Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Communicate With Your Unborn Baby I

Prenatal singing  is a therapy aimed for pregnant women and their future children. It is mainly taught through exercises based on singing, but also on body positions, pregnant massages and soft-sport exercises. This practice can contribute to a vibrant pregnancy for the woman, while bringing many benefits to the in-utero baby as well.

Why would one take Prenatal singing classes?

It’s essential to know that, of the five senses human beings have, the first developed is hearing. Indeed, the child, still in the belly, cannot see, smelling odors, talk, and touches only the wall surrounding them. In contrast, hearing may develop particularly well with a little attention. The singing of the mother to her child will create a new world around it. Many scientists have shown that, for example, rock music speeds up an in-utero baby’s’ cardio-rhythm, showing signs of nervousness, while, by contrast, classical music seems to sooth. Premature children also recover faster thanks to the voice link they have created with their mother.

Prenatal singing is equally important for both the mother and the baby, it helps creates a special relational link between the two. It helps relax them, making them work their breath, which creates oxygenating of the baby, as well as the mother, who will generally have less breathing capacity during pregnancy. Among the benefits brought to the unborn baby, are: better reactions face with stress; recognition of various sounds and their reproduction; stimulation of motricity (stimulation of connections between neurons); a good memory (the memory work begins to register in fetal cells).

Remember that you do not sing to become a singer, the child has no criterion of a voice’s beauty, this is coming from our society but for them it is just his mother’s (and father’s) voice and this is the very first contact between you and the baby. The father’s deep voice is also important. In fact, men are an octave below women and their deep voice, which is also calming, penetrates more easily through the uterine wall.

The father’s role during the childbirth will consist in helping the woman through breathing and bringing her in a kind of bubble where his voice will calm and reassure.

It is towards the end of the fourth month of pregnancy that the fetus’s outer ear formation usually ends, (the inner ear a little before), and it is therefore recommended to start practicing prenatal singing at this time. However, some women want to practice singing even before the baby can hear. Even if the sounds can’t be picked up through his ears, babies can perceive sound through vibrations. These vibrations cross the skeleton of the mother-to-be and are transmitted into the amniotic fluid that surrounds the baby. The mother's pelvis is like a soundboard, sounds and vibrations are transmitted to the baby better and louder than if we would simply put a CD on, because the sounds come from the inside.

Music enhances prenatal bonding. One of the most intimate and pleasurable events experienced by the baby in the womb is his mother’s singing. It is also one of the first dialogues exchanged between mother and child. Songs that communicate love, acceptance, and welcome are most reassuring to the baby. This is a two way process whereby the mother and child form a close attachment, developing trust, a feeling of safety and a sense of belonging. All other relationships will build on the quality of this first exchange. If we are nurtured lovingly with respect and consistency, then we will most likely treat others in the same manner.

The personality of the baby is being formed in utero.

The baby does not want to be in a constant stressful environment and cannot be in an environment where development and learning is a struggle. Though it is hard to keep a fetus in a completely stress-free environment, a baby can be pacified in the womb by music, and in some cases the stages of labor were even prolonged by soothing music therapy.

The baby in the uterus hears the voice of his mother, he rekindles with it after birth and it is his best milestone. The skin of the foetus perceives vibrations long before his auditory system is developed. Without knowing it, the mother and the father produce, with their voice, a sound envelope that will undoubtedly leave a sensorial print on their child.

Affective bond
Not only the vibrations of our voice reach the baby, the affective climate does too. The mother varies the pitch, intensity and tone of her voice whether she talks to her child or not, and depending on her mood and spirits. Her spoken voice is like a song charged with affectionate messages. The vibrations of her singing voice are even more palpable and are perceived like nice micro-massages by both the mother and the child. The songs suggested in pre-natal singing workshops, whether they are soft or energetic, often thematic, offer moments of significant sharing and nourish the baby’s emotional life.

Stimulation through rhythm and resonance
Rhythm is part of the life of the foetus. Very early, he is stimulated by various beats. Your heartbeat, emotions, physical activity and tonus are all impacting on the baby’s heartbeat. The rocking motion, front-back or sideways, suggested during prenatal signing classes triggers an impulsion in the body that acts on the brain. The woman who swings and sings does not realize that such a simple movement can have an effect on many levels such as balance, memory, coordination and the baby’s well-being.

Better space
If the mother combines good posture and wide, deep and regular breathing, she gives her child more space and allows him to be more comfortable to grow in the uterus. The swing felt during the songs invites the baby to take his place in the middle of the pelvis. Furthermore, for the mother who regularly practices prenatal singing and who trains with low pitch sounds that diffuses in the pelvis, the relaxation of the tissues will benefit the positioning of the child. Very few cases of breeched baby happened to our regular participants.
At birth, we are not surprised to see that the baby feels the need to find his beat and the voice of his mother when he is laying on her. When he hears her heartbeat and her voice again, he feels secured by the movement and vibration.


The sole purpose of these blogs is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, prevention or cure of any disease. If you have any serious, acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained doctor/health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. If you are seeking the medical advice of a trained Ayurvedic expert, call us or e mail.

Dr Unnati Chavda
(Promoting pregnancy wellness)


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Monday, August 11, 2014

Communicate With Your Unborn Baby

Pregnancy is a privileged time for singing as attention on the body is intense during these nine months. This physiological change requires an adaptation which is not always easy for the pregnant woman. Singing involves the whole body and singing during pregnancy enables pregnant women to connect better with body sensations, to understand better the pregnancy process as well as increasing body awareness which is essential during birth.

Singing in pregnancy has numerous benefits for you and your unborn baby. Most people realize that singing is good for our health. But did you know it can help reduce pain, increase your oxygen levels and give your unborn baby a relaxing ‘sound massage’. These are just a few of the benefits that I’ll tell you about.

At first singing and other sounds are felt as a vibration by your baby. The amniotic fluid he or she is surrounded by is a great conductor of sound vibration. Imagine listening to music or people speaking when your ears or head are below water (e.g. in the bath, swimming pool or ocean).

Many scientific studies that have tried to investigate fetal response to sound generally give 18 - 20 weeks as the time babies begin to respond to sound. By that time the structure of the ear is complete, although development of auditory nerve pathways continue.

According to one study, a few babies can respond to loud low-pitched sounds as early as 16 -18 weeks of pregnancy. By 27 weeks, most babies can hear low-pitched sounds but not high pitched ones. The hearing continues to develop and be refined as your baby matures.

