Saturday, August 2, 2014

Garbh Sanskar: Learning In The Womb I

Prenatal education result of natural processes of pregnancy and occurs daily through the mother .

So this is for her to give the child the best and the best conditions so that it makes the most within the natural process and according to its own dynamics, potentials included in its genetic heritage.The role of the mother is important, but it needs to fulfill it, the complicity of the father, with his entourage, and the understanding and support of the whole society.

Everyone knows that the fetus builds his body with the materials supplied by the blood of the mother, themselves imbued with emotions and thoughts. The child absorbs everything without having the ability to sort between what is beneficial and what is harmful. This is the mother to make that choice. To her outlaw harmful substances: alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs ... and focus on living and vitalizing foods: fruits, vegetables, grains, which have a tremendous amount of stored solar energy. A too good oxygenate the blood by breathing as important as nutrition.

Recall that the sense organs and corresponding brain systems are in place at the end of the embryonic period to three months of intrauterine life. During the six months of the fetal period, they develop and refine their specialization in different forms, depending on the nature of their work and the quality and intensity of the stimulations received.

"In the first hours of life, the newborn, faced with the urgent need for food, will search for his mother, the smell of his mother and more specifically the smell of milk near nipples. It's always a fascinating sight to watch a newborn "sniff" his mother, poking around the breasts ... and recognize the place of happiness and sustenance. "

What if we could eliminate chronic disease, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, heart disease, and more in people before they were even born?

“with fetal programming.”

Fetal programming is the idea that, during a fetus’ development in the womb, environmental impacts, such as nutrients, stressors, or toxins, can affect or even reset organ, tissue, and cell function by changing the child’s genetic makeup.

In other words, the child adapts to its environment before it’s even born.

“The nine months of pregnancy are not just important for the health of the mom and fetus but also the adult life of the unborn baby,”

“Many health care providers don’t take time to really talk with pregnant women about their health. Instead of prescribing pills and medications, we should be educating women about healthy food and exercise and giving them access to these things before disease occurs.”

“If women are healthier, then children, and eventually adults, will be healthier. It’s the circle of life, and it starts with women.

If a pregnant woman is eating healthy foods and exercising, certain genes in the fetus “turn on” and or “turn off.” This way, she reduces the risk of her child growing up to develop long-term diseases, such as diabetes and hypertension

Scientific and psychological studies of recent decades show that during gestation, human beings built the foundations of his health and his psyche.
Genetic capital it receives the design is being constantly modified its genes being activated or not by the experiences shared with the mother on mental and spiritual sensory, emotional.
Expectant parents, especially the mother, so have a creative part to play in giving their child the best evidence to that will build a healthy and be mentally and psychologically.


The sole purpose of these blogs is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, prevention or cure of any disease. If you have any serious, acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained doctor/health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. If you are seeking the medical advice of a trained Ayurvedic expert, call us or e mail.

Dr Unnati Chavda
(Promoting pregnancy wellness)


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