Thursday, January 14, 2021


 Understrand Importance of Panchmahabhut in foetus development : Call 9773170560/9825463394

Panchamahabhuta are important components of the body. It is the five basic constituents which exist in the universe and humanbeings;they are Akasha,Vayu,Agni,Jala and Prithvi.Each Mahabhuta possesses specific characteristic features, which are responsible for foetal growth and development.
Ayurved defines garbha or foetus, as union of sperm,ovum,and atma or jeeva inside the uterus. Acording to ayurveda the development of foetus that is cell division(vibhajan),metabolism(paachan),moistening(kledan),solidification(samhanana)and vivardhan(increase in size) is done by vayu,agni,jala,prithvi,and akkash mahabhuta respectively.
Akasha: Sattva dominant
Vayu: Rajas dominant
Agni: Sattva and Rajas dominant
Jala: Sattva and Tamas dominant
Prithvi: Tamas dominant
In fact every substance in this universe has its panchamahabhuta composition doesn’t matter whether they are living or non living.
The amalgam of sperm and ovum when embedded in uterus along with chetana then vayu Mahabhut starts division in embryo to form dosha (humours) and avayavas (organs), Teja mahabhuta helps in biotransformation or provides energy, jala mahabhuta provides kledan(moisture), Prithvi mahabhuta provides strength by consolidation and Akash mahabhuta helps in overall embryonic growth by creating hollow structures of organs.
The five Mahabhuta(basic elements) play a important role in formation,developmentand maintenance of Garbha(embryo). The union of sperm and ovum) and Atma(soul) in the uterus is designated as Garbha(embryo).Mahabhutha plays an important role in Garbhautpatti(embryo genesis).
All living beings and non-living objects in the universe are made up of Panchamahabhuta. Acharya charaka, Sushrutha,Vagbhatta, Bhava mishra have opined various views regarding composition of body by Mahabhutas(basic elements) and Chetana(soul). Acharya charaka states that soul(Chetana) unites with the Akasha mahabhuta first and then it further unites with other four basic elements(Vayu, Agni, Jala, Prithvi). It is said that God equipped with mind created Akasha mahabhuta first and rest of them(basic elements) are created thereafter.
Dosha, Dhatu, Mala, Anga and Pratyanga(minor and major parts of body) is done by Vayu mahabhuta.
Human shape and structure is provided by Teja.It also gives complexion to the body. The Kleda (moistening) that is dryness and absorption caused by Vayu and Teja are normalised by Jala mahabhuta. The softened foetus regains hardness and specific shape by Prithvi mahabhuta. Thus formed foetus increases in size by Adhmapana (inflating) to Srotas (channels) which runs all over the body in Urdhva (upward), Adhah (downward) and Tiryak (oblique) directions by the influence of Akasha mahabhuta.Bhavamishra opines that Agni mahabhuta performs metabolic(Pachana) functions of the foetus and maintains the life of the Garbha (foetus).
All body components are derived from Panchamahabhuta. It is difficult to say thaone particular component is derived from one particular Mahabhuata. Influence of Mahabhuta play a vital role in Garbhautpatti(embryogenesis) and the same is carried out throughout the life. The science thus seems to include every aspect of embryology starting with fertilization upto development. The five Mahabhutas(basic elements) along with Shukra(sperm) and Shonitha(ovum) helps in conversion of embryo into Hasta(hands), Pada(legs), Jihva(tongue), Nitamba(buttocks) and so on. This is found to be achieved by various functions of basic elements such as division, assimilation, metabolism etc. Thus the whole Shareera(body) is constituted. Human body contains 4 Shakha(limbs), Madhya(middle part) and Shira(head).
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Ayurvedic acharyas of the Ancient times have explains the concepts of conception, formation of zygote and foetus, the inheritance of various qualities, formation of different organs & system and month by month development of foetus in a subtle and detailed way.
Ayurveda is using four primary factors i.e. Mother, father, soul and nutrition.The soul that enters at the time of fertilization plays a crucial role in the physical and mental nature of the child a couple will create. In spite of same family, birth time, nutrition; people differs in their life span, psychometaphysical aspects.
The mental state during the time period of conception and during the pregnancy impact the nature of the soul that incarnates into the womb.
The practice given by Acharya charaka is for the mother to visualize the desired child and eat, dress and live in the way
that represents the culture wanted in the nature of the child. This lifestyle supports the visualization and is aimed at attracting soul desired by the parents. The thoughts and desires arising from the past karmas of the parents attract a soul of like nature. During the early stages of human development, material ambitious and an egotistical nature are justified because atma (deeds of previous life) drive us onwards and upwards.
Modern epigenetic research would say that stress measured by cortisol levels impacts gene expres- sion in the early stage of embryogenesis.
Psyche of the foetustotally a derivative of one chromosome or gene because, Psyche of the foetus depends upon the genetic derivatives, gestation derivatives and environmental derivatives.
Sattva with its association with soul at the time of union of sperm ovum, is considered as an essential factor for the development of embryo.
Thus we can say that the Sattva of the foetus is moulded by three factors:
1. Sattva of parents - Genetic derivatives.
2. Garbhini Uparjita Karma- Gestation derivatives.
3. Janmantara Vishesha Abhyasa- Environmental derivatives.
Foetus in the womb is believed to be able to recognize love, happiness, sadness and stress. A pregnant woman’s thoughts have a physical connection to her unborn child. Everything the pregnant mother feels and thinks is communicated through neurohormones to her unborn child. A pregnant woman’s thoughts are the precursor for the neuro- hormones. When pregnant mother is anxious, stressed, or in a fearful state, the stress hormones released into her bloodstream cross through the placenta to the body. Stress activates the unbornchild’s endocrine system and influences foetal brain development.

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