According to Ayurveda, childbirth itself is governed by the Vata dosha.
Pregnancy is a time to bond with your unborn baby, and self-care is especially important. Many physical and emotional changes are occurring during these months. According to Ayurveda, pregnancy is the time to balance the Vata dosha, which is the energy of air and space, which dominates the nervous system.
Ayurveda's says that pregnancy is the understanding that this is a time when your Vata dosha will naturally rise. Vaata dosha is composed of two of the pancha mahabhutas (five core elements: fire, earth, water, air, space) -- air and space. Vata dosha represents the force of movement. This dosha will rise steadily throughout pregnancy, till the childbirth. This is nature's way of supporting the tremendous force necessary for childbirth.
Vata plays the most important role in ensuring a healthy pregnancy. Apana Vata – a subdosha of Vata – is responsible for the downward flow of energy in the body. this is the energy that regulates the growth and development of the foetus and is instrumental in ensuring a healthy and natural delivery. That’s why it’s really important for women to maintain vata during the third trimester of the pregnancy.
Vata also regulates the nervous systems. If it is unbalanced, you may feel spaced out, not grounded, or experience dryness, fragility, fatigue, hypersensitivity, constipation... And in the middle of all this, you have to take care of another one which is growing inside, being requiring your undivided attention.That's why it's so important to educate yourself before giving birth.
This specific care of a pregnant woman has been given a special term in our Ayurveda classics as Garbhini-Paricharya. So Garbhini-paricharya if properly followed would result in good health of the foetus, smooth and minimal or painless delivery and also good health of the mother so that she may withstand the strains of labour and the postpartum phase.
Increase or decrease in Vata is of the utmost importance in the pregnant woman. All kinds of problems like pregnancy loss, ectopic pregnancy, haemorrhage, eclampsia, IUGR (Intrauterine growth retardation), difficult labour, etc come under the purview of Vata Dosha. We have seen that women who are given therapies for management of Vata have surprisingly easy pregnancies and deliveries compared to those who did not.
Learn hot to balance Vata Dosha during Pregnancy.
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Pregnancy creates a multitude of changes in a woman's body. This is a time of heightened activity of Vata, the most destructive of all the Doshas.
There are many formulations that prove beneficial to the mother. I have given my experience with some of the popular ones which are widely used and which continue to give amazing results with their efficacy.
The Baby
As soon as the baby is born there are certain rituals that ensure that its start on life is healthy and positive. As soon as the child is born holy Mantras are chanted in its ear so that they may be the first words that he hears. Almost immediately after birth the baby is massaged with oil. This relieves some of the fatigue and trauma of childbirth. After the umbilical cord is cut he/she is bathed with warm water infused with fragrant herbs, which are astringent and blood purifying, by nature. This soothes the babies' senses and relaxes. A pad of cotton dipped in oil is placed on the baby's head. This is for regulation of Prana Vayu, the most important of the five types of Vayu. Prana controls the sense organs, the mind, intellect and basically all life processes. After this the baby is made to lick a rub of different herbs with a drop of ghee or honey or in mother's milk. All of these herbs are strengthening the brain and nourishing the sense organs. Ghee is very beneficial to the brain.
The number of formulations of herbs given to the baby for the development of his brain and sense organs.
Regular Abhyanga massage upto the baby becomes one year old which is one of the most important things for a baby's health. This helps in growth and development of the bones and muscles, sharpens the intellect and mind, improves sleep and increases stamina. These are very important in the future development of the child.
Uses of various Ayurvedic formulations like various ghees and oils have given wonderful results. Ayurveda aims at producing healthy progeny. Ayurveda provides answers to some of the most worrying problems facing today.
Ayurveda describes a very holistic view of pregnancy and childbirth.
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The Importance of 42 Days
Ayurveda recognizes the importance of taking care of the Mother and work on balancing the Vata dosha for 42 Days.
Adding oil and ghee to your diet and lifestyle for at least a month after the delivery. Hormones are lipid (fat) based. Increasing your bodies intake of healthy fats is vital to a good recovery. Good quality fats are important to balancing hormones. Vata requires fat to return to balance.
Just after giving birth, use oil ( Call me to get the herbal oil) on your belly and feet. This helps to fill the void left by the baby in your body, and will vitiate Vata. In the next coming weeks after pregnancy, continue to use our herbal oil to massage the body.
Your body will thank you later. The sub-dosha of Vata: Apana, which allowed the expulsion of the baby, is a movement that goes down. Your body, your uterus and all your organs and systems need time to find their places. Give it time. A few days is not enough.The gravity of the standing posture is too intense on the body for at least a month........This is a period of healing and the dosha most compromised (Vata) requires the most gentleness. The process of childbirth creates an empty space within the womb, giving air the opportunity to occupy this space and cause an imbalance in the vata energy. This is manifested as anxiety, dryness, gas, constipation, bloating and interrupted sleep.
Ayurveda has great wisdom to draw from for healing during the postpartum period for the Mother, as well as bonding between the Mother and the baby.
You are the vessel of creation! But the attention is often shifted to the new baby after delivery, as the new baby depends completely on mother for his/her wellbeing. You have just undergone an incredible transformative process. You deserve rest and healing.
It can also be a challenging phase of life as the mother’s body goes through numerous changes in order to create and support the development of the new life. It has been also called as Antenatal Care.
A combination of Ahara (diet), Vihara (regimen), Vichara (emotions/thoughts) and Aushadha (medications) have been given great significance in Ayurveda in antenatal care called as Garbhini Paricharya.
Set your Diet and Nutrition during Pregnancy.
I have designed ayurvedic postpartum care to harmonize the new mother’s vata.
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