Thursday, July 30, 2020


An ancient healing system’s gifts to the Modern Woman.
Preparing for Pregnancy
Four Essential Elements of Fertility
1. Timing (Rtu)
2. The Field (Kshetra)
3. Healthy and Nutritious Fluids (Ambu)
3. The Seed (Bija)
Ayurveda has remarkable tools that can help assist you in completing your family.
Ayurveda gives infertile women or couples the ability through treatment to become fertile and to improve the overall health to be able to conceive naturally.
Ayurveda is the art of daily living in harmony with the laws of nature and defines a healthy person as one who is established in the Self (higher-self), who has balanced Doshas, balanced Agni, properly formed Dhatus, proper
elimination of Malas [wastes], well-functioning bodily processes, and whose mind, soul and senses are full of bliss.
Ojas is the essence of all of the bodily tissues and directly influences physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual life of a person. It is the body’s natural immunity, and it is the sustainer of life. If Ojas is low, perfect health is impossible – it is difficult for a person to ward off disease, or attain the higher states of bliss and consciousness.
Menstrual cycle is an indication of the state of the health of the female and can be affected by many factors, such as excessive physical exercise, diet, life-style, stress, emotional instability. Any of these can create an imbalance of the Ojas, Doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) and Dhatus.
menstrual imbalance. 
With Ayurveda, the first step in the treatment of menstrual imbalances is to find out if the symptoms involved are of a Vata, Pitta or Kapha nature. Once you figure out the nature of the imbalance, you can begin to incorporate a treatment protocol to nourish your system back into balance. 
Vata is the most easily disturbed Dosha, depletes Shukra Dhatu, causes functional defects in the egg and difficulties with implantation and is often responsible for infertility. Women who have a Vata nature and imbalance are the most likely to have difficulty with conception. Vata imbalance occurs when there is excessive exercise, fear, anxiety or stress due to trauma, excessive fasting as is the case in eating disorders or diet including cold, light and dry substances.
According to Ayurveda, just as proper season, good field, enough supply of water and minerals and good seed are essential to produce a good crop, the Rutukala, Kshetra, Ambu and Beeja are essential factors of conception. Imbalance of any of these features leads to infertility. Inability to conceive can also be due to too much Ama (toxin created when undigested food forms in the stomach) in the system.
Ama can circulate throughout the body, building up in the bodily tissues. Ama can cause abnormalities in the function of the bodily tissues and form due to unbalanced Agni, eating disorders, emotional, physical or mental abuse. Ama can form from an imbalance with any of the three Doshas.
The cleanse serves to clear toxins (ama) and excess doshas so that channels flow freely and toxins do not inhibit the proper functioning of any tissue. Traditional Ayurvedic cleansing for fertility lasts for several months in order to cleanse and revitalize the deepest tissue layers. 
Women’s reproductive organs could seem to be functioning properly, but if she is unhappy or unsound of mind, the body may reject pregnancy. According to Ayurveda, body and mind must both be treated with equal importance.
Ayurveda supports your health by strengthening your body’s own self-healing and balancing mechanisms. Ayurveda focuses at treatment of infertility holistically and aims at improving the overall health of the individual.
According to the Charaka Samhita, “All disease occurs due to imbalance in Agni (the power of digestion) and Agni is the single most important factor in the buildup of Ama. As a result, the treatment of Ama must always include the treatment of Agni, including the use of digestive herbs and spices, eating meals on schedule and the elimination of cold foods and drinks.
Panchakarma, the Ayurvedic deep internal cleansing procedure, can also be utilized to eliminate Ama. Healthy Agni will also contribute to healthy Ojas.
Mental rejuvenation must follow mental purification for conception. Mental rejuvenation can be accomplished through the use of oil therapies, such as shirodara or abhyanga. Abhyanga is considered an important act of self-love, as it rebuilds ojas in the mind. Ayurveda advises mental purification and rejuvenation as part of the healing process. Purifying the mind through periods of silence and a lack of sensory stimulation helps support healing. Meditation and shirodhara can help produce inner silence, while nasya supports mental purification.
To book Your Treatment
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Evaluation of person’s Dosha is very significant for prescribing the treatment and any blockages and weaknesses in body parts and functions are diagnosed. The treatment includes appropriate diet, herbs, herbal medicines, body therapies, sensory therapies, and lifestyle and yoga therapies to address infertility issues as per Dosha with emphasis on building healthy Shukra dhatu.
According to Ayurveda, a healthy digestive system supports the healing of all tissues of the body. The digestive system is managed though the removal of ama, proper diet and herbs as well as vamana, virechana and basti applied appropriately with due regard for prakruti and vikruti.
To prevent further accumulation of ama in the colon, an Ayurvedic regimen for the maintenance of agni, the digestive fire, would be followed.
Managing Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome With Ayurveda
A woman with PCOS will have a reproductive cycle that presents differently both hormonally and symptomatically. PCOS presents with “multiple cysts on the ovaries which most often affect hormonal levels and the ability of a woman to get pregnant. These cysts within the polycystic ovaries are not actual cysts, but are follicles that have halted the maturation process.
