5 ways your baby is learning in the womb.
By understanding the world of the womb, you can make your little one’s transition to the real world smoother.
Did you know that everything about you — including how tall you would be, the color of your eyes, and the color of your skin– was all determined at the time of fertilization?
The uterus is the ultimate environment for the development and nurturing of a fetus. The sensory systems develop throughout pregnancy and affect the brain’s development.
Your baby begins to develop on a sensory level from the moment of conception. The first sense to develop is the sense of touch, emerging at THREE weeks gestation – before you knew you were pregnant. By the twelfth week, your baby can feel and responds to touch on his entire body.
The auditory system is completely intact by 20 weeks gestation but it is a few weeks before the nerves conducting sound are functional. At 23 weeks your baby can respond to loud noises and may jerk or even begin to hiccup after hearing a loud sound. Babies can remember words and stories they heard in the womb after they are born, and they even show a preference for your voice.
Taste buds emerge at 8 weeks and by 13-15 weeks your baby has taste buds similar to adults’. Anything you eat can flavour the amniotic fluid & in the third trimester babies suck faster.
Smell develops alongside the sense of taste. Since smells are essentially chemicals that are found to be present in amitotic fluid, it stands to reason that your baby can smell in utero as the chemicals pass from the amniotic fluid onto the smell receptors in the nasal cavity. The nasal cavity is protected by a plug of tissue until 28 weeks, but thereafter your baby will smell and respond to scents. Much like taste, baby can pick up on smells in amniotic fluid from the foods you eat and the aromas you smell.
The sense of movement and gravity from the balance system in the ears develops very early and begins to function at five months gestation. Like the sense of hearing and touch, the sense of movement is relatively advanced at birth.
Knowing the sensory systems by the second and third trimesters, we may wonder what the womb world is like on a sensory level.
By week 16, your baby’s eyes are developed enough to detect light from the outside world. To promote healthy visual development, focus on eating nutritious foods high in vitamin A which can impair visual development. Although the darkness of the uterus doesn’t exactly make it a womb with a view, sunlight is bright enough to penetrate your skin and shed some light on baby. Recent research tells us that exposure to sunlight in utero can help visual development.
When You Eat Something Sweet:
Because all tastes you experiences pass into the amniotic fluid, your baby is prepared for the flavours your family eats even while in utero. The preference for sweet tastes is hardwired and babies prefer sweet flavours, swallowing amniotic more vigorously after you eat something sweet. Because all tastes you experiences pass into the amniotic fluid, your baby is prepared for the flavours your family eats even while in utero.
Because all tastes you experiences pass into the amniotic fluid, your baby is prepared for the flavours your family eats even while in utero. The preference for sweet tastes is hardwired and babies prefer sweet flavours, swallowing amniotic more vigorously after you eat something sweet. Because all tastes you experiences pass into the amniotic fluid, your baby is prepared for the flavours your family eats even while in utero.
Your baby can taste flavors present in amniotic fluid. These flavors originate from your diet, mama, and can contribute to baby’s preferences for foods after birth. Eating a varied, nutritious diet during pregnancy can improve baby’s health in utero and may lead to long-term healthy development as well!
Your baby hears the gushes of amniotic fluid and blood flowing in the veins and of course your heartbeat & the consistent sound of the heartbeat is a particularly soothing sound.
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