Singing encourages intra-uterine communication and closeness with the baby. It improves breathing with breathing exercises, stretches, pelvic movements. Singing exercises allows better control of the body and allows the various parts of the stomach to be discovered. Singing is not only for mothers, fathers can participate too.

Prenatal singing promotes well-being throughout pregnancy. It helps the pregnant woman to feel better and to prepare herself for the birth through body exercices, breathwork, sounding, vocalization and a specific singing repertoire adapted to pregnancy, birth and post-natal.

Prenatal singing during pregnancy deepens body awareness through various exercices such as :

  • development of vibration awareness when listening to sound and during vocal expression
  • body posture and postural self-support: feet, legs, abdominal muscles, back, expiratory muscles
  • exploring different ways of breathing, breath management and breath control
  • adjustment to the pelvic tilt
  • phonation

Prenatal singing enables women to manage better their pregnancy and the births of their babies.

Developping the bond with the baby in the womb

Prenatal singing allows the mother to connect and resonate with her baby and establish a special relationship, strengthening ties between mother and baby.

Singing during pregnancy produces vibrations which are beneficial to the baby’s physiological, emotional and psychological development and balance. The baby in utero is surrounded by many kinds of sounds and prenatal research studies show that during pregnancy the baby is very sensitive to them particularly the parent’s voice and that the baby is already reacting differently to low or high pitched sounds. The mother’s singing voice provides a gentle sound massage in the womb, promoting the baby’s feelings of well-being and healthy development. For the baby, the mother’s voice is the main point of reference before and after birth. This maternal vocal imprint will have a deep effect on the baby throughout life.

The repertoire of songs specific to pregnancy such as lullaby, soothing baby songs or motherhood songs, some of which have been composed by Marie-Louise Aucher, enhance and support the contact, relationship and closeness between the mother and the baby in utero. It has been found that babies show preferences for certain songs. The physical well-being felt by the mother during prenatal singing exercises benefits the baby.

Labour and birth

Breathing is inseparable from singing and plays an important role during labour. Regular practice of a variety of exercises during pregnancy eases labour and prepares the mother for birth contractions. Sounds are made on the outbreath. This vocal sounding allows the pregnant woman to manage the flow of air very easily and at the same time benefits from the vibration of the sounds as they gently massage her pelvis. Supporting the birth process through sounding and vocalizations also help the mother to relax muscles, ease tensions and control pain. The sounds are chosen in relation to the scale of resonances used in psychophonie. This scale establishes a connection between notes and various parts of the body.


One of the close ties between mother and baby during pregnancy is the mother’s and father’s voices. Researches show that new born babies react particularly to the parent’s voice and many mothers who have practiced prenatal singing have reported that not only was their baby more sensitive to music and movements and showed certain preferences but also that the baby was soothed and comforted when listening to the songs that the mother sang during pregnancy. The mother singing to her new born also helps adjustment to the new environment.

All the exercices practiced during pregnancy are then adapted to help the mother to reconnect with her body and continue to support her during the changes which are taking place after the birth.

Communication with foetus through sensory stimulation :

This is based on tactile and emotional relationships between the parents and the baby (caresses, gently pressure on the stomach, sound of voice, etc.). It encourages closeness through contact and communication between the baby and parents.

The father can develop a strong bond and closeness with the baby using this method;

It is done towards the end of the fourth month of pregnancy, from the first active movements of the baby.


The sole purpose of these blogs is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, prevention or cure of any disease. If you have any serious, acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained doctor/health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. If you are seeking the medical advice of a trained Ayurvedic expert, call us or e mail.

Dr Unnati Chavda
(Promoting pregnancy wellness)


Saturday, August 9, 2014

Risk During Pregnancy

Children who suffer the most from environmental exposures are those yet unborn because they are the least capable of fending themselves from toxic exposures. As compared to the maternal dose of exposure, the developing baby is exposed to greater amounts of environmental chemicals per pound of body weight. Early exposure to neurotoxins like lead and mercury may result in lifelong developmental effects, permanently altering a child’s intelligence and/or their development.

Pregnant women and women of child-bearing age are particularly at risk of lead poisoning because lead ingested can cross the placenta and affect the unborn child. The developing baby in the womb when exposed to lead is at higher risk of being born prematurely and having low-weight at birth. The mother is at higher risk of a complicated pregnancy due to lead induced hypertension. The most devastating of these effects is the increased risk of spontaneous abortion.

Mercury accumulates in the environment and builds up in the tissue of fish and other species, including humans that eat them. Mercury affects the nervous system and is especially dangerous for pregnant women and children. Pregnant and breastfeeding women limit their intake of large fish due to higher levels of mercury contamination.

High-level prenatal exposure to mercury has been clearly associated with the development of mental retardation and cerebral palsy in infant. Lower level exposure may cause more subtle neurodevelopment deficits. Examples of problems that may arise are poor attention span and delayed language development; impaired memory and vision; problems processing information; and impaired fine motor coordination.

Exposure to air pollution during pregnancy, particularly during the first trimester, can affect a child’s growth (resulting in low birth weight and intrauterine growth retardation—being born at or below 10th percentile for age in weeks); can shorten the gestation period leading to preterm births; and can cause congenital birth defects such as heart problems. It can also result in the loss of life. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), the unexplained death of an infant while sleeping, and still births are widely recognized to be associated with outdoor air pollutant exposure in utero.

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are mixtures of synthetic organic chemicals with the same basic chemical structure and similar physical properties ranging from oily liquids to waxy solids. Due to their non-flammability, chemical stability, high boiling point and electrical insulating properties, PCBs were used in hundreds of industrial and commercial applications.  However, once released PCBs remain widespread in the environment for many years, and humans are exposed in multiple ways. Infants born to PCB poisoned mothers have shown numerous symptoms, including congenital birth defects, darkening of the skin and liver disease.

Babies exposed to high levels of PCBs during pregnancy may also have low birth weight, decreased intelligence, irritated eyes, behavioral problems, developmental delay and slowed growth.

Lower level exposure to PCBs in the prenatal period has been shown to have an effect on school performance, including decreased intelligence, memory and attention span.

1 in 10 women develop diabetes during pregnancy. This rate is probably underestimated if more sensitive tests are utilized. Gestational diabetes increases the risk of preeclampsia, childhood obesity, cesarean delivery. Your sugar control and interaction with our ADA accredited program can help you improve your pregnancy outcomes.