All three doshas have a strong influence on the menstrual cycle. Any imbalance or diseased condition is seen as interplay and imbalance between the doshas. Each of the three doshas Vata, Pitta, and Kapha have a specific role in the female reproductive cycle. The time of the actual flow or menses is the time of Vata – specifically Apana Vayu, as it transports the menstrual blood out of the body. Vata dosha rules the reproductive system, and the organs are located in artava dhatu, these are the tissues of the reproductive organs. Artava provides nourishment for the ovum and allows movement of the egg from the ovum to the uterus. Vata, “is responsible for movement of the follicle during the ovarian cycle, the rupture of the ovary wall releasing the matured ovum, the movement of the fimbriae – the finger like projections that guide the ovum into the fallopian tubes and the movement of the ovum towards the uterus.
Ayurveda provides a variety of specific and individualized treatments that assist in alleviating and eliminating the symptoms of PCOS. Ayurveda treats disease through diet, herbal medication, and lifestyle changes.
There are 20 types of Yoni Vyapat listed in the Charaka Samhita and Astanga Hrdayam. 11 of these are Vata related, 2 Pitta, 1 Kapha and 6 involve multiple doshas.
1. Vata Treatment for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
2. PittaTreatment for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
3. Kapha Treatment for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
4. Panchakarma Treatment For Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.
Uttara Basti (care of the womb) : Uttara Basti, a powerful method of healing, is the practice of cleansing and nourishing the womb and one of the main reasons of this practice is to restore balance to the womb, and bringing the female cycle back in rhythm.
Herbal Medicines for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.
Herbal medicines,herbs, diet, and lifestyle changes has completely transformed women’s lives as it restores ovulation, fertility and reduces the presence of cysts and other symptoms of the disease.
Call 9773170560/9825463394

Sunday, July 26, 2020


Create a spiritual environment to achieve conception to give birth to a well cultured, virtuous, majestic, vigorous, healthy, beautiful, God conscious and extremely intelligent child. The child has to be unique, unrivalled, noble, extremely talented and enriched with all the good human qualities.
"You Will Learn How To Align With The Universe And The Gods To Bring A Good Soul Into Your Family"
It is our duty to bring into this world such spiritually aware children who are beneficial to parents as well as society with good health, noble quality, high intelligence and improve the innate quality of mankind. 
The Garbhadhana Smaskara is the ancient science of Ayurveda by which a human population of civilised, virtuous, cultured, brilliant disease free offspring with physical strength and other qualities like humanity, sincerity, compassion, spirituality, loyalty, courage that could be generated. Also means impart changes at physical, mental, spiritual and emotional level in the developing embryo with powerful intention for a baby from both the parents attracts the soul to enter the womb. Garbhadhana is a composite word of Garbha (womb) and Dhana (attain, wealth), and it literally means attaining the wealth of the womb. Samskara means to replace bad qualities by good ones.
It is proved that chanting of specific Mantras can modify the waves around us. Mantra therapy involves chanting o beeja mantra for pre conception which helps your unborn baby to eventually attain the spiritual platform. Parents health status, age, psyche while performing coitus, diet, rituals, regime during pregnancy influence the physical, psychological and spiritual constitution of the progeny.
Garbhadhana Sanskara ceremony moulds the mentality of the father in such a way that when he plants his seed in the womb to his wife, he will beget a child whose mind will be completely saturated with a devotional attitude.
It is important that the education of child’s excellence begins from pre-conception and continues all through the life.
Garbhadhana Sanskara is the process which removes the Doshas of Kshetra i.e. reproductive system of female and male, affected by the physical, psychological and spiritual well being of both mother and father.
Garbhdhana Samsara also means that the couple has to increase the good Karmic level to such an extent that the divine soul chooses it to be its parents.
As per Garbhadhana Sankara preparation for conception should start 3-4 months prior of conception. Planned pregnancy makes the couple well prepared physically, psychologically, socially and emotionally. Before conception, the couple is advised to perform a personalized purification and rejuvenation process to produce an optimal quantity and quality of ovum and sperm.
I believe that pregnancy should be carefully planned and managed as per the principles of Garbhadhana Sankara and it should not be by chance, as she has to follow fertility enhancing diet and herbs with her partner three months before planning pregnancy. Once the body is nourished by a healthy diet and lifestyle, general tonics and fertility enhancing herbs can be taken which promotes semen production and strengthens the uterus.
Before conception the couple is being purified by Panchakarma i.e. Snehana, Swedana, Vamana, Virechana, Anupana and Anuvasana Basti as chances of ovulation is more after panchakarma treatment. Sperm count and motility are also increase after the treatment. So quality of Bija i.e. both Shukra and Shonit will be better after it.
The couple should also be in a happy mood without any negative feelings. Research says that the state of health of parents at the time of conception has far reaching implications for a child’s future development.
In this modern era we all need a civilized, cultured, brilliant, beautiful, disease free offspring with physical strength and other qualities like humanity, sincerity, compassion, spirituality, loyalty, courage etc. 
Schedule Consultation
Call 9773170560/9825463394 
The objective of practicing Garbhdhana Samsara for holistic planned approach is to attract a higher soul in a healthy body so that they are blessed with good, virtuous next generation children’s.
Ayurveda gives natural, scientific and simplified methods of obtaining a desirable pregnancy. By adopting ayurvedic methods and following the rule, restrictions and specific regimen, one can procure a desirable, healthy, intelligent, beautiful pregnancy with strength, vigor and longevity.

Friday, July 24, 2020


5 ways your baby is learning in the womb.
By understanding the world of the womb, you can make your little one’s transition to the real world smoother.
Did you know that everything about you — including how tall you would be, the color of your eyes, and the color of your skin– was all determined at the time of fertilization?
