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Monday, November 9, 2020
If You Are Planning For Pregnancy, Optimise Natural Fertility In Couple With Ayurveda.
According to Ayurveda, preparing for conception can be easily compared to the process of farming. Just like the health of a crop depends on the quality of soil, seed, proper timing of sowing and water (containing nutrient matter) gets, the health of a baby depends on the health of its parents. For a pregnancy to be healthy and successful, a couple needs to take care of the following four essential factors.
* Sperm / Ovum (Seeds)
* Uterus (Soil)
* Nourishment (Water)
* Time for Conception (Timing of Sowing)
According to Ayurveda when healthy seed (semen and ovum), healthy uterus, proper nutrition, and the right time...when all these four aspects function well and are balanced, they facilitate natural conception.You plant your seeds, and at the right time, in the right environment, and with the right care, you might start “sprouting” a healthy baby. And you want to make sure your body is the most hospitable place to grow and nurture the precious new life you’re bringing into the world...consciously planning your conception allows you to influence not only your own health during pregnancy but your baby’s health as well.
For optimising natural fertility, Ayurveda defines a healthy person as one who is established in the Self (higher-self), who has, balanced Agni, balanced Doshas, properly formed Dhatus, proper elimination of Malas [wastes], well-functioning bodily processes, and whose mind, senses and soul all are full of bliss.
Ayurvedic body therapies such as Shirodhara, Abhyanga, marma therapy, Nasya, Basti, chakra balancing Pinda help in releasing tension, impurities and trapped energy within the body. They
nourish the body, revitalize the mind and strengthen the immune system. Rejuvenation therapies are beneficial in reducing stress, nourishing all dhatus of the body and pacifying Vata.Panchakarma is usually prescribed for the couples who are planning for pregnancy. Rejuvenative therapies are basically recommended for Vata Dosha, and cooling light therapies for pitta Dosha. Shodhana chikitsa helps in uterine hostility, and non-ovulatory cycles. To remove local disorders, to remove obstructions in passage and to facilitate proper coitus, and to
increase receptivity of the genital tract to the entry of the sperm, Basti is recommended. Massaging the body reduces stress, rejuvenates the entire body, and pacifies the underlying Dosha.
A sedentary lifestyle results in believed to stagnant lymph flow. If the body is too active, the body may not be able to carry away all the waste that is produced. Therefore, the deep tissue massage work to stimulate the flow of lymph. This bodily fluid carries wastes and impurities away from tissues and needs muscle
contractions to move efficiently throughout the body. The massage can help in increasing the chances of conception by clearing blocked fallopian tubes. Which is also an effective technique of interrupting stress and returning the body to a state of equilibrium which involves massaging different areas of the hands and feet (to establish the tension level for the rest of the body) corresponding to those internal organs that may cause infertility.
Ayurveda addresses the internal balances and external influences contributing to the problem by building the Ojas, improving the overall health of the individual, stimulating
the hypothalamus and pituitary glands thereby indirectly inducing the ovaries to ripen and release eggs.
Ojas is the essence of all of the bodily tissues and directly influencing physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual life of a person. If Ojas is low, perfect and positive health is impossible – it is difficult for a person to let go off disease, or attain the higher states of bliss and consciousness.
You have the opportunity to create the nest you want for unborn baby before inviting her soul to enter. This can be a very magical time of deepening into the sacred and into your own instincts and creativity as you open the channels to Source and invite your baby to join you.
In just a few months, you'll prepare every aspect of your being– body, mind and spirit to conceive the healthiest baby possible.
Call 9773170560/9825463394
Thursday, November 5, 2020
In Ayurveda, getting pregnant is considered in great detail about how one should prepare for conception by being healthy at the physical, psychological & at spiritual levels.
In Ayurveda, getting pregnant is considered in great detail about how one should prepare for conception by being healthy at the physical, psychological & at spiritual levels.
Ayurveda considers the period before pregnancy (pre-conception) very crucial for preparing the body for bearing as well as supporting the foetus.
Pre-conceptive parents have the opportunity to give their unborn baby to create an optimal womb environment.
