Thursday, June 25, 2020


My research and 32 years of experience practically supports the view that cultural rituals are important in pregnancy and childbirth.
In Ayurveda, pregnancy is viewed as a very special and spiritual time in a woman’s life. Pregnant woman’s aura is particularly luminous and golden — pregnancy glow. This is a time when a woman’s intuitive abilities are particularly high, and meditation and other spiritual practices are highly recommended at this time.
With the intention of giving children a happy and healthy genetic inheritance, Ayurveda suggests parents observe a preconception regime called Vajikaranam. About six months before conception, personalised purification and rejuvenation regime for the couple performed to ensure optimal ovum and sperm quality and quantity. This may include lifestyle changes, a nutrition plan, herbs, cleanses, yoga and meditation. The couple avoid chemicals such as those in food or personal care products. Energising exercises also increase fertility and virility, but must be done in moderation. 
To prepare the "womb room" for your baby, women can balance their menstrual cycle and take cleansing and fortifying herbs and supplements. Essential fatty acids, calcium, magnesium, folic acid, iron, B12, B6 and zinc are particularly vital to prevent birth defects along with General female ayurvedic tonics.
The ways in which you respond to and care for your unborn child may affect his physical and emotional well-being for the rest of his life. The choices you make today about your child’s birth may make a vital difference for years to come. You can prepare your unborn baby for a happy, healthy life. 
How You Can Prepare Your Baby for a Happy, Healthy Life
Garbhsanskar : A gift to every loving, caring parent. Series of Garbhsanskar that will change the experience of pregnancy and childbirth forever! Nurturing your child from conception. 
Rituals during pregnancy (Garbhsanskar) and rituals after arrival of baby is very important.
Research has shown that the heartbeat of the foetus slows down when she hears her mom’s voice. The assumption is that even before the birth mom has a calming effect on the baby. “She identifies with the sounds she hears most, and that’s your voice, followed by her dad’s.
In Ayurveda, when a food is sattvic it means it is pure and fresh. This means: avoid leftovers. No processed foods. It is advised to buy organic and non-GMO produce. An expectant mother needs to consume pure and easily digestible foods that nourish the dhatus, or tissues of both her and her baby. Also, cooked food is better than raw during pregnancy, as raw foods tend to aggravate digestion.
A sattvic diet is said to increase the qualities of purity and clarity in the mind. Sattvic and grounding foods deliver prana, or cosmic life force, to the body. They also help to build ojas, or vitality, for both you and your baby.
Most importantly, nourish yourself. As traditional medicine teaches us, everything that you taste, see, touch, and feel during pregnancy, the baby experiences too. Give yourself a daily massage (Abhyanga) with warming and grounding Ayurvedic oils to nourish your mind, body and spirit as well as the baby’s.
Abhyanga, Sanskrit for “oil massage,” is a timeless Ayurvedic ritual. Applying oil to the body is grounding and relaxing, and provides stability and warmth. This ritual evaporates stress and fatigue. You are literally giving love to yourself and your baby, while also helping to diminish stretch marks, restore skin’s elasticity, and relieve that pregnant belly itching.
Practical Ayurvedic advice according to your specific needs – as though you were having an Ayurvedic consultation. I have collected of tried and tested Ayurvedic practices and remedies including foods, oils, yoga, and meditation, that you can apply to your need or situation – to aid sleep, increase energy, boost immunity, relieve digestive problems, improve relationships, and much more.
Call 9773170560/9825463394

Wednesday, June 24, 2020


An Approach to Samskara in Ayurveda..
Samskaras : The Hindu Sacraments : The word "Saṁskāra" as "sacrament" means the religious purificatory rites and
ceremonies for sanctifying the body, mind and intellect of an individual. The Saṁskāras are a means of moulding the personality of the individual, and through this moulding one becomes an ideal member of society and an enlightened being.
Samskaras are the turning points of life and need to be celebrated. Samskaras are great, time-tested tools in our traditional systems which help carve out a great personality. 
Samskaras bring about cultural gains.The various ceremonies related to the samskaras help in the formation and development of personality.It convey a higher sacredness to life. Various Impurities associated with the body are cleared by performing samskaras. The samskaras are a form of spiritual sadhana. There are special ceremonies to remove sins, bestow good quality and to increase intellect that are performed since in-utero life to death, called as Samskara.
Just as gold and diamonds that are dug out from the ore need refining and polishing in order to shine in their entire splendor, man too needs these Samskaras or purificatory ceremonies in order to shine in his best form physically, psychically and spiritually.