The uterus is the ultimate environment for the development and nurturing of a fetus. The sensory systems develop throughout pregnancy and affect the brain’s development. 
Your baby begins to develop on a sensory level from the moment of conception. The first sense to develop is the sense of touch, emerging at THREE weeks gestation – before you knew you were pregnant. By the twelfth week, your baby can feel and responds to touch on his entire body.
The auditory system is completely intact by 20 weeks gestation but it is a few weeks before the nerves conducting sound are functional. At 23 weeks your baby can respond to loud noises and may jerk or even begin to hiccup after hearing a loud sound. Babies can remember words and stories they heard in the womb after they are born, and they even show a preference for your voice.
Taste buds emerge at 8 weeks and by 13-15 weeks your baby has taste buds similar to adults’. Anything you eat can flavour the amniotic fluid & in the third trimester babies suck faster.
Smell develops alongside the sense of taste. Since smells are essentially chemicals that are found to be present in amitotic fluid, it stands to reason that your baby can smell in utero as the chemicals pass from the amniotic fluid onto the smell receptors in the nasal cavity. The nasal cavity is protected by a plug of tissue until 28 weeks, but thereafter your baby will smell and respond to scents. Much like taste, baby can pick up on smells in amniotic fluid from the foods you eat and the aromas you smell.
The sense of movement and gravity from the balance system in the ears develops very early and begins to function at five months gestation. Like the sense of hearing and touch, the sense of movement is relatively advanced at birth.
Knowing the sensory systems by the second and third trimesters, we may wonder what the womb world is like on a sensory level.
By week 16, your baby’s eyes are developed enough to detect light from the outside world. To promote healthy visual development, focus on eating nutritious foods high in vitamin A which can impair visual development. Although the darkness of the uterus doesn’t exactly make it a womb with a view, sunlight is bright enough to penetrate your skin and shed some light on baby. Recent research tells us that exposure to sunlight in utero can help visual development. 
When You Eat Something Sweet:
Because all tastes you experiences pass into the amniotic fluid, your baby is prepared for the flavours your family eats even while in utero. The preference for sweet tastes is hardwired and babies prefer sweet flavours, swallowing amniotic more vigorously after you eat something sweet. Because all tastes you experiences pass into the amniotic fluid, your baby is prepared for the flavours your family eats even while in utero. 
Your baby can taste flavors present in amniotic fluid. These flavors originate from your diet, mama, and can contribute to baby’s preferences for foods after birth. Eating a varied, nutritious diet during pregnancy can improve baby’s health in utero and may lead to long-term healthy development as well!
Your baby hears the gushes of amniotic fluid and blood flowing in the veins and of course your heartbeat & the consistent sound of the heartbeat is a particularly soothing sound. 
Book Our Garbhsanskar Sessions to Connect With Your Unborn Baby.
Call 9773170560/9825463394

Thursday, July 23, 2020


"Your unborn baby learns to recognise and remember your voice during your pregnancy"
"creates a nurturing environment” for yourself and baby, before birth and after"
Give voice to your love and read to the bump! Your baby can hear you by the third trimester, and there is no better way to bond than through your unique voice and its loving vibes.
The most significant sound that a baby can hear clearly is his mother’s heartbeat. But, as the weeks pass, he starts responding to sounds outside the womb too. That’s when you can start communicating with your unborn baby. You can talk, share all your feelings and thoughts, sing or even read a book. Yes, reading a good book to your baby while still in the womb can be more beneficial. It stimulates emotions in the baby and helps react to different stimuli. It is also believed to prepares the baby for life after his/her birth.
Start reading aloud! This is the very best way to bond prenatally. Hearing is the sense that is most highly developed in utero, and the one that gives you the most direct connection with your baby.
So many studies have shown that babies in the womb hear, recognize, learn and remember their mother’s voice and respond to it after birth. This means your familiar voice will calm your newborn baby, even recognise stories baby heard you read.
It is important to know how your activities are going to benefit the little one. Everything that you do, right from eating to speaking to exercising, affects the baby in one way or the other. The aural perception is so strong that most babies are able to develop an affinity for the native language over any other, even without understanding it fully.
Pregnancy is not just a stressful time for the mother but also for the baby. The baby undergoes an array of emotions and can feel overwhelmed at times. Indulging in some nice reading activity can help you calm down, and your soothing voice can also control the heart rate of your anxious baby and help baby relax in your womb.
Your unborn baby also becomes alert and responds to it. If you read to your baby daily, he/she will recognise your voice once out in the real world, and this will help develop a strong bond between you and your baby. In certain cases, babies also pick up newer words and understand their meanings pretty early in their lives.
The aura of a pregnant woman is one of the easiest to see, for it is particularly luminous and full of gold. The gold colour in the aura indicates that the pregnant woman is intensely connected to high spiritual beings who support and foster the embryo. Pregnancy is therefore a privileged time for spiritual growth. Itis a time to do a lot of meditation and enlightening reading, and to work at developing intuition and perception.
So cherish all this extra time at home, and use it to make that multi sensory connection as your unborn baby grows.
Music can play a role in happiness. Several studies have shown that uplifting, soothing music helps increase the baby’s intelligence. The sound of the veena, flute and mantras gives health to the pregnant woman and the child within.
Babies are able to remember things from their neonatal experience as well as learn while in the womb. Ayurveda teaches us a proper attitude of worship towards pregnant women’s. She should avoid dreadful sights, painful or agitating sounds. Agitating emotions of the mind are dangerous (anger, fright, etc). She should not carry a heavy load or talk in a loud voice. The food she eats should be “…sweet, palatable, well cooked, prepared with appetizing drugs and abounding in fluid substances.