Gestational diabetes develops in women who have never had diabetes before but who have high blood sugar during pregnancy. As with type 2 diabetes, obesity is a significant risk factor for gestational diabetes. The increased prevalence of gestational diabetes has closely paralleled the rise in obesity, according to background information in the study.

Gestational diabetes can have short- and long-term effects for both mother and baby. "Women who are diagnosed with gestational diabetes have more than a seven-fold increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the five to 10 years after delivery. Children born to mothers with gestational diabetes are also more likely to develop pre-diabetes."

Preeclampsia is a disorder that occurs only during pregnancy and the postpartum period and affects both the mother and the unborn baby. Affecting at least 5-8% of all pregnancies, it is a rapidly progressive condition characterized by high blood pressure and the presence of protein in the urine. Swelling, sudden weight gain, headaches and changes in vision are important symptoms; however, some women with rapidly advancing disease report few symptoms.

Typically, preeclampsia occurs after 20 weeks gestation (in the late 2nd or 3rd trimesters or middle to late pregnancy) and up to six weeks postpartum (after delivery), though in rare cases it can occur earlier than 20 weeks. Proper prenatal care is essential to diagnose and manage preeclampsia. Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH) and toxemia are outdated terms for preeclampsia. Globally, preeclampsia and other hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are a leading cause of maternal and infant illness and death.

Pregnancy is a confusing time. Your body is going through a lot of changes and it can be hard to tell what's normal and what's a red flag. Learning more about the signs and symptoms of preeclampsia, HELLP syndrome and other hypertensive disorders of pregnancy can help you identify a problem early and ensure the best possible outcome.


Some characteristics of preeclampsia are signs that can be measured, but may not be apparent to you, such as high blood pressure. A symptom is something you may experience and recognize, such as a headache or loss of vision.

High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
Swelling (Edema)
Nausea or Vomiting
Abdominal (stomach area) and/or Shoulder Pain
Lower back pain
Sudden Weight Gain
Changes in Vision
Shortness of breath, anxiety

High blood pressure (Hypertension):

High blood pressure during pregnancy is one of the biggest red flags that preeclampsia may be developing. And even if it's not a symptom of preeclampsia, it can still be a sign of a problem.

High blood pressure is traditionally defined as blood pressure of 140/90 or greater, measured on two separate occasions six hours apart. During pregnancy, a rise in the lower number (diastolic) of 15 degrees or more, or a rise in the upper number (systolic) of 30 degrees or more can also be a cause for concern.

The sole purpose of these blogs is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, prevention or cure of any disease. If you have any serious, acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained doctor/health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. If you are seeking the medical advice of a trained Ayurvedic expert, call us or e mail.

Dr Unnati Chavda
(Promoting pregnancy wellness)


Friday, August 8, 2014

Interesting Research About Sound In The womb

In the past, women all over the world have sung lullabies to their babies. These were very important because as we now know the fetus is having first language lessons in the womb. The inflections of the mother tongue are conveyed not only through speech but most importantly through song. The singing voice has a richer frequency range than speech.

What the baby learns in utero are the intonational patterns of sound and the frequencies of a language in his/her particular culture. Frequency is the level of pitch measured in Hertz (Hz.) This range varies between 16 to 20,000 Hz. There is very little distortion of the mother's voice as heard by the fetus whereas other external voices sound more muffled, especially in the higher frequencies. According to Rubel (1984), the fetus is responsive first to lower frequencies and then to higher ones. Verny and others have noted that babies have a preference for stories, rhymes, and poems first heard in the womb. When the mother reads out loud, the sound is received by her baby in part via bone conduction. Dr. Henry Truby, Emeritus Professor of Pediatrics and Linguistics at the University of Miami, points out that after the sixth month, the fetus moves in rhythm to the mother's speech and that spectrographs of the first cry of an abortus at 28 weeks could be matched with his mother's.

The elements of music, namely tonal pitch, timbre, intensity and rhythm, are also elements used in speaking a language. For this reason, music prepares the ear, body and brain to listen to, integrate and produce language sounds. Music can thus be considered a pre-linguistic language which is nourishing and stimulating to the whole human being, affecting body, emotions, intellect, and developing an internal sense of beauty, sustaining and awakening the qualities in us that are wordless and otherwise inexpressible. The research of Polverini-Rey (1992) seems to indicate that prenates exposed to lullabies in utero were calmed by the stimulus. The famous British violinist Yehudi Menuhin believes that his own musical talent was partly due to the fact that his parents were always singing and playing music before he was born. The Sound Environment of the Womb The sound environment of the womb is very rich.

There are various interpretations as to the noise level, ranging between 30 to 96 dB. (decibel being a measure of sound intensity or loudness). A whisper can register 30 dB., a normal conversation is about 60 dB. and rush hour traffic can average about 70 dB. On the other hand, shouted conversations and motorcycles reach about 100 dB. Rock music has been measured as 115 dB. and the pain threshold begins at 125 dB. Yet, recent research with hydrophones have revealed that the womb is a "relatively quiet place" (Deliege & Sloboda, 1996), something comparable to what we experience in our environment between 50 and 60 dB. Uterine sounds form a "sound carpet" over which the mother's voice in particular appears very distinct and which the prenate gives special attention because it is so different from its own amniotic environment.

These sounds are of major importance because they establishes the first patterns of communication and bonding. Some researchers have discovered that newborns become calmer and more self-regulated when exposed to intrauterine sound (Murooka et. al 1976; DeCasper 1983; Rossner 1979). The soothing sounds of the ocean and water are probably reminiscent of the fluid environment in which we began life. Tomatis suggests that the maternal heart beat, respiration and intestinal gurgling, all form the source for our collective attraction to the sound of surf and may have to do with our inborn sense of rhythm. Prenatal sounds form an important developmental component in prenatal life because they provide a foundation for later learning and behavior. With fetal sound stimulation the brain functions at a higher level of organization. The ear first appears in the 3rd week of gestation and it becomes functional by the 16th week. The fetus begins active listening by the 24th week.

We know from ultrasound observations that the fetus hears and responds to a sound pulse starting about 16 weeks of age (Shahidullah & Hepper, 1992); this is even before the ear construction is complete. The cochlear structures of the ear appear to function by the 20th week and mature synapses have been found between the 24th and 28th weeks (Pujol et al. 1991). For this reason most formal programs of prenatal stimulation are usually designed to begin during the third trimester. The sense of hearing is probably the most developed of all the senses before birth. Four-month-old fetuses can respond in very specific ways to sound; if exposed to loud music, their heart beat will accelerate.