Samskaras (Sacraments) are rituals and sacrifices. By virtue of their performances the life of the performer receives a higher sanctity.
Ayurveda describes one theory as "Supraja japan". This "Supraja janan", as conceptualised in Ayurveda, involves the preparation of the couple planning pregnancy, three months prior to conception.The beginning is by pinda shuddhi or the purification of the gametes (sperm and ovum).
Samskaras impart a higher sanctity to life. Impurities associated with the material body are eradicated by performing samskaras.
Ancient Indian medicine (charak, susruta and other) has recognized the need for the mental,spiritual and physical preparation of the mother-to-be for the momentous event of childbirth and described detail in Garbhadana Samakara.
All these functions and other activities are done to get a healthy child.In summary Pregnancy should be by choice, and not by chance.
The variety of rites and rituals related to the samskaras help in the formation and development of personality. In the Parashar Smruti it is said, "Just as a picture is painted with various colors, so the character of a person is formed by undergoing various samskaras." Thus, the Hindu sages realised the need of consciously guiding and molding the character of individuals, instead of letting them grow in a haphazard manner. Impurities associated with the material body are eradicated by performing samskaras.
Removal of Dosha, Fulfillment of deficiencies, Increase in good qualities of Body and Soul are the uses of Samskaras. Samskaras are the procedures by which the mala, dosha, bad qualities, and deficiencies are removed from body as well as soul and good qualities are introduced and increased in both of them.
The ancient rishis and sages enjoined the sixteen samskaras for the eternal benefit of mankind through their direct experience with the Divine. 
The samskaras bring together family members, close relatives and friends, hence increase the cohesiveness of the family unit. Therein the unit harmonizes and strengthens the social structure. The consequence of this is a healthy society with a strong cultural identity which easily refines, boosts and perpetuates its traditional beliefs, customs, morals and values. These Samaskaras helps to build good society and so as country.
Samskars are the event done before conception up to death of person; so it is having social as well as medical significance. By all above Samskars, we can access the growth and development of child and can diagnosis any defect at certain age, which will help child to increase his skill of work as well as mental ability. This, also make person aware of his duty towards society and teach him how to behave in society, so that we can make crime free society. During the process of growth and development of child, undergoes different mental and physical changes in his body. 
Samkars help him to accept only good qualities and avoid bad conducts. Samkars also make aware of his responsibilities towards parents, wife, children and society.
There is unique relationship between Samskara and Culture. 
From birth till death, a human being is confined with various types of Samskaras and only these Samskaras grant him dignity and decorum, nourish him and purify him. It is this Samskara which introduces the perfection of humanity.
With these thoughts from the rituals at the time of birth of a child till the funeral ritual, our great Rishis have granted us the knowledge about our duties. It is only on the strength of the morale and good conduct that a man becomes Samskari and achieves a place of respect in the society.
It is very much essential that our children have in them Vedic code of conduct and discipline. If the best qualities and characteristics are cultivated in them right from their childhood then its impact remains through- out his life. Only those human beings have become human beings in real sense in whose life there is an impact of these Samskaras.
Samskaras are great, time-tested tools in our traditional systems which help carve out a great personality.
As a painting is made by joining the different kinds of colours with a brush, similarly by following the ritual consecrations, this body also becomes able to achieve BRAHMA (Salvation).
Thus, the entire life of a Hindu is one grand sacrament.
Postpartum :The birthing process for any woman is both physically traumatic and emotionally chaotic.
The ancient Rishis were well aware of the nature of childbirth and in order to facilitate a therapeutic environment instituted the concept of asaucham.
The period of asaucham prescribed after birth was for ten days and applied to the mother. During these ten days the mother was exempt from all domestic and ritual chores. The reason for this today is obvious for medical reasons. The new-born child receives its antibodies and ability to fight off infection through the mother’s milk. Therefore until its immunity is strengthened it should be protected from the possibility of catching infections from hordes of visitors.
The mother should be allowed to rest and to bond with her new-born child rather than expending unnecessary energy chatting to visitors. 
So even in modern society it is possible to maintain this tradition and avoid visiting new mothers before the ten day period is over.
There are specific times in the life of a human being that, according to Vedic philosophy, are said to greatly impact his or her character. These are called samskaras. These times and the rituals associated with them are a process of purification and divinizing. One of them is the seventh month of pregnancy, which is heavily emphasized (the first two are at the time of conception and during the fourth month of the pregnancy). 