Being constantly aware of the mother’s voice helps the baby develop trust, which is why most babies stop crying after they hear the mother’s voice.
Once you know what to read for your baby in the womb, combine the reading activity with listening to music, the rhythm, melody or some traditional songs of your own. Everything that a baby hears is going to work to baby's benefit and make him a lovely individual in every way possible.
Wondering what the world sounds like to your baby? Try placing your hand over your mouth and speak. What you hear is very similar to how your voice sounds in the womb.
Babies can hear, taste, smell, and feel from inside the womb. This means that you are already communicating with your baby through the food you eat, the fragrances you smell, the touch of your hands, and especially the sound of your voice. 
Research suggests that third-trimester babies not only pick up on language patterns, but after birth, they can recognize words they first heard in the womb. Mom’s soothing tones cause a baby’s fetal heart rate to lower and can help establish auditory bonds that carry on after birth. Hearing Mom and Dad read solidifies these early bonds, and encouraging family participation helps others connect with the baby. From the third trimester or earlier, a baby’s ears are developed enough to hear both of her parents’ voices. 
Why not start now? Make reading a habit today, so it will be a part of your tomorrow. 
Book Your Garbhsanskar Sessions 
Call 9773170560/9825463394

Saturday, July 18, 2020


Ojas: The Essence of Baby’s Development
Ojas is a Sanskrit term that can be translated as “vigor” or “essence of vitality.
“Ojas is the essence of the body responsible for strength, natural resistance and is considered essential for life,” says the Astanga Hridayam, a classic Ayurvedic text. “It is said to be present in the heart. . . . Its presence in the fetus and mother produce strength and contentment, and its absence fatigue and anxiety.” 
According to Sushruta, Ojas is the fine essence of all the Dhatus and the superfine essence of Shukra dhatu (reproductive tissue) which are responsible for biological strength, vitality and immunity in the body which make a person physically active.
It is said that the mother and foetus alternately become happy and energetic when ojas is strong..One way to build healthy ojas is to nourish the body with healthy, prana-rich foods(appropriate to your dosha) and to pay mindful attention to agni, our digestive fire.
So when you feel tired, mentally or physically, that’s when you know you need to replenish and build your ojas. 
When all body parts of fetus formed, Ojas manifested by its symptoms. In other words we can say that this Ojas before pregnancy remains in sperm and ovum. 
From eighth (8th and 9th) month or so, the essence of life and immunity (ojas) starts flowing back and forth between the mother and the baby ( Ojas takes place through blood vessels from mother to fetal heart and from fetal to mother’s heart). Those periods of extreme exhaustion are periods when the ojas is flowing away from you and to the baby. The more stable this flow can happen, the more stable the baby’s ojas will also be. Ojas moves back and forth between mother and baby. The mother may experience a wavering feeling of sorrow and joy due to this movement. 
Ojas is responsible consciousness, purity in thoughts, health, positivity in feelings in every situation, better immunity, longevity, intelligence and memory.
The best way to describe formation of Ojas is to understand how honey is made. Nearly ten to twenty thousand bees collect the nectar or essence of thousands of fruits and flowers and stored them into their hives for the formation of honey. Similarly Ojas is also the nectar or essence and is the end product of various physiological process.
The Three Vital Essences: Ojas, tejas, and prana
Ojas, tejas, and prana, the subtler, energetic forms or counterparts of the three fundamental ayurvedic principles or doshas (vata, pitta and kapha) , maintain the development of immature dathu (tissue) into mature dathu.
Prana divides kalala (zygote), tejas maintains its integrity, and ojas maintains its immunity.
Our vital life energy depends on the presence of ojas, and with the assistance of prana, it controls all biological and psychological aspects of life functioning. Perhaps the most beautiful example of its power is during the eighth month of pregnancy when it is transferred from the mother to the fetus. It’s the passing of the essence of our vitality to a new life, a biological act of love. A baby born before receiving this vital essence from its mother will have difficulty surviving. Ayurveda attributes the danger of this time to the "unsteadiness of the ojas" which gives rise to "...wavering feelings of joy and sorrow" in the mother and similarly in the foetus.
Ojas marks the beginning of the formation of the embryo. It is the nourishing fluid from the embryo." Ojas (offiled in the body of the fetus moves to the body of the mother, and vice versa.
"Loss of ojas is loss of life." Diminished ojas is associated with anger, grief, fear, cheerlessness, etc.
The subtle essence called ojas that is extracted from the proper digestion and efficient metabolism of food nourishes the bodily tissues of blood, plasma and lymph, muscle, fat, bones, bone marrow and semen. Ojas also forms the basic material of the five sense organs, ligaments and lubricating fluids. Improper digestion leads to production of ama or toxins in the body. 
The heart is the seat of the ojas. From the heart, 10 blood vessels referred to as mahaphala carry ojas to the rest of the body. Ojas is affected by not only the food we take in and its healthy digestion, but also by the sensory impressions we take in. Hence it is important to protect the physical and emotional health of the heart.
We must be careful to avoid depleting it or wasting it on energy-sucking activities. 