You have the opportunity to create the nest you want for unborn baby before inviting her soul to enter. This can be a very magical time of deepening into the sacred and into your own instincts and creativity as you open the channels to Source and invite your baby to join you.
According to Ayurveda when healthy seed (semen and ovum), healthy uterus, proper nutrition, and the right time...when all these four aspects function well and are balanced, they facilitate natural conception.
Balancing vata dosha is more important, if you are planning for pregnancy: Blood circulation, respiration, excretion, and transportation are considered the main functions of vata dosha. Apana vata, one of the five types of vata, is naturally responsible for menses, secretion of semen, and elimination of urine and stool. The pelvic area, or the reproductive system, is one of natural locations of the vata dosha. When data dosha gets aggravated, it is unable to carry out its natural functions and can create semen related disorders and irregularity in menstruation cycle.
Antenatal care is must during pregnancy that means expected
mother should be cared properly during this period.
According to Ayurveda it is called Masanumasiki Chikitsa.
The meaning of word Masanumasiki is month-to-month
treatment. As per Ayurveda different food habits and
treatments are required every month. According to Ayurveda there are nine varied groups of medicines and herbs for each month.
AYURVEDA has a well-documented description of caring for pregnant women, called Garbhini Paricharya. The regimen prescribes practices for each month and stage of pregnancy. Garbhini Paricharya prescribes ahara (diet), vihara (lifestyle) and vichara (thought process) to be followed during pregnancy as these have a direct effect on the mother and the child. Of these, wholesome diet is given great importance as it aids foetal growth, maternal health and lactation after childbirth. Great care is also recommended during the first three months and after the completion of the seventh month of pregnancy.
Promoting the Health of Mother and Baby During Pregnancy Using Ayurveda begins with a month by month description of developments during pregnancy. It covers the topics of apana vata, nutrition, the daily routine, yoga asana, meditation, happiness, challenges, herbs, herbal treatments, classical month by month regimens, herbal ghees, and preparing for the baby.
Ayurveda gives detail the month wise dietetic regimen. By following these dietetic regimens prescribed, the pregnant woman, having normal development of foetus, remains healthy and delivers a child possessing good health, energy, strength, complexion and voice. The child would also be sturdy. They are recommended for the pregnant woman right from the first month upto the ninth month of pregnancy.
Kula or Gotra of parents, maternal age at the time of
conception, health of the reproductive organs of the female,
time of conception, beeja of mother, maternal Diet during
pregnancy, drugs-medicines taken by a woman during her
pregnancy, and any disease in the mother during her
pregnancy, can affect the health and normalcy of a fetus
Pregnancy is the one of the most important event in the life of
every women. Ayurveda advices a wholesome diet for each
month for the healthy growth of the baby in the mother’s
Schedule Your Consultation.
Call 9773170560/9825463394
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Conception, pregnancy, and motherhood is the deepest spiritual journey you have ever known.
Conscious Consception is the process to a mindful decision, to a mindful process in which we prepare body, mind and spirit and return the moment of life creation. Empowering the divine feminine and the divine masculine, and making them active participants in the sacred rite of co-creation with the divine.
Through the act of consciously conceiving your baby by connecting with their souls pre-conception and clearing your body, mind and spirit of toxicity, old patterning and emotions, you can bring a child to their full potential and birth high frequency beings.
Clear Your Own Energetic and Spiritual Blocks With Ayurveda
Ayurveda is a traditional system of healing that concentrates not only on the physical body, but also goes beyond the understanding of consciousness. It is said that the human body is composed of panchamahabhutas. When a person is in darkness, the panchamahabhutas residing in tridoshas are disrupted. To bring back the equilibrium to the dosha, agni, dhatu, mala, and to have mental happiness, freshness of sense organs and good spiritual intellect conception along with ayurveda should be practised as suggested in classical texts.
Pregnancy is a stage where a woman goes through physical, emotional, and mental stress. To overcome these situations and to attain a systematic and harmonious life, she should follow many things in life.
Ayurveda emphasizes the preconception period just as much, if not more, than the pregnancy period itself.