During pregnancy, samskaras are celebrated for a happy course of the pregnancy and the good health of the mother and the baby during the pre-natal period. The significance of this samskara is highly important, as these ceremony purify and refine field (woman’reproductive system) and seed (sperms), thus the born child will posses high qualities.
Samskaras provide sound mental and physical health and the confidence to face life's challenges.
The word Saṁskāra is derived from the Sanskrit root meaning “to refine”. In the classical Sanskrit literature the word Sanskara is used in a very wide sense:— in the sense of education, cultivation, training, making perfect, refining, polishing, embellishment, impression, form, mould, operation, impression on the sub-conscious mind, a purificatory rite, a sacred rite or ceremony, consecration, sanctification and hallowing; idea, notion and conception; effect of work, merit of action, adorns one’s personality etc.
From conception to the end of childhood several precautionary measures and health care are taken for the well being of the mother and child. Likewise, rituals and ceremonies also play an important role in the health care and well being of the mother and child.
* Rituals and Ceremonies For Conception
* Rituals and Ceremonies during Pregnancy 
* Rituals and Ceremonies after Childbirth
Method of conception is described in Ayurveda in the form of certain rituals and regime to be followed before achievement of conception to acquire a desired progeny.
Ayurveda gives natural, scientific and simplified methods of obtaining a desirable pregnancy. By adopting these simple methods and following the rule, restrictions and specific regimen, one can procure a desirable, healthy, intelligent, beautiful progeny with strength, vigor and longevity.
The sage Gautama gives eight spiritual-virtues of the Self (ātma-guṇas), that need to be cultivated for spiritual unfoldment and this is achieved through the medium of the Saṁskāras.
The eight gunas or qualities of the Self are are: daya, ksanti, anasuya, sauca, anayasa, mangala, akarpaṇya, asprha..viz., compassion, forbearance, freedom from envy, purity, calmness, right behaviour, and freedom from greed and covetousness
Samskaras are the turning points of life and need to be celebrated. These rituals prepare the mind to assimilate not only the Vedic knowledge but also make one a person of character. 
So Samskaras are purificatory acts, making both body and mind pure and thereby helping one in spiritual upliftment.
Thus since the time of conception right upto the birth of the baby, family has to took all precautionary steps to guard the womb and the baby-to-be-bom against all evil influences.
The ancient rishis and sages enjoined the sixteen samskaras for the eternal benefit of mankind through their direct experience with the Divine. 
Hindus believe that every aspect of life is sacred.
That is why each significant stage, from conception to cremation, is celebrated as a reminder that life is a gift from God which should be duly respected and lived according to His wishes. This is the first installment describing the significance of the 16 Samskaras. These samskaras are meant to cultivate positive qualities which help purify the soul and ultimately lead it to Realization, or union with God.
This sacrament is performed to ensure the physical and spiritual health of the baby by keeping the mother in good morale.
Samskraras in the Vaidic tradition are celebrations which include pertinent ceremonies, performance of rituals, chanting of mantras, use of specific herbs, fruits, flowers, grains etc.,..another meaning is “to refine or purify”
The variety of rites and rituals related to the samskaras help in the formation and development of personality.
Samskaras impart a higher sanctity to life. Impurities associated with the material body are eradicated by performing samskaras. 
Pre-natal Samskaras
1. Garbhadana Samsara (Conception) – Garbhaadhana is the conception ritual for having healthy children. The word, Garbhadana, is a combination of two Sanskrit words, Garbha, meaning the womb, and Dana, meaning a gift. Thus it literally means a gift of/to the womb, embodying perhaps one of the most beautiful concepts in the Vedic way of Life.
It is to be concluded that while conceiving a child one’s mind must be very sober and devotional. For this purpose the Garbhadhana-sanskara is recommended in the Vedic scriptures.
2. Pumsavana Samskara – is usually performed between the second and fourth month of pregnancy. Its purpose is: to insure the good health of the foetus and the proper formation of its organs.
3. Simantonoyana Samskara – In the fourth or fifth month of pregnancy & to protect the foetus–especially its newly forming mind–from all negative influences, and also to stimulate the development of the unborn child’s intellect.
4. Jatakarma Samskara is the ritual performed at the birth of a child noting the birth time and star to create a birth chart which would be the blue print of child's life.
5. Namakarana Samskara – After the child’s birth, namakarana Samskara is performed. In this ceremony, the child has given its name.