Depleted ojas may manifest as chromosomal defects in the fetus and can cause congenital abnormalities. During pregnancy, ojas is unstable as it moves between the mother and fetus and this is why it is especially important to develop it. It is believed that healthy Ojas, brings about love and compassion in both mother and fetus. Ojas, as a subtle material substance and essence of the tissues, requires the material support of a right diet. Overuse of the motor organs can deplete ojas, particularly too much talking. 
The aura of a pregnant woman is one of the easiest to see, for it is particularly luminous and full of gold. The gold colour in the aura indicates that the pregnant woman is intensely connected to high spiritual beings who support and foster the embryo. Pregnancy is therefore a privileged time for spiritual growth. Itis a time to do a lot of meditation and enlightening reading, and to work at developing intuition and perception. 
Consume Ojas boosting foods, herbs and Ayurvedic tonics.
When a mother enters pregnancy with a healthy diet and lifestyle, making the necessary changes to enhance ojas - that will help build the best quality body for baby.
But when she has accumulated wastes from incomplete digestion or toxicities in the body, or excessive rajas or tamas in the mind (anger, depression, and so on) these conditions undermine the baby’s development.
This is our best safeguard against mental and physical disease. Our physical, mental and spiritual strength is totally dependent on Ojas. Ojas is the sap of one's life energy which, when sufficient, is equated with immunity and, when deficient, results in weakness, fatigue and ultimately disease...Therefore Ojas is considered as vital nectar of life.
Whenever you are trying to conceive a baby. I strongly recommend beginning to build healthy ojas many months before trying to conceive, and ojas continues to play an important role throughout the pregnancy itself, as well as during the post-partum journey of stepping fully into parenthood.
Ojas nourishes all of the tissues of the body. According to Ayurveda, the health of our reproductive organs and fluids depend entirely on the health of the other tissues, and on our healthy reserve of ojas itself. So whether we are seeking to support fertility or ensure a healthy journey through pregnancy, birth, and beyond, the idea of ojas is absolutely essential.
How are you taking care of yourself while pregnant during these chaotic times?
Learn how to increase OJAS during pregnancy?
Call 9773170560/9825463394
* Opens energy channels at the emotional and spiritual levels.
* Helps in removing psychic and spiritual energy blocks.
* Alleviates the physical and emotional stress of the mother and baby
* Develops strong channels of communication
* Establishes emotional intelligence in the child
There are also several specific mantras in the Vedas for the welfare of the pregnant ladies and the child in the womb. Reciting or listening to them daily is considered highly auspicious & help the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual growth of the child in the womb and afterward also.
Traditional Indian societies have typically regarded pregnancy as a sacred period in a woman’s life. Outstanding ceremonies are observed in the hindu tradition to celebrate the birth of a newborn soul.The mother is honoured and treated with rites, prayers, mantras, medicinal remedies during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum care.
Ojai is the Life Energy For the Expectant Mother
Ayurveda says, if a pregnant woman is taken care of as advised, she will give birth to a child who does not have any diseases- a healthy, physically strong, radiant and well-nourished baby who is superior to all the race.
The three stages or preparing for a healthy and conscious pregnancy are:


Not only are babies busy developing physical adaptations to function after birth, they are also eagerly sensing the world around them, starting from a very early gestational age....amazing sensory development that occurs long before a baby exits its mother’s womb.
Touch - Sight - Sound - Taste/Smell
Remember, you are your baby’s first and most important teacher. Everything the mother eats and the emotions she experiences influence the unborn baby and long before it is born into this world. You are opening to life. A human life comes through you and into this world. Your baby wants to share with you in a most loving way and You must be awakened within to listen and tune into it.
When you're pregnant, it's natural to wonder if your baby's learning anything. Discover more about your baby's development and what may learn in the womb.
Did you know that during the entire pregnancy the baby shares the mom's outside world?
Our health, emotional responses, intelligence and even our artistic talents are laid down in the nine months between conception and birth.
Your baby is in sync with your physical, mental, emotional, & spiritual experiences throughout your pregnancy. Thus naturally your womb becomes your babies first class room. The emotional, chemical molecules that you experience on a daily basis pass through the placenta to your unborn baby, allowing him/her to better prepare for life outside the womb.
If you're aiming to create a peaceful, non-violent & inviting world for your baby you want to make sure to exposure yourself primarily to soothing and uplifting thoughts, images, news, sounds and nourishing foods. It's important to start connecting and nurturing your baby as soon as you find out you are pregnant. Pregnancy becomes a wonderful time for self-spiritual awakening and for developing a deep and long lasting connection between you and your growing baby.
Spend some time each day talking to your baby, telling about the things you will do together, and how you are feeling that day. You may find that your baby responds to the sound of your voice, and begins kicking and nudging you as you talk. If you feel uncomfortable talking to your bump, trying singing instead.
Your baby will begin communicating with you on his/her food likes and dislikes by the way that you are feeling. It's important to not make a radical diet change, but to eat nutritious and healthy foods. Eating a variety of fruits, vegetables and legumes helps to keep your vitamin and mineral levels stable and starts creating healthy eating habits for your growing little one. 
The amniotic fluid is often flavoured by what the mother eats. By swallowing it, the baby becomes familiar with their tastes and aromas. After birth it can not only recognise them but it also prefers them over others. 
A baby whose mother consumed a lot of garlic during the pregnancy is able to recognise the mother's milk among other samples with ease. In other words, babies know in advance what their mother's milk could taste like.
By getting used to the tastes and flavours typical of the local mother's food, babies are actually preparing for the cultural environment they will be born in, since food is among the most definite manifestations of cultural specifics.