A Japanese study of pregnant women living near the Osaka Airport found that they gave birth to smaller babies and had an inflated incidence of prematurity--arguably related to the environment of incessant loud noise. Chronic noise can also be associated with birth defects (Szmeja et al. 1979). I recently received a report from a mother who was in her 7th month of pregnancy when she visited the zoo. In the lion's enclosure, the animals were in process of being fed. The roar of one lion would set off another lion and the sound was so intense she had to leave the scene as the fetus reacted with a strong kick and left her feeling ill.

Many years later, when the child was 7 years of age, it was found that he had a hearing deficiency in the lower-middle range. This child also reacts with fear when viewing TV programs of lions and related animals. There are numerous reports about mothers having to leave war movies and concerts because the auditory stimulus caused the fetus to become hyperactive. Alfred Tomatis notes that the ear is "the Rome of the body" because almost all cranial nerves lead to it and therefore it is considered our most primary sense organ. Embryonically, according to him, the skin is differentiated ear, and we listen with our whole body. In order to better understand the role of music in its elements of rhythm and melody, we must briefly clarify the two parts of the inner ear. These are the vestibular system and the cochlea. The vestibular system controls balance and body movements, including the integration of movements which make up the rhythm of music-making the vestibular system the more archaic.

And according to Paul Madaule (1984) "it is in fact because of the vestibular system that music seems to have an impact on the body." At around 4 ½ to 6 weeks gestational age the vestibular and the cochlear systems become differentiated, at 7 ½ the auditory ossicles start to grow, and at 4 ½ months the ear of the fetus is already adult-like in shape and size. The cochlear system enables the transformation of acoustic vibrations into nervous influx, thus allowing the perception of melodies which carry higher frequencies. Knowing this, one can have a better understanding of the intimate relationship and unity of rhythm and melody. George Gershwin expressed this nicely: "Music sets up a certain vibration which unquestionably results in a physical reaction." With this in mind, we should choose for early music stimulation melodies and rhythms that are simple. Tomatis has a unique view of the function of the human ear going beyond what is traditionally assumed. He regards it as neither an instrument solely for hearing and listening, nor an organ for the maintenance of equilibrium and verticality. For him the ear is primarily a generator of energy for the brain, intended to give a cortical charge which is then distributed throughout the body "with the view to toning up the whole system and imparting greater dynamism to the human being" (Gilmor & Madaule, 1984, p. 6). Hence the importance of right sound stimulation which will lead to vocal expression, listening, and thinking. Sound, music and human development are intricately interwoven. Clearly, the vestibular system progresses rapidly as seen by the active movement of the fetus in utero. As early as the first trimester, regular exercise patterns have been observed with ultra-sound: rolling, flexing, turning, etc. (Van Dongen & Goudie, 1980). The movements appear as graceful somersaults, flexing of the back and neck, turning the head, waving arms, kicking legs-- all self initiated and expressive in nature.

When the baby moves in utero, the heartbeat accelerates. DeMause (1982) summarizes reactions of the second trimester as follows: "The fetus now floats peacefully, kicks, turns, sighs, grabs its umbilicus, gets excited at sudden noises, calms down when the mother talks quietly, and gets rocked back to sleep as she walks about." The fetal heart is fully developed by the second trimester and its pulse rate oscillates between 120 to 160 beats per minute. Some think the distinctive rhythm of the mother's heart beat in utero is the basis and our attraction to drumming, rock rhythms, and the African tribal beat. Salk (1960), Murooka (1976), and De Casper (1983) provided evidence that newborns learned and remembered their mother's heart beat in utero. Ashley Montagu (1962) suggested that the universal appeal of music and the soothing effect of rhythmical sounds may be related to the feeling of well being assumed to exist in utero in relation to the mother's heartbeat. Salk (1960) showed that newborns in hospitals listening to heartbeat sounds gained weight at a faster rate. Likewise, breathing was deeper and more regular among these babies. According to W. Ernest Freud "rhythm itself provides a most reassuring 'cradle' because of its promise of repetition and continuity.

" Sound and Learning in Utero The powerful connection between sound/music and prenatal memory/learning have been revealed in formal experiments, parental observations, clinical records, and first person reports. Chamberlain (1998) using Howard Gardner's concept of multiple intelligences, has presented evidence for musical intelligence before birth. Peter Hepper (1991) discovered that prenates exposed to TV soap opera music during pregnancy responded with focused and rapt attention to this music after birth--evidence of long-term memory. On hearing the music after birth, these newborns had a significant decrease in heart rate and movements, and shifted into a more alert state. Likewise, Shetler (1989) reported that 33% of fetal subjects in his study demonstrated contrasting reactions to tempo variations between faster and slower selections of music. This may be the earliest and most primitive musical response in utero. The pioneering New Zealand fetologist, William Liley, found that from at least 25 weeks on, the unborn child would jump in rhythm with the timpanist's contribution to an orchestral performance. The research of Michele Clements (1977) in a London maternity hospital found that four to five month fetuses were soothed by Vivaldi and Mozart but disturbed by loud passages of Beethoven, Brahms and Rock. Newborns have shown a preference for a melody their mother sang in utero rather than a new song sung by their mother (Satt, 1987). Babies during the third trimester in utero respond to vibroacoustic as well as air-coupled acoustic sounds, indicative of functional hearing. A study by Gelman et al. (1982) determined that a 2000 Hz. stimulus elicited a significant increase in fetal movements, a finding which supported the earlier study by Johnsson et al. (1964). From 26 weeks to term, fetuses have shown fetal heart accelerations in response to vibroacoustic stimuli. Consistent startle responses to vibroacoustic stimuli were also recorded during this period of development. Behavioral reactions included arm movements, leg extensions, and head aversions (Birnholz and Benacerraf, 1983). Yawning activity was observed after the conclusion of stimuli. Research by Luz et al. (1980 and 1985) has found that the normal fetus responds to external acoustic stimulation during labor in childbirth. These included startle responses to the onset of a brief stimulus. New evidence of cognitive development in the prenatal era is presented by William Sallenbach (1994) who made in-depth and systematic observations of his own daughter's behavior from weeks 32 to 34 in utero. (The full report of his findings is available on this website in Life Before Birth/Early Parenting) Until recently, most research on early learning processes has been in the area of habituation (Querleu et al., 1981), conditioning (Van de Carr, 1988) or imprinting sequences (Salk, 1962). However, Sallenbach observed that in the last trimester of pregnancy, the prenate's learning state shows movement from abstraction and generalization to one of increased specificity and differentiation. During a bonding session using music, the prenate was observed moving her hands gently. In a special musical arrangement, where dissonance was included, the subject's reactions were more rhythmic with rolling movements. Similarly, in prenatal music classes, Sister Lorna Zemke has found that the fetus will respond rhythmically to rhythms tapped on the mother's belly. From what research is telling us, we may presume that prenates would prefer to hear lullabies sung by their mothers, or selected slow passages of Baroque music such as Vivaldi, Telemann, and Handel which have a tempo resembling our own heart beat at rest.