6. Nishkramana Samskara – The baby’s first outing into the world.
7. Annaprashana (First Feeding) – The first feeding of solid food to the baby, usually in the sixth month after birth.
8. Karnavedh (Piercing the earlobes)
9. Chudakarana Samskara – This ritual shaving of hair, performed with ceremony, prayers, and chanting of Vedic hymns.
10. Vidyarambha Samskara – Learning the alphabet, begins a student’s primary education by ceremonially introducing the child to the alphabet.
11. Upanayana Samskara – Sacred thread initiation
12. Vedarambha (Beginning Vedic study)
13 Keshant (Godaan) (Shaving the beard)
‘Kesh’ means hair and ‘ant’ means the end. This Samskara involves the first shaving of the beard by the student at the age of sixteen. The ceremony included gift giving such as to the barber and the teacher at his school.
14 Samavartan (End of studentship)-Sama Vartan’ meant ‘returning home from the house on completion of the studies of the Vedas and other scriptures in Gurukul when the student leaves his guru and gurukul Samavartan Sanskara is performed.
Marriage Samskara
(15) Vivaha (Marriage Ceremony)
Death Samskara
(16) Antyeshti (Death rites) – The final sacrament, the funeral rites, are known as antyeshti Samskara.
Schedule Your Consultation 
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Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Brain development begins before birth

A child’s brain begins to grow very early on in pregnancy and develops at an astonishing speed. At the 4th week of pregnancy, the brain has an estimated 10,000 cells—by the 24th week, it contains 10 billion. The nutrition that a baby gets from his mother through her diet is the fuel that drives much of this incredible transformation.
Nutrients such as folic acid, iron, zinc and iodine, as well as protein and fatty acids play a vital role in building a baby’s brain during pregnancy. When one or more of these is absent during pregnancy, a baby could be at risk for developmental delays, birth defects and cognitive deficits. Because a mother’s diet and her nutrient stores are the only source of nutrition for a developing baby, it is critical that women get the health care and nutritious food they need before and during pregnancy.
To learn and grow appropriately, a baby’s brain has to be healthy and protected from diseases and other risks. Promoting the development of a healthy brain can start even before pregnancy. For example, a healthy diet and the right nutrients like sufficient folic acid will promote a healthy pregnancy and a healthy nervous system in the growing baby. Folic acid is a B vitamin that can help prevent major birth defects.
When it comes to brain development, breastmilk is nature’s superfood.
Babies need good nutrition to fuel their growing brains after birth. You and your baby gain many benefits from breastfeeding. Breast milk is easy to digest and has antibodies that can protect your baby from bacterial and viral infections.
Breastmilk is the perfect nutrition for brain development. It contains a variety of nutrients and proteins—as well as growth factors and hormones that cannot be replicated in infant formula—that are vital to a baby’s brain development. Numerous studies have shown that babies who are breastfed perform better in intelligence tests and have higher IQs scores as children and teens. Because it involves a great deal of mother-to-child touch and nurturing interaction, breastfeeding also plays an important role in strengthening a baby’s sensory and emotional circuitry, which are critical for both cognitive and socio-emotional development.
During the period of breastfeeding the mother needs to be aware that most solid foods with take roughly 36 hours to be transformed into milk. In some cases, liquids for example, the food can become milk in as little as 12 hours.
Preconception health and health care focuses on taking steps now to protect the health of a baby in the future.
If you are planning for pregnancy, your mental health is very important. Mental health is how we think, feel, and act as we cope with life. To be at your best, you need to feel good about your life and value yourself. Everyone feels worried, anxious, sad, or stressed sometimes. However, if these feelings do not go away and they interfere with your daily life, get help....
Call me : 9773170560/9825463394
Learn how to activate the Agni of your baby after birth.
Give your baby a healthy start in life will help you to have peace of mind.

Monday, June 22, 2020


Ayurveda takes a very holistic view of pregnancy and childbirth. This is why it would serve us well to turn to Ayurveda for solutions to the many bewildering problems of pregnancy as well as maternal and foetal health.
It is said in Ayurveda that the first forty-two days postpartum can shape the next forty-two years of life for the mother’s health.
During my first pregnancy experience as a new mother during these past six weeks has only increased my respect for and faith in Ayurveda. They have been some of the most challenging weeks of my life, yet they have also brought with them great spiritual growth and insight.
