In Ayurveda, getting pregnant is considered in great detail about how one should prepare for conception by being healthy at the physical, psychological & at spiritual levels.
In Ayurveda, getting pregnant is considered in great detail about how one should prepare for conception by being healthy at the physical, psychological & at spiritual levels.
Ayurveda considers the period before pregnancy (pre-conception) very crucial for preparing the body for bearing as well as supporting the foetus.
Pre-conceptive parents have the opportunity to give their unborn baby to create an optimal womb environment.
You have the opportunity to create the nest you want for unborn baby before inviting her soul to enter. This can be a very magical time of deepening into the sacred and into your own instincts and creativity as you open the channels to Source and invite your baby to join you.
According to Ayurveda when healthy seed (semen and ovum), healthy uterus, proper nutrition, and the right time...when all these four aspects function well and are balanced, they facilitate natural conception.
Balancing vata dosha is more important, if you are planning for pregnancy: Blood circulation, respiration, excretion, and transportation are considered the main functions of vata dosha. Apana vata, one of the five types of vata, is naturally responsible for menses, secretion of semen, and elimination of urine and stool. The pelvic area, or the reproductive system, is one of natural locations of the vata dosha. When data dosha gets aggravated, it is unable to carry out its natural functions and can create semen related disorders and irregularity in menstruation cycle.
Antenatal care is must during pregnancy that means expected
mother should be cared properly during this period.
According to Ayurveda it is called Masanumasiki Chikitsa.
The meaning of word Masanumasiki is month-to-month
treatment. As per Ayurveda different food habits and
treatments are required every month. According to Ayurveda there are nine varied groups of medicines and herbs for each month.
AYURVEDA has a well-documented description of caring for pregnant women, called Garbhini Paricharya. The regimen prescribes practices for each month and stage of pregnancy. Garbhini Paricharya prescribes ahara (diet), vihara (lifestyle) and vichara (thought process) to be followed during pregnancy as these have a direct effect on the mother and the child. Of these, wholesome diet is given great importance as it aids foetal growth, maternal health and lactation after childbirth. Great care is also recommended during the first three months and after the completion of the seventh month of pregnancy.
Promoting the Health of Mother and Baby During Pregnancy Using Ayurveda begins with a month by month description of developments during pregnancy. It covers the topics of apana vata, nutrition, the daily routine, yoga asana, meditation, happiness, challenges, herbs, herbal treatments, classical month by month regimens, herbal ghees, and preparing for the baby.
Ayurveda gives detail the month wise dietetic regimen. By following these dietetic regimens prescribed, the pregnant woman, having normal development of foetus, remains healthy and delivers a child possessing good health, energy, strength, complexion and voice. The child would also be sturdy. They are recommended for the pregnant woman right from the first month upto the ninth month of pregnancy.
Kula or Gotra of parents, maternal age at the time of
conception, health of the reproductive organs of the female,
time of conception, beeja of mother, maternal Diet during
pregnancy, drugs-medicines taken by a woman during her
pregnancy, and any disease in the mother during her
pregnancy, can affect the health and normalcy of a fetus
Pregnancy is the one of the most important event in the life of
every women. Ayurveda advices a wholesome diet for each
month for the healthy growth of the baby in the mother’s
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