Looking after your emotional health has benefits for both you and your unborn baby.
When you are pregnant, your baby is exposed to everything you experience. This includes the sounds in the environment, the air you breathe, the food you eat and the emotions you feel.
When you feel happy and calm, it allows your baby to develop in a happy, calm environment. However, emotions like stress and anxiety can increase particular hormones in your body, which can affect your baby’s developing body and brain.
According to Ayurveda Vata, by nature, is easily affected by influences—both positive and negative. Vata Dosha is responsible for cell division during embryonic development. If the mother is calm and healthy during pregnancy, Vata and its subsets function optimally and the fetus’s development and birth progress in a healthy manner. The mother’s diet, lifestyle, environment, and mental/emotional states influence and even alter the growing baby’s lifelong constitution. So, influences during pregnancy and birth may affect a person’s entire life. If there is any imbalance in Vata Dosha, it may hamper the normal function and the process of cell division. This may lead to various chromosomal abnormalities either structural or functional like Down syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome etc. Pregnant women has to consume Vata Dosha vitiating diet.
Anxiety, in early pregnancy, results in loss of fetus and in the second and the third trimester leads to a decrease in birth weight and increased activity of the Hypothalamus.
Garbhaniparicharya i.e.antenatal care mentioned in Ayurveda plays a vital role at excellence in form of fetus, its development without any defects. The main aims of GarbhiniParicharya are: to avoid hazardous effect on fetus, to promote normal growth and development of fetus and to conduct normal delivery without any fetal and maternal complications. Garbhani Paricharya has direct scientifically approach towards development of healthy fetus inside the womb of pregnant mother without having any birth defect.
According to Ayurvedic literature about the anomalies or congenital defects precipitating in the fetus and aiming onsignificant factors that attached to the defective sperm, ovum, Aatma(Soul), time and dietetic regimen of the mother MaturVihar(deeds of pregnant mother). All these factors are responsible for vitiation of Dosha producing abnormalities of fetus in terms of appearance, complexion and Indriyas.Whatever the Ahar or Vihar the parents are indulged during the conception it will lead to same effects on the child.
Those women, who are devotee to God, pursue Brahman like deeds and those who observe modest and beneficial life style give birth to virtuous and genius child.
Mother’s diet and activities as well as nature of Panchmahabhoota in the environment at the time of fertilization determine the healthy state of foetus and newborn. The unhealthy state of either factor can affect the Prakriti of foetus and even result in various congenital anomalies.
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