My body was not hurting in all sorts of places, my daughter’s digestion and bodily systems were settling, and I felt more settled in my new role. Forty-two days was approximately the amount of time that it took for the both of us to adjust. My energy was almost on par with what it used to be. Breastfeeding finally started to feel more natural and not hurt so much. 
Without the proper care during this time of massive transition, vata (mobile, light, and dry qualities) will linger in the body for years, causing all sorts of ailments down the line. 
Childbirth is a highly vata-provoking experience, but with a proper recovery period, a woman can easily rebalance and fully step into her new role. In Ayurvedic management of pregnancy each woman is screened for signs of vitiated Vata. Through diet, medicines and-cleansing regimens, vata is pacified well in advance.
All kinds of problems related to pregnancy difficulties come under the purview of Vata Dosha.I have seen during my 32 years of practice that women who are given therapies for management of Vata have surprisingly easy pregnancies and deliveries compared to those who did not.
An Ayurvedic post partum regimen is an excellent way to help a post partum woman gain her health and strength rapidly, gently balance aggravated doshas. If this aggravated Vata dosha is left unchecked it can lead to higher pain, poorer recovery rates, vata based disorders along with post part depression and hair fall. 
Pregnancy creates a multitude of changes in a woman's body. This is a time of heightened activity of Vata, the most destructive of all the Doshas.
There are many Ayurvedic formulations that prove beneficial to the mother. I have given my experience with some of the popular ones which are widely used and which continue to give amazing results with their efficacy.
The process of childbirth creates an empty space within the womb, giving air the opportunity to occupy this space and cause an imbalance in the vata energy. This is manifested as anxiety, dryness, gas, constipation, bloating and interrupted sleep. 
During the first two weeks after birth, i have created specific guidelines for the new mother’s dietary regimen that involve balancing the energy of the vata dosha.
Book my Ayurvedic postpartum care program which is designed to harmonize the new mother’s vata.
Call 9773170560/9825463394
As you adjust to your new life with baby, it’s important to remember that your mind and emotions are also changing, so be sure to give yourself the support you need. 
Ayurveda places special emphasis on health of parents before conception specially women. 
The unplanned and accidental pregnancies are strongly opposed in Ayurveda. The physical, mental and spiritual state of both the parents is represented in their eggs and sperms. These properties decide the foundational development (Prakriti) of the embryo.
Our body which evolves when Jeeva (soul) accompanied by Mana (mind) and the subtle four elements, enters the conglomerated entity formed by mixing of ovum and sperm so, the ancient literature emphasis the need to empower the individual to be conceived at physical, psychological as well as spiritual level by planning taking to bring forth a progeny with desired attributes and value.
Also schedule your sessions for Garbhsanskar- new life taking shape (For brainy & healthy child) in a woman's womb. Insight pregnancy your baby takes shape - physically and mentally.
We offers a unique opportunity to build lifelong health and intelligence with our Garbhsanskar Program
Apart from the physical growth, a human baby’s brain development paves the way for her future level of intelligence and quality of life. Much of this development starts before a baby is even born.
Do You Know Your Life Decided " In The Womb"
Call 9773170560/9825463394

How a child's food preferences begin in the womb?

Children’s Food preferences And Food Memories Shaped Before Birth - Begin In The Womb..!
A mother’s food choice can shape baby’s palate, research shows.
Researches have shown that a baby’s eating habits – good or bad – are shaped in the womb by their mother’s own diets.
Many factors influence the food preferences that children develop in their early lives. One of those factors is likely what their mothers ate while they were pregnant with them.
Research shows that what a woman eats during pregnancy not only nourishes her baby in the womb, but may shape food preferences later in life.
Everything you consume or inhale while pregnant will be passed through to the foetus. Food choices can prepare you for a healthy pregnancy. The baby in the womb is dependent physically, mentally and emotionally on the mother. Thus, the nutritional status of the mother, even before becoming pregnant, is critical to the early development of the baby.
Your sense of taste and smell is developed in utero. What the mother eats the flavors—the garlic, vanilla, carrot, anise, a whole host of different flavors—are transmitted through the bloodstream and flavor amniotic fluid … If a baby has experienced a flavor in utero or in breastmilk, they prefer it more. That amniotic fluid and breast milk share a commonality in flavor profiles with the foods eaten by the mother suggests that breast milk may ‘bridge’ the experiences with flavors in utero to those in solid foods. Fetuses can get a lot of exposure to whatever flavors their mother recently tasted—near the end of a pregnancy, they can swallow almost a liter of amniotic fluid a day. In a sense, the foods eaten by the mother formed the basis of the child’s weaning patterns. Thus, flavors within both the amniotic fluid and breast milk may help to guide infants toward flavors that will soon be experienced in foods by shaping early preferences.
