You have the power to directly influence your unborn baby’s lifelong health...Call 9773170560/9825463394
According to Ayurveda, preparing for conception can be easily compared to the process of farming. Just like the health of a crop depends on the quality of soil, seed, proper timing of sowing and water (containing nutrient matter) gets, the health of a baby depends on the health of its parents. For a pregnancy to be healthy and successful, a couple needs to take care of the following four essential factors.
* Sperm / Ovum (Seeds)
* Uterus (Soil)
* Nourishment (Water)
* Time for Conception (Timing of Sowing)
According to Ayurveda when healthy seed (semen and ovum), healthy uterus, proper nutrition, and the right time...when all these four aspects function well and are balanced, they facilitate natural conception.You plant your seeds, and at the right time, in the right environment, and with the right care, you might start “sprouting” a healthy baby. And you want to make sure your body is the most hospitable place to grow and nurture the precious new life you’re bringing into the world...consciously planning your conception allows you to influence not only your own health during pregnancy but your baby’s health as well.
For optimising natural fertility, Ayurveda defines a healthy person as one who is established in the Self (higher-self), who has, balanced Agni, balanced Doshas, properly formed Dhatus, proper elimination of Malas [wastes], well-functioning bodily processes, and whose mind, senses and soul all are full of bliss.
Ayurvedic body therapies such as Shirodhara, Abhyanga, marma therapy, Nasya, Basti, chakra balancing Pinda help in releasing tension, impurities and trapped energy within the body. They
nourish the body, revitalize the mind and strengthen the immune system. Rejuvenation therapies are beneficial in reducing stress, nourishing all dhatus of the body and pacifying Vata.Panchakarma is usually prescribed for the couples who are planning for pregnancy. Rejuvenative therapies are basically recommended for Vata Dosha, and cooling light therapies for pitta Dosha. Shodhana chikitsa helps in uterine hostility, and non-ovulatory cycles. To remove local disorders, to remove obstructions in passage and to facilitate proper coitus, and to
increase receptivity of the genital tract to the entry of the sperm, Basti is recommended. Massaging the body reduces stress, rejuvenates the entire body, and pacifies the underlying Dosha.
A sedentary lifestyle results in believed to stagnant lymph flow. If the body is too active, the body may not be able to carry away all the waste that is produced. Therefore, the deep tissue massage work to stimulate the flow of lymph. This bodily fluid carries wastes and impurities away from tissues and needs muscle
contractions to move efficiently throughout the body. The massage can help in increasing the chances of conception by clearing blocked fallopian tubes. Which is also an effective technique of interrupting stress and returning the body to a state of equilibrium which involves massaging different areas of the hands and feet (to establish the tension level for the rest of the body) corresponding to those internal organs that may cause infertility.
Ayurveda addresses the internal balances and external influences contributing to the problem by building the Ojas, improving the overall health of the individual, stimulating
the hypothalamus and pituitary glands thereby indirectly inducing the ovaries to ripen and release eggs.
Ojas is the essence of all of the bodily tissues and directly influencing physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual life of a person. If Ojas is low, perfect and positive health is impossible – it is difficult for a person to let go off disease, or attain the higher states of bliss and consciousness.
You have the opportunity to create the nest you want for unborn baby before inviting her soul to enter. This can be a very magical time of deepening into the sacred and into your own instincts and creativity as you open the channels to Source and invite your baby to join you.
In just a few months, you'll prepare every aspect of your being– body, mind and spirit to conceive the healthiest baby possible.
Call 9773170560/9825463394
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