 weeks. Before your baby can smell, taste, see or hear, he/she has already developed another sense: touch. the sense of touch is one of baby’s earliest tools to learn about the world around....which is why it’s so important for a baby’s sense of touch to be fully developed by the time he/she is born.
Your baby is surrounded by amniotic fluid & sense of smell is already up and running well before birth. Smells and tastes are carried by the mother’s amniotic fluid, which foetuses absorb through increased breathing, swallowing and mouthing motions as the pregnancy advances. Your baby can detect odours that pass through into the womb and dissolve in the amniotic fluid, but they do this using the sense of taste rather than smell....Your baby is swallowing amniotic fluid all the time – it’s rather like salt water...If you eat garlic or strong spices regularly in pregnancy, the flavour works its way through into the amniotic fluid. Your baby gets used to the flavours of your normal diet. After the birth, your breastmilk will have a familiar taste for your baby, and will prefer your milk after you’ve been eating your favourite foods. Babies who experience a nutritious, well-balanced diet before birth are likely to be more accepting of a variety of food after birth.
If you would like your baby to love fruits and vegetables when he/she grows up, you can begin introducing different kinds of fruits and vegetables during pregnancy. By tasting the mother’s diet, your baby begins to learn about the culture they will be born into. It is likely that during the last weeks of pregnancy, your baby can taste strong-flavoured foods that you eat. So babies prefer familiar tastes and smells so you can take this opportunity to give your baby as many healthy taste and smell experiences as possible by eating healthily.
"Do you know babies’ sense of smell also develops in the womb"
Do you know a pregnant mother's diet not only sensitizes the fetus to those smells and flavors, but physically changes the brain directly impacting what the infant eats and drinks in the future.....If she eats healthy food, the child will prefer healthy food.
What an expectant mother chooses to eat and drink has long-term effects for better or worse on her baby's sensory anatomy as well his or her odor memory and food preferences in the future.
Although it is dark inside the womb, human skin does allow light to pass through and provide some illumination for the developing fetus. According to research the uterus can be a surprisingly luminous place and their eyes are sensitive to bright light, so they're more likely to open their eyes in low light.
If a pregnant woman rubs her belly, her fetus can feel the vibrations. And babies engage in lots of self-touch, especially during the third trimester, when their skin may become more sensitive to stimulation. After birth, babies continue to explore the world through touch, and it's clear that touch is a powerful social and emotional signal.
Touch stimulation is relaxing and reassuring for your baby inside the womb. Babies will often respond to touch stimulation by touching the wall of the uterus, changing their positions, kicking or pushing back. Early touch aids babies’ mental and physical growth.
Classical, culturl music and other instrumental music can be relaxing to listen to during pregnancy and throughout the first few years of your baby’s life. You can combine touch and sound stimulation by patting your belly in beat with the music.
Newborns also prefer their mother’s language compared to another language. Reading, talking and singing to your baby will enabl to know his/her parents before birth. It encourages the cognitive development of your baby, and also bonding with your baby.
All through pregnancy, right up to the day of the birth, you’re building a relationship with your baby. Your baby will know your moods, your habits and your voice intimately by the time they’re born.
If you foster calm and peace in your baby’s environment even before he/she is born, the effects can last through the birth, the newborn weeks, the first year, and on into childhood. A magical beginning.
Overall results suggest that maternal touch of the abdomen was a powerful stimulus, producing a range of fetal behavioural responses.
Loving, consistent, positive relationships help build healthy brains and protect your baby’s brain from the negative effects of stress... You can bond with, and teach your baby about the world he lives in by stimulating his senses during pregnancy. Prenatal sensory experiences help to shape your baby’s brain.
The third trimester is the best time to stimulate baby’s senses. Fetus is able to detect stimuli in utero and form memories of them.
Schedule Your Consultation to Know More About Five Senses to Connect With Your Unborn Baby.
Call 9773170560/9825463394

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Baby Bonding In The Womb During Pregnancy(Part 4)

 Baby Bonding In The Womb During Pregnancy(Part 4)