When you eat, the flavours of the food you consume goes on to flavour the amniotic fluid that surrounds your baby while in the womb. Your baby tends to swallow much of this amniotic fluid on a daily basis, which means that he is exposed to the different flavours once his taste buds begin to form, which happens around eight to fifteen weeks. The fluid has many taste compounds—sugars like glucose and fructose, fatty acids, amino acids, proteins, and salts.
As per research, the food that a pregnant woman eats has a substantial impact on the food that her child chooses to eat after he is born. The babies whose mothers drank a lot of carrot juice in their third trimesters showed a preference for food flavoured with carrot.
If you would like that your little one to eat a good, healthy, and balanced diet when they are out of the womb, you will need to follow a healthy diet during pregnancy.
If you want your baby to learn to like eat all types of foods, then incorporate those in your diet which would be healthy during pregnancy. Your child’s taste preference will undoubtedly be influenced by the food you eat during pregnancy.
That’s why babies already experience the mother’s taste patterns long before they begin eating food themselves. By the time a baby is born, taste is their most developed sense. That’s one reason it’s important for mothers to eat a healthy diet and refrain from drinking alcohol during pregnancy. Tests have shown that what a woman eats during her pregnancy is easily detectable in her amniotic fluid, and the foetus develops a taste for familiar flavours.
Breastfeeding :
Exposure to a flavor in mothers’ milk influences the infants’ liking and acceptance of that flavor. This is seen when the flavor is encountered in a food.
It is likely that the increased acceptance of fruit could be due to more exposure to fruit flavors, due to their mothers eating more fruits during lactation. If mothers eat fruits and vegetables, breast-fed infants will be exposed to these dietary choices by experiencing the flavors in the mothers’ milk. This increased exposure to various flavors contributes to greater fruit and vegetable consumption in childhood.
Infants develop long-lasting dietary preferences very early in life. Pregnant and nursing women are encouraged to consume nutritious diets with a variety of flavors. 
Thus, breastfeeding is unique from formula feeding in that it provides a “flavor bridge” between the flavors to which the infant was exposed in the womb and the flavors of the foods to which the infant will eventually be exposed during weaning. 
A healthy pregnancy builds the foundation for a child’s lifelong health. 
Start from the womb to develop healthy eating habits. 
The Food Your Child Eats in His First Two Years of Life Will Have Lifelong Impact.
Schedule Your Consultation To know More About Food Preferences During Pregnancy.
Call 9773170560/9825463394
* During pregnancy, baby “eats” what mom eats. All the nutrients a baby gets comes from mom.
* Moms need a healthy diet of foods rich in folic acid, iron and other key nutrients to support their baby’s growth and brain development.
* A child’s lifelong health—including his predispositions to certain diseases—can be shaped by the quality of his mother’s nutrition.
* Mom’s prenatal diet can influence a baby’s taste preferences.
Also learn how healthy eating is important during pregnancy because good nutrition is needed to meet the added demands on a mother’s body as well as those of her growing baby. Because this is a critical time that helps set the stage for the child’s future well-being. During this period, proper nutrition is crucial for supporting rapid brain development, building the immune system, and other essential functions.
Also schedule nutritional counselling and support, which is critical during pregnancy. It can help women maintain a healthy weight during pregnancy, which is important because being overweight or obese during pregnancy is associated with health issues impacting both mom and baby. 
Obesity in pregnancy puts women at risk for gestational diabetes—a condition in which previously healthy women become diabetic during pregnancy. Babies born to moms with gestational diabetes have increased risks of being obese or overweight and are more susceptible to type 2 diabetes later in life. Our ayurvedic nutritional program designed to support pregnant women’s access to healthy foods are a key support needed during this time period— and benefit children in their development, as well.


Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Why Is It So Important To Maintain Vata During The Third Trimester of Pregnancy?

According to Ayurveda, childbirth itself is governed by the Vata dosha.
Pregnancy is a time to bond with your unborn baby, and self-care is especially important. Many physical and emotional changes are occurring during these months. According to Ayurveda, pregnancy is the time to balance the Vata dosha, which is the energy of air and space, which dominates the nervous system.