Before any growth or progress, a cleansing of the things that do not serve you well must occur. This is an opportunity to start new, on a blank slate, so that you can offer your highest self to the passage of pregnancy and to parenthood. Anger, grief, toxins, emotional heaviness, and more all have a profound impact on your pregnancy. In fertility cleansing, there is a specific effort to remove toxins and excess doshas from the field, the nutrients and fluid, and the seed, which are deeper tissue layers and therefore require deeper cleansing. This is also a time to cleanse yourself of any dysfunctionalities within—any anger, greed, attachment, or excess pride and ego. Release all expectations of life and of yourself and even any expectations that you may have of your future child.
So, CLEANSE is on of the first stage for preparing a healthy and conscious pregnancy, and Panchkarama is one of the best Ayurvedic cleanse treatment on this planet, if you are planning for pregnancy. The cleanse serves to clear toxins (ama) and excess doshas so that channels flow freely and toxins do not inhibit the proper functioning of any tissue.
Cleanse : This ensures you have the best quality egg or sperm, and your Ojas is balanced and refilled, and so you feel like you have good energy to go into pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. This process can be done 3 to 6 months before by both partners plan to try to conceive.....I simply want that all of these Ayurveda practices and the preparations for conception is our intention for being healthy ourselves, and inviting a healthy being into the world, mind, body and spirit.
On an Ayurvedic spiritual level, the path to conscious conception can involve visualizing the person, their qualities and characteristics of soul we are calling in.
According to Ayurvedic anatomy and physiology, the tissues of the body take 45 days to receive nourishment at their deepest levels after a cleanse and rejuvenation program. Within this is the understanding that it takes few days for each tissue layer of the body to be nourished. To nourish your cells all the way down to egg or sperm level, the 7th tissue layer, it’s going to take 49 days for prime nourishment to reach that level.
These Ayurvedic cleanse practice remove toxins from the GI tract, and even deeper tissues, before we rebuild them. Other self care routines are also adopted, which can be continued in daily life for long-term benefit.
After a cleanse, the aim is to balance our digestive strength, and use deeply nourishing herbs and foods to nourish all our tissues. As mentioned, in Ayurveda, we talk about 7 tissue layers of the body, and the reproductive tissues (egg and sperm) are the 7th tissue. This means that it may be the final tissue to be fully nourished – and even beyond, and after the reproductive tissue, is our deepest layer of resilience, immunity, and strength, that we named ‘Ojas.’ Ojas is truly the substance responsible for fertility, and creation of new life. Certain herbs and foods are specifically used to build Ojas, as well as specifically used to nourish the reproductive tissue. This may differ for you dependent on your digestive capacity, constitution, and specific imbalances you are working with.
In the physical body, unlike the other dhatus, there is no unstable form of shukra dhatu to be digested and transformed into another dhatu. Shukra is the end of the line in the dhatu transformation cycle. There is, however, an aspect of shukra dhatu that undergoes a different type of transformation called sublimation. From the sublimation of shukra, ojas is formed, and ojas then becomes a part of every dhatu, providing it with strength and stability. The journey from rasa to ojas is a cycle that takes six days according to vaidya Charaka and one month according to vaidya Sushruta.
The preconception time offers a golden opportunity to provide the best of the both of you to your future baby. Ayurvedic preconception care takes advantage of our body’s natural ability to cleanse and renew. Ayurveda offers a complete approach to fertility that embraces both the male and the female roles as equally important.
According to Ayurveda, the egg and sperm - this reproductive tissue is the very last tissue in our bodies to be created. It is the most refined, most complete tissue after we digest and process all the food, thoughts, and emotions that we ingest. As such, its perfection requires the best of the best— the best food, the best thoughts, the best environment. This is especially true for men, since fully mature sperm are produced, on average, every two months. For women, maintaining a healthy environment protects the quality of the eggs that they were born with.
For conception to occur, Ayurveda says that there are four essential components that must work together optimally—timing (rtu), the field (kshetra), fluids and nutrition (ambu), and the seed (bija).
The best gift you can offer to your future baby is planning for pregnancy.