How to Make a Baby Smarter in the Womb?
Reading to Your Baby in the Womb : Develop Baby's Brain.
You can increase your baby’s intelligence by playing music or reading stories.
Benefits to Reading to a Unborn Baby in the Womb.
I started to read books when my baby was in my womb. Just place your hand on the womb, read and mentally communicate with your unborn baby.
Science shows that reading to baby in the womb helps develop early language learning.
The stories you read to your baby evoke certain emotions in her/him. The rhyming lines and the lullabies develop a sense of voice modulation too from an early stage. He/She also becomes alert and responds to it. If you read to your baby daily, baby will recognise your voice once he/she is out in the real world, and this will help develop a strong bond between you and your baby. In certain cases, babies also pick up newer words and understand their meanings pretty early in their lives.
Babies in the womb hear, recognize, learn and remember their mother’s voice and respond to it after birth. This means he/she will even recognize stories she heard you read — the best way to raise a book lover and a kid who loves to learn.
A prenatal enrichment approach includes stimulating the baby in utero through singing, reading and talking, all of which are believed to enhance a baby's intellectual development.
Start reading aloud and this is the very best way to bond prenatally. Hearing is the sense that is most highly developed in utero, and the one that gives you the most direct connection with your baby.
Reading to a baby in the womb may have a positive effect on fetal development. The developing fetus whose mother enjoys reading aloud during pregnancy likely benefits more from her sense of calm and well-being than from the actual words themselves. Reading to the baby in utero may help a woman to practice bonding behaviors. When a woman reads aloud to her baby in utero, she may relate to him or her more actively and directly while doing so. It is believed that a baby does learn to recognize his mother's voice prenatally. Mother's voice causes a baby’s fetal heart rate to lower.
The stories you read to your baby evoke certain emotions. The rhyming lines and the lullabies develop a sense of voice modulation too from an early stage. Many aspects also indicate that reading helps babies to pick up newer words for their vocabulary pretty early in life and make it easier for them to understand the meaning easily. However, when a baby hears the voice in the womb, becomes alert and responds to it. If you read to your baby daily, your baby will recognize your voice once he/she out in the real world and this will develop the bond between you and your baby.
Everything that you do, right from eating to speaking to exercising, affects the baby in one way or the other. The aural perception is so strong that most babies are able to develop an affinity for the native language over any other even without understanding it fully.
It’s not only the sounds your baby hears in the womb instead what you eat while you're pregnant affects the flavour of your amniotic fluid, and it's thought that your baby may also be able to remember the different tastes that he/she experiences. Some experts believe that this familiarity with flavours can help to establish breastfeeding, as your diet also affects the flavour of your breastmilk. One study showed that babies whose mums drank a lot of carrot juice during the last trimester preferred carrot-flavoured cereal rather than plain.
The natural stimulation your baby receives from everyday conversations and activities is more than enough to prepare him/her for the outside world.
Pregnant women are also expected to restrict their behaviour, thoughts and actions to create the best environment for their babies.
It's through these experiences that your baby prepares for life after birth.
Learn how to start reading to your unborn baby early, even in the womb.
For a great way to help you and your baby bond before the birth, why not try our Garbh Sanskar sessions?
Call 9773170560/9825463394
Let's creat better society for our Nation by educating unborn baby in the womb.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Baby Bonding In The Womb During Pregnancy(Part 3)

 "Nurturing Connection With Your Unborn Baby"

From a scientific point of view, you and your baby are connected because you share the same blood supply and pass nutritional substances and hormones back and forth across the placenta. Feelings happen because of chemical changes in your blood stream. This means that whatever you are feeling, your baby can feel as well.
Making a connection with your unborn baby can strengthen the bond you share, make you feel closer, and enrich you and your baby's lives. Even in the womb the baby can respond. When the mother is frightened or upset, for example, the baby's heart rate can double. Stands to reason then, that when the mother is calm and relaxed, the baby will be, too. All pregnant women get emotionally upset. But if you're chronically upset, this can have an effect on the child's personality. Also, watch how your different emotional states affect the baby's behavior. When you are really upset, how does he/she respond? When you feel peaceful, how do they respond? This will help you to understand how important it is to eliminate stress from your environment during pregnancy, and especially during the birth as well.
According to this research, babies who were stimulated with touch and sound in the womb appeared to be more alert at birth, had better head control and were able to turn their heads in the direction of their parent's voices. Communicating with your unborn baby while pregnant is not just about forming a bond but also about affecting their social and emotional states at birth.
By providing a peaceful environment in which you and your baby can bond before it's born & communicating those feelings of love by taking some time every day and sitting quietly, with your eyes closed, and telling your baby how welcome it is in your life.
Please get a small journal or blank book, and begin to write in it as often as possible. Write in it as if you are talking to the baby. Not only will this help you bond with your baby, but it is a nice momento for later on, and you can give it to the child when they are old enough. Talk to the baby about how much you love them, what your concerns are about the birth, ask the baby questions about him/herself, or ask the baby to do something you need them to do, such as turn to a different position. This will be a wonderful record of the developing relationship with your new child.
Talk to the baby. Say goodnight before you go to bed, good morning when you wake up, and talk to it throughout the day. New borns know their mom's voice after birth. That's the voice they will turn to.
Place your hands on your abdomen and rest your hands quietly, feeling the baby kick, or gently massaging the baby. You can even play games with the baby. Press lightly on your abdomen and you'll feel the baby kick back. It's worth taking a few minutes every day to relax and just visualise yourself holding your new baby. Imagine what he or she might look like and what you might say to them.
Establish a deeper level of communication – through relaxation, visualization, meditation, guided imagery, journal writing, dream work, music, partner dialogue, affirmations, stimulation, verbal stimulation, free drawing, rhythmic breathing and any other creative way you can think of.
• Touch – massaging, stroking
• Sound – talking, singing, music
• Emotional – Love, joy, happiness
• Spiritual – Meditation,Yoga,Pranayama,By Holistic Approach & Reading Books
A prenatal enrichment approach includes stimulating the baby in utero through singing, reading and talking, all of which are believed to enhance a baby's intellectual development.
Reading to a baby in the womb may have a positive effect on fetal development. The developing fetus whose mother enjoys reading aloud during pregnancy likely benefits more from her sense of calm and well-being than from the actual words themselves. Reading to the baby in utero may help a woman to practice bonding behaviors. When a woman reads aloud to her baby in utero, she may relate to him or her more actively and directly while doing so. It is believed that a baby does learn to recognize his mother's voice prenatally.
Talking to the baby, whether through reading or speaking aloud, helps to create a sense of the baby as he or she will be after birth.
An effective way to introduce your baby to the outside world is by giving your bump a regular, gentle massage while pregnant. Babies will often respond to your touch by kicking the place you just massaged or by changing positions.
Bonding With Baby...
Enhance the intuitive connection between you and your baby
Increase communication and bonding with your baby
Transmit positive thoughts and love to your baby
Removing fears regarding your pregnancy and childbirth
Higher likelihood of a calm, happier and healthier baby
Learn a wisdom through out your Pregnancy.
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I advice pregnant women should make time for rest and activities that promote peace and relaxation. A positive state of mind during pregnancy may benefit the developing baby.