Ayurveda's says that pregnancy is the understanding that this is a time when your Vata dosha will naturally rise. Vaata dosha is composed of two of the pancha mahabhutas (five core elements: fire, earth, water, air, space) -- air and space. Vata dosha represents the force of movement. This dosha will rise steadily throughout pregnancy, till the childbirth. This is nature's way of supporting the tremendous force necessary for childbirth.
Vata plays the most important role in ensuring a healthy pregnancy. Apana Vata – a subdosha of Vata – is responsible for the downward flow of energy in the body. this is the energy that regulates the growth and development of the foetus and is instrumental in ensuring a healthy and natural delivery. That’s why it’s really important for women to maintain vata during the third trimester of the pregnancy.
Vata also regulates the nervous systems. If it is unbalanced, you may feel spaced out, not grounded, or experience dryness, fragility, fatigue, hypersensitivity, constipation... And in the middle of all this, you have to take care of another one which is growing inside, being requiring your undivided attention.That's why it's so important to educate yourself before giving birth.
This specific care of a pregnant woman has been given a special term in our Ayurveda classics as Garbhini-Paricharya. So Garbhini-paricharya if properly followed would result in good health of the foetus, smooth and minimal or painless delivery and also good health of the mother so that she may withstand the strains of labour and the postpartum phase.
Increase or decrease in Vata is of the utmost importance in the pregnant woman. All kinds of problems like pregnancy loss, ectopic pregnancy, haemorrhage, eclampsia, IUGR (Intrauterine growth retardation), difficult labour, etc come under the purview of Vata Dosha. We have seen that women who are given therapies for management of Vata have surprisingly easy pregnancies and deliveries compared to those who did not. 
Learn hot to balance Vata Dosha during Pregnancy.
Call 9773170560/9825463394
Pregnancy creates a multitude of changes in a woman's body. This is a time of heightened activity of Vata, the most destructive of all the Doshas.
There are many formulations that prove beneficial to the mother. I have given my experience with some of the popular ones which are widely used and which continue to give amazing results with their efficacy.
The Baby
As soon as the baby is born there are certain rituals that ensure that its start on life is healthy and positive. As soon as the child is born holy Mantras are chanted in its ear so that they may be the first words that he hears. Almost immediately after birth the baby is massaged with oil. This relieves some of the fatigue and trauma of childbirth. After the umbilical cord is cut he/she is bathed with warm water infused with fragrant herbs, which are astringent and blood purifying, by nature. This soothes the babies' senses and relaxes. A pad of cotton dipped in oil is placed on the baby's head. This is for regulation of Prana Vayu, the most important of the five types of Vayu. Prana controls the sense organs, the mind, intellect and basically all life processes. After this the baby is made to lick a rub of different herbs with a drop of ghee or honey or in mother's milk. All of these herbs are strengthening the brain and nourishing the sense organs. Ghee is very beneficial to the brain.
The number of formulations of herbs given to the baby for the development of his brain and sense organs.
Regular Abhyanga massage upto the baby becomes one year old which is one of the most important things for a baby's health. This helps in growth and development of the bones and muscles, sharpens the intellect and mind, improves sleep and increases stamina. These are very important in the future development of the child.
Uses of various Ayurvedic formulations like various ghees and oils have given wonderful results. Ayurveda aims at producing healthy progeny. Ayurveda provides answers to some of the most worrying problems facing today.
Ayurveda describes a very holistic view of pregnancy and childbirth. 
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The Importance of 42 Days
Ayurveda recognizes the importance of taking care of the Mother and work on balancing the Vata dosha for 42 Days.
Adding oil and ghee to your diet and lifestyle for at least a month after the delivery. Hormones are lipid (fat) based. Increasing your bodies intake of healthy fats is vital to a good recovery. Good quality fats are important to balancing hormones. Vata requires fat to return to balance. 
Just after giving birth, use oil ( Call me to get the herbal oil) on your belly and feet. This helps to fill the void left by the baby in your body, and will vitiate Vata. In the next coming weeks after pregnancy, continue to use our herbal oil to massage the body. 
Your body will thank you later. The sub-dosha of Vata: Apana, which allowed the expulsion of the baby, is a movement that goes down. Your body, your uterus and all your organs and systems need time to find their places. Give it time. A few days is not enough.The gravity of the standing posture is too intense on the body for at least a month........This is a period of healing and the dosha most compromised (Vata) requires the most gentleness. The process of childbirth creates an empty space within the womb, giving air the opportunity to occupy this space and cause an imbalance in the vata energy. This is manifested as anxiety, dryness, gas, constipation, bloating and interrupted sleep.
