1. Readind aloud to the bump brings so many benefits and so much joy. Cherish this relatively quiet time at home, building this beautiful connection as your unborn baby grows. And while you’re there, start reading aloud! This is the very best way to bond prenatally.
2. Your baby become familiar with your unique voice : Research shows that babies recognise their mother at birth & can distinguish their mothers voice from that of stranger.
3. A familiar rhythmic story will smooh your newborn: babies can remember or story heard regularly during last trimester for upto weeks after birth and they ae calmed by that story.
4. Talking time to relax is part of a healthy pregnancy: when mother to be sits in a comfortable place and breaths, she is doing the most important for herself and her baby. Setting aside time everyday to relax & read to your baby in th4 womb will help to slow down your heart beat and beathing.
5, When you take to relax, beneath and enjoy a beautiful book, your baby relax too: when an expectant mother's heart beat and breathing slow down, her baby responds physically and neurologically. These responses have a positive effect on the baby's growth & development.
6. Bonding with babies prenatally benefits their future health and emotional wellbeing: when you feel love your baby to be you release feel good hormones...the result is unhindered growth & well being.
7. Establish a routine reading now creates a special family time for years to come: There are incredible benefits to children of having a regular storytime routine. Reading to a nightly bedtime story while you are pregnant prepares baby to be for a sleep schedule....Reading to your baby before birth and after strengthens family and socisl bonding.
Hearing is the sense that is most highly developed in utero, and the one that gives you the most direct connection with your baby.
Babies are particularly sensitive to touch, which is the most highly developed sense at birth.
The more you can relax, the more your baby will relax inside you. The more you talk, sing and read to your baby, the more he or she will become accustomed to your voice.
If you are regularly communicating with your baby. He/She knows the rhythms of your body and your sleep cycles, your movements and stillness, and, most important, the sound of your voice.
Research shows that their mother’s voice plays a crucial role in babies’ growth and development in the womb. Long before you hold your baby in your arms, you begin nurturing baby through the power of your unique voice.
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Infant’s temperament is influenced by the mother’s personality, family economic status, pregnancy-specific anxiety, depression and stress in pregnancy and after delivery, parenting, and mode of feeding.
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