Schedulr Your Consultation For Conscious Conception, Pregnancy & Spirituality and to Enhance Your Fertility Journey.
Call 9773170560/9825463394
You have the opportunity to create the nest you want for your unborn baby before inviting her soul to enter. This can be a very magical time of deepening into the sacred and into your own instincts and creativity as you open the channels to Source and invite your unborn baby to join you.
If you are already pregnant you can step into conscious parenting by practicing Ayurvedic prenatal practices throughout the remainder of your pregnancy and still reap the benefits of these practices. It’s never too late to begin consciously parenting.
The purpose is to guide & lead you through the journey of preconception preparation before arriving at the doorstep of pregnancy.
Creating Ojas — Support for Feminine Health, So You Feel Like You Have Good Energy To Go Into Pregnancy, Birth, And Postpartum.
Sunday, November 1, 2020
Creating a new life brings about many changes, both physical and emotional. This is an attempt to accompany women in this symphony of creation from the time of conception with a practical Ayurvedic approach on how to embrace pregnancy by consciously honouring and assisting the miraculous journey of giving life to life.
If the sexual energy is transmuted into Ojas or spiritual energy by pure thoughts, more chances are there to enter pure soul at the time of conception. Just as metals and chemicals are purified by heating, so also the sexual energy is purified and changed into divine energy by spiritual Sadhana, by entertaining sublime, soul-elevating thoughts of the Self or Atman. Observe strict continence in thought, word and deed. Give up thinking useless and vain thoughts. Keep balance of mind in all conditions and circumstances, contemplating the Divine. Direct the sexual energy into the spiritual channel at the time of conception. Complete sublimation of the sexual energy into Ojas Sakti is necessary. Then only you are perfectly safe. Then only you will be established in Samadhi, as Rasasvad will entirely vanish. Extreme patience, constant vigilance, perseverance and rigorous Sadhana are necessary to eradicate the sexual impulses and attain perfect purity in thought, word and deed.
One can improve Ojas Shakti by transforming Veerya (semen) to Ojas by Spiritual Sadhana.
Observe strict continence in thought, word and deed. Give up thinking useless and vain thoughts. Keep balance of mind in all conditions and circumstances, contemplating the Divine.
As dispassion increases, so is the vital energy not allowed to leak out. The greater the Vairagya (non-attachment to worldly objects) the more secure will be the semen. The more the preservation of semen, the greater will be the transmutation into Ojas which means abundant physical, mental, moral and spiritual strength and quick evolution. Pranayam helps a lot in gaining control over the physical machinery and the mind. To have control over the mind means to have control over the Prana Sakti and prevent Veerya from being let out. To have control over this masculine power means to have abundant Ojas which enables the aspirant to glow spiritually. Intense Sadhana will sublimate the sexual energy into spiritual energy.
Aurveda says that of all the energies that are in the human body the highest is what they call "Ojas". Now this Ojas is stored up in the brain, and the more Ojas is in a man's head, the more powerful he is, the more intellectual, the more spiritually strong.
The body has three subtle important elements viz ojas, tejas, and prana. Ojas is believed to be the last essence of semen. It is related to vigor and vitality. Ayurveda gives special importance to these three factors. Ojas is the super-fine essence of kapha dosha associated with lunar cycles; it is therefore connected to regeneration. The qualities of ojas and kapha dosha are similar: liquid, sweet, and unctuous. Together they provide great support for the immune system and the reserves of life force.
Depleted ojas may manifest as chromosomal defects in the fetus and can cause congenital abnormalities . If the ojas of the baby is weak, the child may be born with a defect in the heart, a cleft palate, atrial septal defect, or ventricle septal defect.
While building ojas it is also essential to avoid stress and other related factors. One should also focus on cleaning the system with processes like Panchakarma and then rejuvenating the body with rasayana and tonic before pregnancy.
How can the modern mother implement the ancient practices of Ayurveda as she embarks on the journey to bring a vital new life into this world?
Pregnancy should be planned as it should not be an accident.
Call 9773170560/9825463394
Learning how to cultivate ojas in daily rituals will help you to stay healthy and joyous on your path of pure conscious conception.
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