Recent research has shown that four month old infants demonstrate an innate preference for music that is consonant rather than dissonant (Zentner and Kagan, 1998). However, this allows great latitude in the selection of music which babies and their mothers might like to hear. Our ultimate objective, of course is to help create not a musical genius but a person well integrated in his physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual self.

As a fetus grows, it's constantly getting messages from its mother. It's not just hearing her heartbeat and whatever music she might play to her belly; it also gets chemical signals through the placenta. A new study, which will be published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, finds that this includes signals about the mother's mental state. If the mother is depressed, that affects how the baby develops after it's born.

In recent decades, researchers have found that the environment a fetus is growing up in -- the mother's womb -- is very important. Some effects are obvious. Smoking and drinking, for example, can be devastating. But others are subtler; studies have found that people who were born during the Dutch famine of 1944, most of whom had starving mothers, were likely to have health problems like obesity and diabetes later.

Curt A. Sandman, Elysia P. Davis, and Laura M. Glynn of the University of California-Irvine study how the mother's psychological state affects a developing fetus. For this study, they recruited pregnant women and checked them for depression before and after they gave birth. They also gave their babies tests after they were born to see how well they were developing.

They found something interesting: what mattered to the babies was if the environment was consistent before and after birth. That is, the babies who did best were those who either had mothers who were healthy both before and after birth, and those whose mothers were depressed before birth and stayed depressed afterward. What slowed the babies' development was changing conditions -- a mother who went from depressed before birth to healthy after or healthy before birth to depressed after. "We must admit, the strength of this finding surprised us," Sandman says.

Now, the cynical interpretation of our results would be that if a mother is depressed before birth, you should leave her that way for the well-being of the infant. "A more reasonable approach would be, to treat women who present with prenatal depression. Sandman says. "We know how to deal with depression." The problem is, women are rarely screened for depression before birth.

In the long term, having a depressed mother could lead to neurological problems and psychiatric disorders, Sandman says. In another study, his team found that older children whose mothers were anxious during pregnancy, which often is co morbid with depression, have differences in certain brain structures. It will take studies lasting decades to figure out exactly what having a depressed mother means to a child's long-term health.

"We believe that the human fetus is an active participant in its own development and is collecting information for life after birth," Sandman says. "It's preparing for life based on messages the mom is providing."

The study is entitled, "Prescient human fetuses thrive."

The sole purpose of these blogs is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, prevention or cure of any disease. If you have any serious, acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained doctor/health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. If you are seeking the medical advice of a trained Ayurvedic expert, call us or e mail.

Dr Unnati Chavda
(Promoting pregnancy wellness)


Garbh Sanskar: Learning In The Womb VI

Pregnant and nursing mothers have new reason to eat well, suggests a new study.

Flavors in a mom's diet shape her baby's brain, the study found, and that may alter her child's lifelong likes and dislikes for certain foods. The findings could help mothers start as early as possible to turn their children into healthy eaters.

"It's clear in humans that the more varied nutrition of the mom, the more open the baby is going to be to different things,". "What's new here is that what a mother eats changes the brain of her baby."

Scientists have long known that, for humans and other mammals, what a mother eats influences the flavor of her amniotic fluid and later her breast milk,. Research has also shown that the flavors babies are exposed to -- both in the womb and in the months after birth -- influence what they later choose to eat.

For example, mothers who drank carrot juice during pregnancy or while nursing had babies who, by about six months of age, chose to eat larger amounts of carrot-flavored cereal compared to babies whose mothers had drunk only water during pregnancy. The carrot-exposed babies also made fewer negative faces while eating the flavored cereal.

"It's a beautiful, beautiful system that confers an advantage to a baby learning about foods,". "The earliest and best way for women to start is to enjoy these healthy, nutritious diets rich in fruits and vegetables while pregnant and lactating. The consequences are going to be far-reaching."

Babies of obese mothers are born with thickened aorta walls, a common sign of impending cardiovascular disease, according to a new study. The research team expressed concern that the earliest signs of heart disease are seen in a thickened abdominal aorta, so these babies may be at far higher risk of heart disease and stroke.1

The newborn's weight does not appear to make a difference. Researchers found that when mothers are obese, babies are born with thickened aortal walls and a likely predisposition to cardiovascular disease.

If you're a woman with weight problems, it would be helpful to take steps to address this major risk factor it before becoming pregnant. You can, though, take heart in knowing that every pound of unhealthy weight you lose will benefit your baby, because the study found that less weight means thinner arteries, even if you aren't able to reach your ideal weight.

If you've tried to follow typical diet plans that focus on restricting calories, be sure to investigate my Nutrition Plan which will help you get away from the quick weight loss followed by rebounding and gaining even more than before the diet.

Multiple benefits for infants of mothers given the omega-3 fatty acid, DHA, during pregnancy. Their babies not only weighed more at birth, their weight was less likely to be low, and they had a better chance of being born full term.2

DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) is one of the omega-3 fatty acids that your body cannot synthesize and is required for health. While it's usually best to get nutrients from your food, omega-3 fatty acids are an exception. The best food sources are fish, but unfortunately, they're often polluted with mercury, PCBs, and other toxins. Therefore, this is one exception to the rule. You're better off taking an animal-derived omega-3 supplement than eating most of the foods that provide it.

You are what you eat — and your baby's nutrition comes from your diet. That's why two beverages should probably be limited or stricken from the pregnant woman's diet altogether: coffee and alcohol. New studies have documented that both have bad effects on a baby's health.

Caffeine consumption during pregnancy can result in two seemingly contradictory results. Babies may suffer from low birth weight and pregnancies may be too long. There is also a well known correlation with caffeine consumption, especially during early pregnancy, and increased risk of birth defects and miscarriage.

One of the most formative experiences that we all undergo is the experience of birth. It is becoming increasingly recognized that the quality of our prenatal life and the nature of our arrival into the world are fundamental to, and may have significant impact upon, our future development.


