Prenatal Music For Baby Bonding
The sound environment of the womb is very rich.
It is proven that music has a role in brain development before birth. Listening to music during pregnancy will not only have a soothing and uplifting effect on the pregnant woman, but also a positive influence on the unborn baby. In the third trimester, the baby will be definitely able to hear the music you play. Classical music, gentle sounds like lullabies, nice melodies that inspire happiness all are designed to be soothing.
Your womb is a sacred place. Let’s create a divine connection which a mother and baby develop during these magical nine months of pregnancy.
For this reason, music prepares the ear, body and brain to listen to, integrate and produce language sounds. Music can thus be considered a pre-linguistic language which is nourishing and stimulating, affecting body, emotions, intellect, and developing an internal sense of beauty, sustaining and awakening the qualities that are wordless and otherwise inexpressible.
The sense of hearing & touch are probably the most developed of all the senses before birth. Four month old fetuses can respond in very specific ways to sound; if exposed to loud music, their heart beat will accelerate. “Use all five senses to connect with your baby and create a nurturing environment for both of you.”
Music, because of its nature and qualities, is most suitable for the task of nurturing the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual development of the unborn baby. Music affects the cells and organs of the body. Music can play a role in happiness. Several studies have shown that uplifting, soothing music helps increase the baby's intelligence. The positive vibes thus created will be passed on to your baby also.
The impact of music interventions during pregnancy have an impact on stress reduction, not only during pregnancy but also during the course of delivery, and furthermore induce fetal awareness. Among the therapeutic qualities of music, we find that it relieves anxiety; it produces slower and more uniform brain waves that provide a state of greater relaxation and well-being. it influences cardiac rhythm and blood pressure; and it lowers muscle tension and improves movement and coordination. Music therapy is one of the disciplines that are involved in prenatal health care and has shown positive effects on stress, anxiety, and depression....High stress levels in expectant mothers can have negative effects on fetal development. Music and singing has a soothing effect on the expecting mother and the unborn baby alike and contributes to a healthy and happy baby later in life....Listening to a relaxing song sends calming chemicals throughout the body and into the placenta, facilitating bonding and relaxation, because music facilitates neuron connections in the brain. Listening and experiencing music stimulates the fetus’ brain and assists with the growth of brain structures.
Also remmber that the sound of the mother’s voice is incredibly soothing to baby and assists with developing a bond before baby is born. The mother’s voice has been proven to have an impact on the developing brain.
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