Ayurveda takes a very holistic view of pregnancy and childbirth. This is why it would serve us well to turn to Ayurveda for solutions to the many bewildering problems of pregnancy as well as maternal and foetal health.
It is said in Ayurveda that the first forty-two days postpartum can shape the next forty-two years of life for the mother’s health.
During my first pregnancy experience as a new mother during these past six weeks has only increased my respect for and faith in Ayurveda. They have been some of the most challenging weeks of my life, yet they have also brought with them great spiritual growth and insight.
My body was not hurting in all sorts of places, my daughter’s digestion and bodily systems were settling, and I felt more settled in my new role. Forty-two days was approximately the amount of time that it took for the both of us to adjust. My energy was almost on par with what it used to be. Breastfeeding finally started to feel more natural and not hurt so much.
Without the proper care during this time of massive transition, vata (mobile, light, and dry qualities) will linger in the body for years, causing all sorts of ailments down the line.
Childbirth is a highly vata-provoking experience, but with a proper recovery period, a woman can easily rebalance and fully step into her new role. In Ayurvedic management of pregnancy each woman is screened for signs of vitiated Vata. Through diet, medicines and-cleansing regimens, vata is pacified well in advance.
All kinds of problems related to pregnancy difficulties come under the purview of Vata Dosha.I have seen during my 32 years of practice that women who are given therapies for management of Vata have surprisingly easy pregnancies and deliveries compared to those who did not.
An Ayurvedic post partum regimen is an excellent way to help a post partum woman gain her health and strength rapidly, gently balance aggravated doshas. If this aggravated Vata dosha is left unchecked it can lead to higher pain, poorer recovery rates, vata based disorders along with post part depression and hair fall.
Pregnancy creates a multitude of changes in a woman's body. This is a time of heightened activity of Vata, the most destructive of all the Doshas.
There are many Ayurvedic formulations that prove beneficial to the mother. I have given my experience with some of the popular ones which are widely used and which continue to give amazing results with their efficacy.
The process of childbirth creates an empty space within the womb, giving air the opportunity to occupy this space and cause an imbalance in the vata energy. This is manifested as anxiety, dryness, gas, constipation, bloating and interrupted sleep.
During the first two weeks after birth, i have created specific guidelines for the new mother’s dietary regimen that involve balancing the energy of the vata dosha.
Book my Ayurvedic postpartum care program which is designed to harmonize the new mother’s vata.
Call 9773170560/9825463394
As you adjust to your new life with baby, it’s important to remember that your mind and emotions are also changing, so be sure to give yourself the support you need.
Ayurveda places special emphasis on health of parents before conception specially women.
The unplanned and accidental pregnancies are strongly opposed in Ayurveda. The physical, mental and spiritual state of both the parents is represented in their eggs and sperms. These properties decide the foundational development (Prakriti) of the embryo.
Our body which evolves when Jeeva (soul) accompanied by Mana (mind) and the subtle four elements, enters the conglomerated entity formed by mixing of ovum and sperm so, the ancient literature emphasis the need to empower the individual to be conceived at physical, psychological as well as spiritual level by planning taking to bring forth a progeny with desired attributes and value.
Also schedule your sessions for Garbhsanskar- new life taking shape (For brainy & healthy child) in a woman's womb. Insight pregnancy your baby takes shape - physically and mentally.
We offers a unique opportunity to build lifelong health and intelligence with our Garbhsanskar Program
Apart from the physical growth, a human baby’s brain development paves the way for her future level of intelligence and quality of life. Much of this development starts before a baby is even born.
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Call 9773170560/9825463394
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