The sole purpose of these blogs is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, prevention or cure of any disease. If you have any serious, acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained doctor/health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. If you are seeking the medical advice of a trained Ayurvedic expert, call us or e mail.

Dr Unnati Chavda
(Promoting pregnancy wellness)


Garbh Sanskar: Learning In The Womb VI

Pregnant women have heard it time and time again: What you eat during those nine months can have long-term effects on your child's health.

The link between a mother and child is profound, and new research suggests a physical connection even deeper than anyone thought. The profound psychological and physical bonds shared by the mother and her child begin during gestation when the mother is everything for the developing fetus, supplying warmth and sustenance, while her heartbeat provides a soothing constant rhythm.

The physical connection between mother and fetus is provided by the placenta, an organ, built of cells from both the mother and fetus, which serves as a conduit for the exchange of nutrients, gasses, and wastes. Cells may migrate through the placenta between the mother and the fetus, taking up residence in many organs of the body including the lung, thyroid muscle, liver, heart, kidney and skin. These may have a broad range of impacts, from tissue repair and cancer prevention to sparking immune disorders.

Little ones spend nine months growing in the womb and what they experience in there is still a bit of a mystery. It’s hard for doctors to test what babies are doing and learning as they hang out inside mom.

But new studies are offering intriguing clues.

Life in the womb is much busier than you might expect. "Everything that a newborn baby does, a fetus has pretty much done already,"

“They're exquisitely able to sense information over all parts of their body, although some are more sensitive than others, like around the mouth, around the feet, around the hands."

Moving around: Experts say kicking and other activity can be a reaction to mom eating or changing positions; or it might happen just because the baby feels like moving around.

Mom's emotions can also cause certain movements. The more stress pregnant women reported, the more frequently their fetuses touched their faces with their left hands, researchers said.

“This suggests maternal stress could be having on effect on the child’s behavior in the womb and highlights the importance of reducing maternal stress in pregnancy,”

The outside world affects little ones in other ways. Babies appear to recognize nursery rhymes even before they are born, according to a recent study. In utero, the baby's heart rate slowed when the rhyme was read by mom and continued to lower even when a stranger’s voice took over story time a few weeks later.

Listening: Hearing is a sense that develops early in the process.

A baby’s ears are fully formed about halfway through pregnancy, which means children may know their mom’s voice by the time they're born.

“Prenatally, it’s got this extra boost by the fact that it’s coming in through the whole body,”. When hours-old newborns are given a pacifier to suck on while hearing a recording of their mother's voice, they will suck faster, suggesting familiarity.

Taste and smell: These sensory systems develop around the 20th week of pregnancy, allowing the baby to enjoy some of mom's cravings through nutrients in the womb and maybe even leading to some future favorite foods.

Researchers have found that mothers who consistently ate carrots during the end of their pregnancy had babies who enjoyed that taste more than babies whose mothers hadn’t shared the same diet.

Sight: This is the last sense to mature, though some new evidence suggests babies are able to differentiate between light and dark in the womb. 

But if you're an expectant parent, that doesn't mean you need to provide extra stimulation in order for your little one to thrive in mom's belly.

“Nature provides pretty much all the sources of stimulation that a baby is going to need,”

The sole purpose of these blogs is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, prevention or cure of any disease. If you have any serious, acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained doctor/health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. If you are seeking the medical advice of a trained Ayurvedic expert, call us or e mail.

Dr Unnati Chavda
(Promoting pregnancy wellness)


Thursday, August 7, 2014

Garbh Sanskar: Learning In The Womb V

“you will learn how conception, the time in the womb and the birth experience become the blueprint for the rest of our lives, physically, psychologically and emotionally.”


“The foetus reacts to the mother’s thoughts and words.”

“We will not be able to improve our quality of life without first changing the way we are born.”

“From the moment of conception, the experience in the womb shapes the brain and lays the groundwork for personality, emotional temperament and the power of higher thought.”

Researchers tell us that the feotus reacts to the mother’s thoughts, as well as to the mother’s voice.There is no lack of examples of the harmfully impact of negative thoughts and images, so the mother-to-be is invited to use her imagination in order to imbue her child with beautiful images and to introduce her/him to the more noble human qualities. 

Empowered with this knowledge during pregnancy mothers and fathers can offer their child the best possible foundations for the rest of their life. Satisfying the physical, emotional and mental needs of each individual before birth, offers them the best chance to feel loved, safe and to be born in the best possible health.

“Evidence of intelligent life in the womb is overwhelming. the new knowledge gives both mothers and fathers an unparalleled opportunity to help their unborn children. Now they can contribute actively before and during birth to give their child happiness and security for the rest of his or her life.”

“Everything you think, feel, and do while pregnant has a profound impact on your child both before and after birth. You are a brain shaper, a life shaper. Your role as a loving, powerful parent begins long before your baby's first cry or smile. By the time the unborn child has completed the 12th week of gestation, the total number of neurones he will have for the rest of his life have already formed.”

“Science has indoctrinated us with the belief that the character and traits of our lives are programmed in the genes. However, recent advances in cell biology now reveal that parental attitudes and beliefs profoundly influence the genetic programming of their offspring.”

“The first 38 to 40 weeks of our development has been shrouded in mystery, but now the embryonic science of foetal psychology is revealing the importance of this period for the rest of our lives. As well as advancing our knowledge of the ontogenetic processes before birth, the greater understanding of prenatal development presents an opportunity to promote the health and wellbeing of the foetus and provide individuals with the best start in life possible.”

Latest scientific discoveries on genomic imprinting confirms ancient wisdom that preparing your body, emotions, mind and soul before conception is vital to assure your child receives the very best right from the start. This course is to inform and empower couples wishing to have a child how best they can prepare holistically to receive a child in their lives and to give their best as parents even before conception.

Nothing is more miraculous than the birth of your child. The wait for that special event is one of the most exciting times in your life. You hope, you plan, you dream, and ask yourself a million questions. Will it be a boy or a girl? Who will they look like? What is their world like? What do they do? Do they smile, yawn, suck their thumb? Wouldn't it be great to be able to find out? Wouldn't it be fantastic to literally see your baby BEFORE you see your baby?

If the parents-to-be are well informed about these natural processes, they will be able to protect their child from harmful elements and give her/him the best in every field:

  • Nutritional
  • Sensorial
  • Emotional
  • Mental and spiritual.

They thereby conscience fulfill their role as fundamental educators of the child being created, in all liberty, according to their own choices and their culture.