Ayurveda has great wisdom to draw from for healing during the postpartum period for the Mother, as well as bonding between the Mother and the baby.
You are the vessel of creation! But the attention is often shifted to the new baby after delivery, as the new baby depends completely on mother for his/her wellbeing. You have just undergone an incredible transformative process. You deserve rest and healing.
It can also be a challenging phase of life as the mother’s body goes through numerous changes in order to create and support the development of the new life. It has been also called as Antenatal Care.
A combination of Ahara (diet), Vihara (regimen), Vichara (emotions/thoughts) and Aushadha (medications) have been given great significance in Ayurveda in antenatal care called as Garbhini Paricharya. 
Set your Diet and Nutrition during Pregnancy.
I have designed ayurvedic postpartum care to harmonize the new mother’s vata.

Set your Diet and Nutrition during Pregnancy.

We should always incorporate plenty of healthy fats into our diet, but especially during pregnancy. It is vital that a pregnant woman consumes enough fats and oils, not only to help her gain enough weight during pregnancy, but also to help the baby’s brain develop. Fats and oils also balance Vata, which is dominant. Healthy fats can include: organic whole milk, coconut oil, olive oil, nuts, seeds and if possible avocado which deliver prana, or cosmic life force, to the body. They also help to build ojas, or vitality, for both you and your baby. Cooking with ghee (clarified butter) helps promote digestion, which can be irregular during pregnancy, when the Vata dosha is dominant. All Ayurvedic herbs are fat-soluble — this means that their nutrients are more efficiently delivered to the cells and tissues when accompanied by a healthy fat.
Ayurveda says eat all SIX tastes (sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, and astringent), but emphasize sweet, sour, and salty. Examples include dairy, sweeteners, oils, fruits, vegetables, beans (mung beans or split mung dahl), spices and nuts.
In Ayurveda, when a food is sattvic it means it is pure and fresh. Sattvic foods will build ojas. A sattvic diet is said to increase the qualities of purity and clarity in the mind. When considering foods to eat during pregnancy “sattvic and abundant” are the key words to remember. This means: avoid leftovers. No processed foods. Pregnant mother needs to consume pure and easily digestible foods that nourish the dhatus, or tissues of both her and her baby. Also, cooked food is better than raw during pregnancy, as raw foods tend to aggravate digestion.
Using Ayurveda begins with classical month by month regimes & Diet & Nutrition which covers the topics of apana vata, the daily routine, yoga asana, meditation, happiness, challenges, herbal medicines and treatments, Indian herbal ghees, and preparing for the baby.
It is important to keep the fetus nourished throughout pregnancy. Research shows low birth weight may be linked to disease later in life. The theory is that if nutrients are insufficient then they will be diverted from organ development to more important areas like brain development. During the time an organ is developing it needs to receive correct nutrition or it may never develop properly. 
Weight gain is extremely individualized. The most important factor seems to be a steady weight increase on healthy foods. If the diet is high-quality then there shouldn’t be any worries about whether the weight gain is too high or too low. It is important to pay attention to the body’s messages. Eating when hungry, even if in the middle of the night is important.
All basic principles of Ayurveda need to be applied to deal with the problems of maternal and foetal mortality. Rules of Ahara (diet), Vihara (lifestyle), Sadavrutta (moral conduct), along with varied therapies are used to tackle various problems.
During the 8th month, the ojas moves between mother and baby. It is important to rest during this time and eat ojas building foods.
Pregnancy increases all three doshas: vata with change and expansion, pitta with metabolism and heat increased, and kapha with increased bulk of body. These changes effect the woman’s constitution as well as interacting with the baby’s constitution and environmental influences. 
A pregnant woman is to be treated very cautiously like if one is walking with a pot full of oil, in hand without letting a drop to fall. Medicines, diet and other therapies should be soft, sweet, cold, pleasant and tender. 
Ayurveda provides nutritional advice as well as practices such as meditation, the daily routine, yoga asanas, and considerations for happiness.
Schedule Your Consultation as Ayurveda provides significant assistance to women during pregnancy. 
Call 9773170560/98253463394
The aura of a pregnant woman is one of the easiest to see, for it is particularly luminous and full of gold. The gold colour in the aura indicates that the pregnant woman is intensely connected to high spiritual beings who support and foster the embryo. Pregnancy is therefore a privileged time for spiritual growth. Itis a time to do a lot of meditation and enlightening reading, and to work at developing intuition and perception.