Even babies start to learn their mother tongue even as they are still in the womb.
Further survey confirmed that if mothers suffer from depression during pregnancy, their children also show signs of depression to the same degree.
Tips for future mothers
* Listen to your body, take care of it, pamper it with massages and do things in moderation.
* Be certain to have plenty of positive emotions. Take a positive view of life.
* Communicate with the baby in your womb, talk and sing to it so that it can learn to recognize your voice. Allow the daddy to take part in this communication as well. Create a world for all three of you starting now.
* Radiate love towards your baby, tell it you love it. It will understand and learn how to love.
* Look at beautiful things, listen to nice music and seek aesthetics and harmony in everything around you. The beauty you take in will enrich the soul of your child as well.
* Dream of what qualities you would like your baby to have. 
With your thoughts you can model its character as well.
Be careful what you eat! Researchers believe that the diet of the pregnant woman can directly influence the baby's future abilities. Foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids are associated with greater verbal intelligence and better social skills among children of school age. Meanwhile, foods which contain poisons, contaminants and heavy metals are deemed responsible not only for congenital malformations, but also for lower intelligence.
What Does It Mean To Raise A Spiritual Child?
Communication with your baby before birth is an amazing and profoundly powerful experience that will bring a refreshing level of spiritual wisdom into your life.
My spirit baby knowledge take me into the unknown on a daily basis and I openly share what the spirit babies continue to teach me along with my own soul's path towards wisdom. I thank all the women, men, mothers, fathers, teachers, and healers for bringing the spirit baby love forward into conversations during consultation and sharing the knowledge. In that knowledge of us all working together to SHARE in big ways, I celebrate the divine callings and inspired thoughts of each; After all, we all were spirit baby's at one time or another. We ALL have a personal connection.
Each day during your pregnancy, set aside a specific time where you are fully alone with your baby. Have you ever noticed how active your baby is the moment when you sit down or lie down? 
Relaxation And Reading To Womb :
Relaxation not only feels wonderful to you, but is very good for your baby. As we all know, stress can have a strong impact on our physiological and psychological well-being, and recent research suggests that these effects can be passed on to the unborn baby.
So take it easy, mother-to-be! Just by sitting or lying back comfortably and breathing, you’re accomplishing something important: nurturing and caring for your baby. As you take each deep breath in, you’re also breathing for your baby. She’s taking in that life-giving oxygen and it’s nourishing her and helping her grow. Each beat of your heart brings invigorating blood to your baby, making her stronger every moment. 
When you add your voice to the mix, especially by reading your baby a calming, rhythmic story, you have the formula for perfect relaxation for both mother and child. As you read aloud you’ll find yourself feeling more calm as your heartbeat and breathing slow down. This relaxation will immediately pass to your baby; you’ll both feel connected, soothed, and peaceful. Just like that, you’re forming a deep, loving bond.
Your baby knows the rhythms of your body, your waking and sleeping cycles, when and what you eat, when you’re active or still, and most importantly, she knows your voice. Research shows that the mother’s voice plays a crucial role in babies’ growth and development in the womb. Long before you hold your baby in your arms, you begin nurturing her through the power of your unique voice.
As an added bonus, you can be sure that by talking to your baby now, you are laying the foundation for future language and literacy skills, cognitive development and, best of all, a sweet, strong mother-and-child bond.
It is extremely important whether you conceived with love or by accident, because each soul that is birthed into this world is no accident or mistake or coincident.
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“ The factors that influence the mental makeup of a child are the mental traits, purity , behavior of the family, cleanliness and purity of parents, the sounds that the fetus hears, the sounds and vibrations the pregnant women hears, and the karmic effects of the past lives of the foetus”...
Acharya Vagbhatta
Acharya Vagbhatta says that the collective set of emotions, thoughts, feelings and the sensory stimuli offered by the external environment shapes the mental makeup of your child. In this context , a pregnant woman and her caregiver must evaluate the television she watches, songs she listens to, people she meets and books and newspapers she reads and ask herself if each of these influences are positive and useful for the growing child.
Life in the womb is extremely active and interactive. Our ability to learn in inherent from even before birth; our first abode – the womb – 'is, in fact, a classroom.'
Factors Involved in Creating a Healthy Child :
According to Ayurveda, preparing for conception can be easily compared to the process of farming. Just like the health of a crop depends on the quality of soil, seed, proper timing of sowing and water (containing nutrient matter) gets, the health of a baby depends on the health of its parents. For a pregnancy to be healthy and successful, a couple needs to take care of the following four essential factors like Sperm / Ovum (Seeds) - Uterus (Soil) - Nourishment (Water) - Time for Conception (Timing of Sowing).....the time of conception, health of the reproductive organs of the female, beeja of mother, diet during pregnancy, drugs-medicines taken by a woman during her pregnancy, and any disease in the mother during her pregnancy, can affect the health and normalcy of a foetus .
In Ayurveda, it has also described the measures to be adopted month- by -month diet for the fetus which grows without any morbidity. Special herbal regimens are also prescribed for each month for softening of placenta, for nutritional supplement and also to help normal expulsion of fetus during delivery.
Ayurveda advices a wholesome diet for each month for the healthy growth of the baby in the mother’s womb. 
Ayurveda prescribes some set of rules which are very important for every pregnant woman. It contains various details related to ahara (nutrition), vihara (lifestyle) and vichara (thought process) which women have to follow at the different stages of pregnancy. 
