Garbh sanskar is an ancient Indian Ayurvedic practice that helps to shape the personality,health and character of the fetus inside the mother’s womb. Various practices like yoga, meditation, chanting mantras, listening to music etc are done by the expecting mother which are responsible for shaping physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health of the unborn baby. Chanting Mantras generate positive energy, provide peace of mind and purity at heart which also creates powerful vibrations that help to create a positive environment.
Mantra is a powerful tool for peace and joy during these days of tremendous changes of pregnancy and motherhood and you can chant them throughout your pregnancy for healthy you and healthy baby. They give good health, serenity, and peace of the mother and the energy of the mantras during this formation stage will help the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual growth of the child in the womb and afterward also.
There are also several specific mantras in the Vedas for the welfare of the pregnant ladies and the child in the womb. Reciting or listening to them daily is considered highly auspicious.
Role of Nine Months and Nine Planets:
Each month in the developmental stage of the fetus, is governed and influenced by a different planet. If there is any weakness in a planet at the time of conception there may be issues in the month of development ruled by that planet
1. First month is ruled by Venus. Venus is called the master of this month. The semen continues to be in liquid state. Special care should be taken during this period if the planet Venus is combust, retrograde or infested in the woman’s horoscope. Venus rules the conception and first month. The element of Venus is water and the joining of the male and female seminal fluids creates life by forming an egg which hardens over time.
2. Second month is governed by Mars. In the second month the liquid condition changes into a solid one hence the master of this month is the plant Mars. In this month, the size will go from a poppy seed to a kidney bean with developing organ tissues. Embryo solidifies. Mars has a fire element and rules the second month. It softens the egg and forms flesh. Mars increases the Pitta (mind-body type or humour in Ayurveda) of the mother. This gives rise to morning sickness and a restless feeling.
3. Third month is ruled by Jupiter. The master of this month is planet Jupiter infusion of life in that mortal embryo begins now. Limbs are formed. The third month of pregnancy is ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter has an ether element and reveals the sex of the baby. The hidden reproductive organs form and the fetus further develops and takes shape. Jupiter balances the fire of Mars, eases the nausea and fills the mother-to-be with happiness. Charaka Samhita says all sense organs, limbs of the body and internal organs manifest themselves simultaneously in this month according to the modification of the five elements.
4. Fourth month is ruled by Sun. The fourth month ruled by the Sun is called Asthi which means ‘bone’ and is when the fetus develops structure. During this period the lady should worship the Sun God. She should chant the Mantra of the Sun God. The Sun rules the fourth month and develops the bones. The bone begins to harden, teeth buds develop, the arms and legs develop to the proportion of the body, and reflexive movement stimulates kicking and stretching.
5. Fifth month is ruled by Moon. Skin is supplied. The skin grows in excess to be filled with fatty tissue later, the pigmentary and sweat glands become more clear, the vernix caseosa forms on the skin as a protective layer, the nervous sytem develops myelin and sensory development increases. In the fifth month, blood begins to form in the foetus. Blood is a liquid form, moon is the significant of all matters in the liquid form and happens to be the master of the fifth month. With water as its element, the moon supports the expansion of the Nerves, Veins, Arteries and flow of blood. The fetus is aware of sounds outside the womb, sensitive to light, as well as smell and tastes which show up in the amniotic fluid of the mother quickly after ingestion.
6. Sixth month is ruled by Saturn is called Aṅgaja. It allows hair growth and nails. During the sixth month, nails and superficial hair develop in the child. The master of this month is lord Saturn. Saturn the son of Sun, governs the sixth month and gives us our hair, beauty, complexion and body structure. The fetus is also practicing the use of its digestive system by taking the amniotic fluid into its digestive track and creating meconium. The lungs also take the amniotic fluid in and out while the muscles of the lungs function to prepare the muscles for breathing. Locomotor control in the brain begins to develop at this time (though just reflexive movements), as the nervous sytem and muscles integrate.
7. The seventh month ruled by Mercury is called Cetana-tā which means the state of sentience or consciousness- this is when the fetus is said to become fully aware of inside and outside the womb. Develops nervous system. Mercury is the master of this month and is also considered the doer of intelligence and wisdom. It enables the entry of intelligence and wisdom. Mercury rules the seventh month and the development of our brain and intellect. Mercury gives us wisdom and awareness. In this month recommended the parents practice abstinence.
As the baby becomes more aware, the ancients also recommended the mother actively surround herself with happy and joyful thoughts and influences. The baby in the mother’s womb increasingly has the capacity to understand what is going on around it.
8. Eight month is ruled by Lord of Aradhana Lagna. A pregnant woman extremely needs to take complete rest during this month and the worship of Aradhana Lagna proves to be beneficial from the point of view of the safety of the mother to be. That is why the holding of Seemant Sanskar has been recommended during this month, so that the foetus remains safe. If a woman delivers during this month then a lot of problems are caused to the child. The ascendant or ruling planet of the mother oversees the eight month. In Vedic astrology, the rising sign changes every two hours so it can be any of the planets. If this planet is under stress in the sky, chances of stillbirth or other problems increase. This month is about the development of the ‘self,’ thus the need for extra sensitivity. In this month the nutritional demands of the fetus increase and the mother is eating more. There is a symbiotic relationship in the eighth month between the fetus and mother to develop the ojas.
9. The moon rules the ninth month is called Udvega which means agitated. Its influence on the water element in the body (as it influences the tides) helps the baby come into position for delivery. The final 9 days of pregnancy are looked after by the sun. The fetus is fully functional and is moving excessively in the womb. Visible feet are seen on the mother’s belly as the fetus kicks and stretches.
The tenth month is called Prasava which means ‘to bring forth’ or delivery, it is also called the delivery month (suti-masa). Shusruta Samhita says delivery is normal in the ninth or tenth month. In modern thought, thirty-seven to forty-two gestational weeks is considered full-term.
A very strong Jupiter will indicate later delivery and the baby should be born with more weight.
The sun generates heat in the body of the mother and this slowly severs the connection between the mother and baby.
The position of the planets in the sky and in the mother’s birth chart influence all the developmental stages of the fetus. These influences are affirmed and built on in the birth chart when a baby is born. We can improve any area of our life by working on the planet or planets related to that area. Vedic Astrology is a vast and complete subject offering insights, wisdom and answers to everything under the sun.
To learn more about chanting mantras during pregnancy.
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