Their educational approach will in fact be their way of living, their way of communicating with the child and, the strongest of all stimulations, the love they show her/him.

The giving of life becomes creative for them.


The sole purpose of these blogs is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, prevention or cure of any disease. If you have any serious, acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained doctor/health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. If you are seeking the medical advice of a trained Ayurvedic expert, call us or e mail.

Dr Unnati Chavda
(Promoting pregnancy wellness)

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Garbh Sanskar: Learning In The Womb IV

“From the moment of conception, the experience in the womb shapes the brain and lays the groundwork for personality, emotional temperament and the power of higher thought.”

Conception, the time we spend in the womb, and how we are born is truly meant to be the gift of a lifetime…for every child! Since we know now that it is so much easier to ‘build’ a healthy child than to ‘repair’ a broken adult, shouldn’t we do what we can to give babies an optimum start in life?

Empowered with this knowledge during pregnancy mothers and fathers can offer their child the best possible foundations for the rest of their life. Satisfying the physical, emotional and mental needs of each individual before birth, offers them the best chance to feel loved, safe and to be born in the best possible health.

Everything that happened before you took your first breath plays a part in shaping your present, and is the starting point in creating your future. What takes place from the moment you are conceived through your birth is a foundational experience that is replayed throughout your life. Unresolved traumatic impacts from this time can have negative effects, from infancy through old age. Understanding these traumas, how they are held in the body, and how to integrate them can help improve all areas of your life.

With its unique blend of the latest findings in epigenetics and pre- and perinatal psychology, guided processes, and hands-on bodywork, this workshop helps you understand how these early imprints created your beliefs, behavioural patterns, and fears, and how they play out in your day-to-day life and relationships.

Understanding the long term effects of the conception, nine months in the womb and birth experience, how this might still affect us today physically, emotionally and psychologically, and how to support human potential from before conception through birth. 

The conception, pregnancy and birth, how this impacted our lives?" It is scientifically proved that cellular memory of conception, pregnancy and birth is a deep imprint and has all the relationships in our lives great influence. Not only the relationship with relatives and friends, but also our health, our work and daily life is determined by these early verbal, emotional and somatic imprint. Usually, we are here completely unaware. This unawareness ensures that the same patterns in our lives keep coming until we gain insight into how the specific circumstances we formed in the period "from egg to me" and still affect upwards. What will be discussed is what kind of prenatal and birth experiences the parents themselves have inherited as a baby and how these imprints may have on pregnancy and birth of their child. Influence In particular, the consciousness about what they have played a very important role. This is as it were the energetic soil from which the physical experience itself germinates and grows.

When everyone who deals with babies and childbirth, personally or professionally, realizes how much of an impact the conception, pregnancy and birth experience has on our physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual lives we can begin to create the necessary changes that will allow for more gentle and conscious births to take place.

New reasons and new ways to prepare the prenatal environment

An overview of the “Primal Health Research Data Bank” will convince anyone that our health is to a great extent shaped in the womb. We have now compiled hundreds of studies detecting correlations between states of health in adulthood, adolescence or childhood and situations when the mother was pregnant. At the very time when such hard data are now available, other scientific disciplines confirm the paramount significance of the prenatal environment. For example, the conventional ways of separating and contrasting genetic and environmental factors in the genesis of states of health, behaviours, and personality traits are obsolete. When contrasting these two groups of factors it was commonplace, until recently, to refer only to the post-birth environment. Today we are in a position to understand that the expression of our genes is to a certain extent influenced by early experiences, particularly during fetal life.

Such an accumulation of data has enormous implications. In terms of public health, it appears that nothing today is more important than the health and well-being of pregnant women. In terms of research, nothing is more important than the study of factors influencing fetal growth and fetal development. From a practical perspective, there are new reasons to prepare the intrauterine environment in an optimal manner.


The sole purpose of these blogs is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, prevention or cure of any disease. If you have any serious, acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained doctor/health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. If you are seeking the medical advice of a trained Ayurvedic expert, call us or e mail.

Dr Unnati Chavda
(Promoting pregnancy wellness)


Sunday, August 3, 2014

Garbh Sanskar: Learning In The Womb III

To awaken in him a creative and universal intelligence

  • Surround yourself with bright colors , wear them on you, which you will invigorate you align ...
  • Bathe your eyes in each of the colored bands of the solar spectrum given by a prism and are viewing this creative life colors flooding your cells and those of the child, they will be quickened, harmonized magnified.
  • Relax frequently and focus your thinking, your creative imagination on the finest human qualities : they permeate the child. This project without personal desires in order to respect the freedom of being in training.
  • Imagine the light bathing the world with a sense of universality
  • Tune in to your highest ideal of life so that your child receives the most vibrant, the most subtle energies: it will in him the seeds of a better world


Consequently, it is easy to imagine the strong links that exist between the pregnant mother and her child. In this close relationship between the mother and her unborn child in her womb, the feelings of love of the mother, associated with elevated images of virtues that his imagination has for him, permeate and registering at the body of her child. The two brains, mother and child, constantly communicate with their mirror neurons . The mirror neurons mother sent every instant messages, feelings, images that are received by the mirror neurons emerging from the child. These messages are reflected and create in him the same desire, the same images, the same ideas as those of his mother.

Communication is the nervous system of two people. And the wishes and desires of the mother reflected on the nervous system of the child, create resonance in him, the desire to achieve the received message and become like the mother wants.

The repetition of these desires registers deeply on the nervous system of the child program and partly his future life.

Results of the study reveal that mothers who eat more unhealthy foods during pregnancy, such as sweet drinks, refined cereals and salty foods, have children with increased behavioral problems, such as aggression and tantrums.

Additionally, the findings show that children who eat more unhealthy foods in their first years of life, or who lack nutrient-rich foods such as vegetables, also show increased aggression and behavioral problems, as well as symptoms of depression and anxiety.

"These new findings suggest that unhealthy and 'junk' foods may have an impact on the risk for mental health problems in children, and they add to the growing body of evidence on the impact of unhealthy diets on the risk for depression, anxiety and even dementia."

Babies are exposed to our feelings and our hormones. Stay positive!

“You should sit in meditation for twenty minutes every day—unless you’re too busy; then you should sit for an hour.”


The sole purpose of these blogs is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, prevention or cure of any disease. If you have any serious, acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained doctor/health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. If you are seeking the medical advice of a trained Ayurvedic expert, call us or e mail.