A pregnant woman is to be treated very cautiously as if one is walking with a pot full of oil, in hand without letting a drop to fall. Medicines, diet and other therapies should be soft, sweet, cold, pleasant and tender.
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Sensory development after birth
Evidence of early in-utero sensory development means we may be able to start influencing a baby's postnatal development based on the mother’s external sensory environment during pregnancy. We would do this by modifying factors such as maternal food intake or ambient music selection. However, the majority of an infant’s sensory development will still occur after birth. So while we can begin molding development early, the most impactful sensory stimulation will still occur once the baby exits the mother's womb!
Set Your Diet Schedule for Nine Months:
Prenatal care is must during pregnancy that means expected mother should be cared properly during this period. According to Ayurveda it is called Masanumasiki Chikitsa. The meaning of word Masanumasiki is month-to-month treatment. As per Ayurveda different food habits and treatments are required every month for a normal delivery. According to Ayurveda there are nine varied groups of medicines and herbs for each month. 
Also Set Your Diet after Delivery And Reduce Weight Upto 5-10 Kgs During 40 Days Period of Time :
The mother regains her strength through an easily digestible and nutritious diet, and loses excess weight through our herbal medicines.


Ayurveda's Holistic Perspective on Pregnancy.
Ayurvedic Garbha Sanskar (educating the mind of the foetus) procedures manage the pregnancy of women to ensure the safe birthing of superior babies.
Garbha sanskar is a set of Ayurvedic practices that aims to perfect the processes and products of reproduction and childbirth. In which pregnant women elaborate routines of religious rituals, dietary prescriptions, preconception, planned conception, pregnancy, delivery and post-partum care.
Pregnancy is a very spiritual time. And at the time of conception you have to keep in mind about your dosha. 
Related to the above point, it is also important to keep in mind that it inherently involves the release of some ojas (the essence of vitality and immunity). Ojas is critical for the establishment of pregnancy, as it feeds the vitality of the embryo and the growing fetus. ojas is shared even to a greater degree with the growing baby. It is important, therefore, to not release too much ojas with over indulgence during love as ojas is a very precious substance (it is the final product of the digestion of food after it goes through all seven tissue layers, taking over a month to produce!). Those who have stronger vata in their constitution, or imbalance, tend to have less ojas, making it
more important to be more cautious with intercourse. 
Vitiated Vata dosha is the main reason for many physical and psychological abnormalities in pregnant woman. So this is very necessary to keep Vata in normal State. Increased vata dosha leads to Preterm delivery, Premature rupture of membrane, Low birth weight baby etc. It also affects psychological condition of pregnant woman, in which Satva is decreased, Raja and Tama are increased. If Raja is increased, it leads anxiety, fear and intolerance of pain. If Tama is increased then it creates depression, negative thoughts, fear from delivery and intolerance of pain so that patient will not cooperate in labour and there are more chances of operative delivery.
There are more chances of Post-partum depression.
So this is very necessary to keep Vata in normal State and Try our Ayurvedic Therapies & Medicines to regulate the vata dosha, which is chief governing factor behind all the physiological and pathological processes both in body and the mind.
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The baby is growing inside you, processing its new body and environment, and (based on your belief system) it is processing past karmas or simply transitioning into this world. For the same reason that many deeply spiritual individuals practice celibacy (to conserve that vital energy for internal and spiritual insights), it can be very beneficial to the baby to preserve that environment and energy during this time.
A man with undamaged sperm and a woman with undamaged ovum and uterus may follow to obtain - excellent progeny. The process for perfecting the progeny begins with the foetus-laying garbhadana ceremony performed. When you planning for having a baby, both the man and woman are required to undergo purification rituals - shuddhikaran - do your best not to become frustrated, remembering the impact of stress and anxiety on your fertility. Continue to replenish ojas through diet and lifestyle, while making sure your digestive fire remains strong. Create a peaceful, loving, and welcoming atmosphere. 
The pregnant woman is expected to follow the garbhini paricharya (the do’s and don’ts of pregnancy), which consists of regimens to stabilise the foetus.
The mother is one such gateway, literally passing the purity through her uterine fluids and her breastmilk.
Build Your Own Womb Room: An Ayurvedic Perspective
The womb is the most vata-pacifying thing that exists. How can you create your world so that it’s like a womb for you, so that your own womb can grow? How do you keep yourself warm and your body safe? How do you keep yourself fed and nourished and protected? How do you incubate yourself?”
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Keep the pregnancy glow for 9 months with Ayurveda.
In Ayurveda, pregnancy is viewed as a very special and spiritual time in a woman’s life. During this period woman’s aura is particularly luminous and golden
Ayurveda prescribes some set of rules which are very important for every pregnant woman. It contains various details related to ahara (nutrition), vihara (lifestyle) and vichara (thought process) which women have to follow at the different stages of pregnancy.
Promoting the Health of Mother and Baby During Pregnancy Using Ayurveda begins with a month by month. In Ayurveda, it has also been described the measures to be adopted month- by -month diet for the fetus which grows without any morbidity. Special herbal regimens are also prescribed for each month for softening of placenta, for nutritional supplement and also to help normal expulsion of fetus during delivery. 
Schedule Your Consultation to know month - by - month Regimes of Ayurveda during pregnancy.
