Friday, August 8, 2014

Garbh Sanskar: Learning In The Womb VI

Pregnant and nursing mothers have new reason to eat well, suggests a new study.

Flavors in a mom's diet shape her baby's brain, the study found, and that may alter her child's lifelong likes and dislikes for certain foods. The findings could help mothers start as early as possible to turn their children into healthy eaters.

"It's clear in humans that the more varied nutrition of the mom, the more open the baby is going to be to different things,". "What's new here is that what a mother eats changes the brain of her baby."

Scientists have long known that, for humans and other mammals, what a mother eats influences the flavor of her amniotic fluid and later her breast milk,. Research has also shown that the flavors babies are exposed to -- both in the womb and in the months after birth -- influence what they later choose to eat.

For example, mothers who drank carrot juice during pregnancy or while nursing had babies who, by about six months of age, chose to eat larger amounts of carrot-flavored cereal compared to babies whose mothers had drunk only water during pregnancy. The carrot-exposed babies also made fewer negative faces while eating the flavored cereal.

"It's a beautiful, beautiful system that confers an advantage to a baby learning about foods,". "The earliest and best way for women to start is to enjoy these healthy, nutritious diets rich in fruits and vegetables while pregnant and lactating. The consequences are going to be far-reaching."

Babies of obese mothers are born with thickened aorta walls, a common sign of impending cardiovascular disease, according to a new study. The research team expressed concern that the earliest signs of heart disease are seen in a thickened abdominal aorta, so these babies may be at far higher risk of heart disease and stroke.1

The newborn's weight does not appear to make a difference. Researchers found that when mothers are obese, babies are born with thickened aortal walls and a likely predisposition to cardiovascular disease.

If you're a woman with weight problems, it would be helpful to take steps to address this major risk factor it before becoming pregnant. You can, though, take heart in knowing that every pound of unhealthy weight you lose will benefit your baby, because the study found that less weight means thinner arteries, even if you aren't able to reach your ideal weight.

If you've tried to follow typical diet plans that focus on restricting calories, be sure to investigate my Nutrition Plan which will help you get away from the quick weight loss followed by rebounding and gaining even more than before the diet.

Multiple benefits for infants of mothers given the omega-3 fatty acid, DHA, during pregnancy. Their babies not only weighed more at birth, their weight was less likely to be low, and they had a better chance of being born full term.2

DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) is one of the omega-3 fatty acids that your body cannot synthesize and is required for health. While it's usually best to get nutrients from your food, omega-3 fatty acids are an exception. The best food sources are fish, but unfortunately, they're often polluted with mercury, PCBs, and other toxins. Therefore, this is one exception to the rule. You're better off taking an animal-derived omega-3 supplement than eating most of the foods that provide it.

You are what you eat — and your baby's nutrition comes from your diet. That's why two beverages should probably be limited or stricken from the pregnant woman's diet altogether: coffee and alcohol. New studies have documented that both have bad effects on a baby's health.

Caffeine consumption during pregnancy can result in two seemingly contradictory results. Babies may suffer from low birth weight and pregnancies may be too long. There is also a well known correlation with caffeine consumption, especially during early pregnancy, and increased risk of birth defects and miscarriage.

One of the most formative experiences that we all undergo is the experience of birth. It is becoming increasingly recognized that the quality of our prenatal life and the nature of our arrival into the world are fundamental to, and may have significant impact upon, our future development.


The sole purpose of these blogs is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, prevention or cure of any disease. If you have any serious, acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained doctor/health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. If you are seeking the medical advice of a trained Ayurvedic expert, call us or e mail.

Dr Unnati Chavda
(Promoting pregnancy wellness)


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