When a woman reads aloud to her baby in utero, she may relate to her baby more actively and directly while doing so. A positive state of mind during pregnancy may benefit the developing baby. It is common for women to report feeling bonded with their babies during pregnancy. Talking to the baby, whether through reading or speaking aloud, helps to create a sense of the baby after birth. Reading to the baby in utero may help a woman to practice bonding with her baby.
Start reading aloud : This is the very best way to bond prenatally. Hearing is the sense that is most highly developed in utero, and the one that gives you (and Daddy) the most direct connection with your baby. Babies in the womb hear, recognize, learn and remember their mother’s voice and respond to it after birth. Nurturing yourself and your baby will help to release endorphins, or feel-good hormones, which will communicate to you and your baby.
Give voice to your love and read to the bump! Your baby can hear you by the third trimester, and there is no better way to bond than through your unique voice and its loving vibes.
A prenatal enrichment approach includes stimulating the baby in utero through singing, reading and talking, all of which are believed to enhance a baby's intellectual development. Reading to a baby in the womb may have a positive effect on fetal development.
Say good morning or good night to baby while rubbing or placing hand on your bump. I was used to do this on my bump during my pregnancy in the morning and evening. Newborns know the voices of their parents when they are born, so talk as much as you can. To experience this connection is deeply moving during pregnancy and amazing to witness after birth. And the effects can last for years to come. “Gently stroking your bump releases calming and relaxing hormones for both you and your baby and can keep you in touch with your baby’s activity; a good sign of wellbeing in your baby.”Touch and stroke your bump.
Your hands have healing energy, while rubbing your belly imagine healing light or energy coming out from them, send energy from your hands into your baby. You can also place your right hand on your baby and your left hand on your heart. Think about the things you are grateful for, the love you feel and the love towards this baby send it from your heart to your baby.
Talking to the baby in utero is one of the first and best ways for the father-to-be to start loving, caring for, and teaching his baby. From the third trimester or earlier, a baby’s ears are developed enough for her to hear both of her parents’ voices. It will help, of course, if Daddy gets close and speaks, laughs, and sings directly to the bump. “Involving the father and older siblings in these activities can also help bring all of you closer together,”.
Numerous studies have shown that babies in utero can recognize and remember stories read aloud to them, especially in the last trimester of pregnancy. Newborns then respond to those same stories, especially read in the familiar voices they heard from the womb.
By hearing speech patterns and rhythms in the womb, babies are learning their primary language. Hence, some researchers believe that a mother can facilitate her child’s language development, both in the womb and after birth. When a fetus is introduced to a repeated sound, their memory of that sound stimulates its’ recognition. As a result, brainwave patterns of the fetus indicate the memory of the recognized sound.
Ultrasounds show us that a fetus will react to noise by kicking, moving and even dancing around, in the womb, and bobbing up-and-down when mother laughs. Further, a fetus’s heart-rate, may lower upon hearing mother’s voice. They may touch their face, suck their thumb, stretch their limbs hold their feet and have enough coordination to grasp their own umbilical cord with their fingers.
Envision yourself with your baby in the womb, tell your baby how loved she is, and visualize hugging and kissing. Simply sending loving thoughts to your unborn baby helps build a bond that will flourish when your baby is born.
“Unborn babies are very receptive to their mother’s happy or sad emotions and stress levels, so trying to manage stress during the pregnancy is important,” Moreover, a mother’s stress can affect her baby permanently. For example, a receptor for stress hormones can cause a biological change in the fetus, which makes it more vulnerable to stress after birth — this links to hyperactive disorders. Also, a correlation to stress in the womb, can lead to later auto-immune problems.
What if you created a modern-day version of the ancient traditions by practicing a prenatal bonding with your baby. That way, you could follow your innate, natural instinct to communicate and connect with your baby by establishing a routine centered around language and love, right from the beginning.
Your unborn baby loves everything about you—as you do about for your baby: Whether you choose to write a letter, poem, song, or ongoing journal, writing something you plan to give your baby to read one day is a beautiful way to communicate directly with her while baby still growing inside you. Write about your hopes, your values, your family history, anything you are thinking about as you get ready to meet your unborn baby. I think writing during pregnancy “captures that very special little window in your relationship.”
The ojas moves between mother and baby. It is important to rest during this time and eat ojas building foods. The mother shouldn't waste energy and should let the energy go inward She should spend time in nature as well as chant and meditate. Things to avoid include overwork, worry, anger, hunger, sorrow and devitalized food. The more you talk to your baby and meditate with your baby the more you will hear from it.
There is a moment when you discover your unborn baby is a part of you and remains intimately connected to you day & night. whenever you move, laugh, cry, worry or rest, your baby feels it and responds. Because you co- created this intelligent little being in your womb, you have a profound influence not only on the outcome on your pregnancy, but on who your baby one day become. You have been communicating with your unborn baby from the first miraculous moment of conception.
The aura of a pregnant woman is one of the easiest to see, for it is particularly luminous and full of gold. The gold colour in the aura indicates that the pregnant woman is intensely connected to high spiritual beings who support and foster the embryo. Pregnancy is therefore a privileged time for spiritual growth. Itis a time to do a lot of meditation and enlightening reading, and to work at developing intuition and perception.
Deep Breath : Sit quietly, take a series of deep breaths, and focus in on your heart center. Inhale love into the around your heart and exhale any stress or anxiety. Feel the stress and anxiety release from your cells. Continue to focus on your breath, allowing the space for your spirit baby to come forth.
Whether you practice yoga, listen to guided meditations, or simply take time each day for intentional, relaxed breathing, I think breathing mindfully is one of the simplest, most powerful things you can do to connect with your growing baby. Imagine you’re breathing all that wonderful, life-giving oxygen to your baby.
Pregnancy is a time of growth, awareness and anticipation. Creating a new life is one of the world’s most powerful experiences. While connecting with your unborn baby spiritually you can allow yourself to engage with activities that enhance your sense of being, your spirituality and your connection to your baby.
So cherish all this extra time at home, and use it to make that multisensory connection as your unborn baby grows.
Every pregnancy is different, and the ways that you bond with your baby before born will be too. Whether pregnancy makes you feel like Super Woman, or it’s really difficult, there are always ways to bond.
Encourages the development of a daily reading routine before baby arrives. It offers expecting parents opportunities to learn about early literacy skills and connect with resources in their communities, empowering them to be more confident in their roles as a child’s first teachers, right from the very beginning.
Book Your Garbhsanskar Sessions & learn how to use all five senses to connect with your unborn baby and create a a “nurturing environment” for yourself and your baby in utero simply by connecting to your own five senses. If you induced calm and peace in your baby’s environment even before born, the effects can last through the birth, the newborn weeks, the first year, and on into childhood. A “magical beginning” starts indeed!
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This is your chance! Why not give it a try? What if you do notice that communicating your your baby in the womb turns out to be the best way to soothe him or her after born?
We know now that babies can hear, taste, smell, and feel from inside the womb, and scientists also find that they’re sensitive to light as early as the fourth month. But you also create a “nurturing environment” for yourself and your baby in utero simply by connecting to your own five senses.
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