Call 9773170560/9825463394
According to Ayurveda, preparing for conception can be easily compared to the process of farming. Just like the health of a crop depends on the quality of soil, seed, proper timing of sowing and water (containing nutrient matter) gets, the health of a baby depends on the health of its parents. For a pregnancy to be healthy and successful, a couple needs to take care of the following four essential factors like Sperm / Ovum (Seeds) - Uterus (Soil) - Nourishment (Water) - Time for Conception (Timing of Sowing).....the time of conception, health of the reproductive organs of the female, beeja of mother, diet during pregnancy, drugs-medicines taken by a woman during her pregnancy, and any disease in the mother during her pregnancy, can affect the health and normalcy of a foetus .
The balanced Ahara rasa that is taken by the pregnant woman helps in the formation of Sapta Dhatus, in the required amount, in the foetus. 
Set your specific diet Schedule for 9 months with me:
As per Ayurveda different food habits and treatments are required every month for a normal delivery. According to Ayurveda there are nine varied groups of medicines and herbs for each month.
In Ayurveda, it has also described the measures to be adopted month- by -month diet for the fetus which grows without any morbidity. Special herbal regimens are also prescribed for each month for softening of placenta, for nutritional supplement and also to help normal expulsion of fetus during delivery.
Ayurveda advices a wholesome diet for each month for the healthy growth of the baby in the mother’s womb. 
Ayurveda prescribes some set of rules which are very important for every pregnant woman. It contains various details related to ahara (nutrition), vihara (lifestyle) and vichara (thought process) which women have to follow at the different stages of pregnancy. 
A pregnant woman is to be treated very cautiously as if one is walking with a pot full of oil, in hand without letting a drop to fall. Medicines, diet and other therapies should be soft, sweet, cold, pleasant and tender.
Ayurveda provides nutritional advice as well as practices such as meditation, the daily routine, yoga asanas, and considerations for happiness.
Ayurveda is a form of holistic medicine. I will design a treatment plan for you, tailored for your physical and emotional makeup, your primary life force, and the balance between your life forces, called doshas.
Your Baby's Dosha : Why It's Important To Know Your Baby's Dosha?
Which dosha is my baby ? It’s a question worth asking because the answer can help you with everything from understanding their personality to keeping them healthy.
Everyone contains all three dosha, Vata, Pitta and Kapha, but one or two will be stronger...One of example...
Vata Baby
A Vata baby is very alert and active. Vata is intelligent and learns new things easily.


Ayurveda takes a very holistic view of pregnancy and childbirth.
Child Bearing Year has been described in great detail in Ayurveda. All basic principles of Ayurveda need to be applied to deal with the problems of maternal and foetal mortality. Rules of Ahara (diet), Vihara (lifestyle), Sadavrutta (moral conduct), along with varied therapies. Major changes in lifestyle may be required. Uses of various Ayurvedic formulations using ghees and oils have given wonderful results. Ayurveda aims at producing “Supraja” or healthy progeny. Ayurveda provides answers to some of the most worrying problems facing in today's women of modern world.
Ayurveda gives great importance to the preconception period.
The preconception time offers a golden opportunity to provide the best of the both of you to your future child. Ayurvedic preconception care takes advantage of your body’s natural ability to cleanse and renew. Ayurveda offers a complete approach to fertility that embraces both the male and the female roles as equally important. 
Now a days that fertility is equally spiritual and emotional as it is physical. 
My purpose to understanding child bearing year with Ayurveda is to lead you through the journey of preconception preparation before arriving at the doorstep of pregnancy. The guide will start of to enhance with fertility—the essential elements that must operate well for conception to occur—and then, with this understanding, walks through the phases of preconception preparation, step-by-step.
As such, its perfection requires the best of the best—the best food, the best thoughts, the best environment. This is especially true for men, since fully mature sperm are produced, on average, every two months. For women, maintaining a healthy environment protects the quality of the eggs that they were born with.
According to Ayurveda, the reproductive tissue is the very last tissue in our bodies to be created. It is the most refined, most complete tissue after we digest and process all the food, thoughts, and emotions that we ingest.
Anger, grief, toxins, emotional heaviness, and more all have a profound impact on your pregnancy.
Deeper fertility cleansing is required, to remove toxins and excess doshas from the field, the nutrients and fluid, and the seed, which are deeper tissue layers.
Charaka, explains the importance of ojas in relation to pregnancy. It is the ojas which keeps all the living beings refreshed. There can be no life without ojas. Ojas marks the beginning of embryo. Whatever makes you feel more full, juicy, content, and nourished builds ojas.
When you are planning do your best not to become frustrated, remembering the impact of stress and anxiety on your fertility. Continue to replenish ojas through diet and lifestyle, while making sure your digestive fire remains strong. Create a peaceful, loving, and welcoming atmosphere. 
Child Bearing Year is a crucial period in women’s lives which covers fertility, pregnancy, birth, and postpartum and Ayurveda enhancing these experiences with extreme care: 
Childbearing year with AYURVEDA is the process of creating “Supraja” – healthy happy children with superior intellect, strong immune systems and a sound moral and spiritual base.
Maternal Mental Health
New and expecting mothers face not only changes to their lifestyles, but also changes to their bodies and hormones. For some, there may be physical and mental health struggles that arise. Maternal mental health disorders typically occur in what is called the perinatal period. This includes the prenatal period, or time that a woman is pregnant, and the postpartum period, which is the first year after the baby has been born. 
Depression In Women
About one in every eight women can expect to develop clinical depression during their lifetime.
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you feel empowered as a couple—emotionally, spiritually, and physically as Ayurveda has remarkable tools that can help assist you in completing your family.