Dr Unnati Chavda
(Promoting pregnancy wellness)


Garbh Sanskar: Learning In The Womb II

All couples, all young, all people want to have healthy and beautiful qualities of gifted children. But they do not know that it really is possible! The key is when the foundations are based to be: the prenatal period. Current scientific and psychological knowledge show that during the prenatal period, humans built the foundations for future person's health, psyche, the outline of his character, talents,his creativity.

This is due to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual materials provided by his parents, especially his mother. Transmission occurs through multiple pathways: physical, hormonal, psychological and bio energy.

American biologist Bruce Lipton finds that the genetic mother by her sensations, feelings and thoughts - and through her ​​father and their environment - influence the genetic makeup of the child in utero. " Prospective parents are true genetic engineering of children and adults they will become so in the future of humanity. It is urgent that they be informed . " At stake is the future of children, adults they become and of all humanity.

Prenatal education provides immediate birth of healthy and balanced children, causes consolidation couple united in a common ideal and strengthening the foundations of the family. In the longer term, it will improve public health, because prenatal education is the most effective prevention of malfunction, aggression, violence and crime. Communicating love of parents, especially the mother with the child in utero, decreases anxiety of it, the main cause of child aggression or attitude of passive victim.

Babies can see and hear long before they are born. They can ‘learn’, can ‘feel’ and sometimes even cry while still in the uterus. The unborn baby sleeps and dreams, likes sweet tastes – not bitter ones, and prefers Bach to Beethoven. In fact cellular consciousness begins at conception, and has been described by psychiatrists, researchers, scientists  among others,have taught us a lot about how babies experience life in the womb. But there is another kind of consciousness – an ability to communicate it that is not so easy to explain in physiological terms, yet it is experienced by many mothers whose lives were changed forever by the experience.

"When there's a healthy attachment between baby and parent," - "the baby comes to believe that the world is a safe place. This is the beginning of the establishment of trust."

When we experience stress, our body, our adrenal glands in particular, produce adrenalin, catecholamines, so-called "stress" hormones that help us deal with the event. Among pregnant women these hormones cross the barrier placental flooding the fetus, creating in him a physiological state corresponding to this maternal emotion.

Living a creative and happy pregnancy

"For nine months, the cell informs while it forms" because the child naturally records the feelings, thoughts, ideals which lie at the heart and mind of the mother. His subconscious, its cellular memory becomes impregnated.

To give him a taste for beauty, to feed his love capacities

disturb you and the child :Avoid anything that would

  • conversations, readings, performances depressing
  • the music and violent images and destructuring
  • any guilt if sometimes you experience fear, ambivalence, doubts, they are normal. Accept them, let go, then:

Look for anything that you combine, makes you happy, inspire you , while listening to your child's reactions:

  • Your Nature's all singing, all vibrating ...
  • works of art that affect you, you raise: paintings, sculptures, music, songs, poems, stories ...
  • and above all artistic activities you do yourselves.

If the father shares pending the mother, where the surrounds of a loving and safe environment are forged the first links of the father with the child.

Contact her father and mother :

  • reassurance if you have experienced anger, grief: tell her that it does not concern
  • talk to him as if he were already born
  • sing for him, it will vibrate to the sound of your voice
  • be yourself, without forcing anything. Establish with him the relationship is yours to your own nature and your own culture.

A powerful bond of love will unite to your marriage, life, the world.


The sole purpose of these blogs is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, prevention or cure of any disease. If you have any serious, acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained doctor/health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. If you are seeking the medical advice of a trained Ayurvedic expert, call us or e mail.

Dr Unnati Chavda
(Promoting pregnancy wellness)


Saturday, August 2, 2014

Garbh Sanskar: Learning In The Womb I

Prenatal education result of natural processes of pregnancy and occurs daily through the mother .

So this is for her to give the child the best and the best conditions so that it makes the most within the natural process and according to its own dynamics, potentials included in its genetic heritage.The role of the mother is important, but it needs to fulfill it, the complicity of the father, with his entourage, and the understanding and support of the whole society.

Everyone knows that the fetus builds his body with the materials supplied by the blood of the mother, themselves imbued with emotions and thoughts. The child absorbs everything without having the ability to sort between what is beneficial and what is harmful. This is the mother to make that choice. To her outlaw harmful substances: alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs ... and focus on living and vitalizing foods: fruits, vegetables, grains, which have a tremendous amount of stored solar energy. A too good oxygenate the blood by breathing as important as nutrition.

Recall that the sense organs and corresponding brain systems are in place at the end of the embryonic period to three months of intrauterine life. During the six months of the fetal period, they develop and refine their specialization in different forms, depending on the nature of their work and the quality and intensity of the stimulations received.

"In the first hours of life, the newborn, faced with the urgent need for food, will search for his mother, the smell of his mother and more specifically the smell of milk near nipples. It's always a fascinating sight to watch a newborn "sniff" his mother, poking around the breasts ... and recognize the place of happiness and sustenance. "

What if we could eliminate chronic disease, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, heart disease, and more in people before they were even born?

“with fetal programming.”

Fetal programming is the idea that, during a fetus’ development in the womb, environmental impacts, such as nutrients, stressors, or toxins, can affect or even reset organ, tissue, and cell function by changing the child’s genetic makeup.

In other words, the child adapts to its environment before it’s even born.

“The nine months of pregnancy are not just important for the health of the mom and fetus but also the adult life of the unborn baby,”

“Many health care providers don’t take time to really talk with pregnant women about their health. Instead of prescribing pills and medications, we should be educating women about healthy food and exercise and giving them access to these things before disease occurs.”

“If women are healthier, then children, and eventually adults, will be healthier. It’s the circle of life, and it starts with women.

If a pregnant woman is eating healthy foods and exercising, certain genes in the fetus “turn on” and or “turn off.” This way, she reduces the risk of her child growing up to develop long-term diseases, such as diabetes and hypertension

Scientific and psychological studies of recent decades show that during gestation, human beings built the foundations of his health and his psyche.
Genetic capital it receives the design is being constantly modified its genes being activated or not by the experiences shared with the mother on mental and spiritual sensory, emotional.
Expectant parents, especially the mother, so have a creative part to play in giving their child the best evidence to that will build a healthy and be mentally and psychologically.


The sole purpose of these blogs is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, prevention or cure of any disease. If you have any serious, acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained doctor/health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. If you are seeking the medical advice of a trained Ayurvedic expert, call us or e mail.

Dr Unnati Chavda
(Promoting pregnancy wellness)
