Charaka Samhita discusses the role of karma as a determinant of the qualities and personality of the individual, lifespan, etiology of illness, and otherwise personality of the individual, lifespan, etiology of illness, and otherwise incomprehensible epidemics. The Classical texts of Ayurveda also consider the influence of karma in concerned with development of the embryo during gestations and the process of its becoming a person with a distinct personality. Ayurveda believes that Atma(soul) and Panchamahabhutas are equally important factors for conception with union of Shukra(sperm) and Shonita(ovum). The union of Sukra(sperm) and Sonita(ovum) along with Atma(soul) in Garbhashaya(uterus) is termed as Garbha(embryo/fetus). It is formed as a result of combination of Panchamahabhutas(five elements) and Chetana(soul). Panchamahabhutas(five elements) play an important role in growth of embryo/fetus. Sushruta explains the formation of Garbha(embryo/fetus) as the combination of Sukra(sperm), Sonita(ovum), Atma(soul), Ashtaprakrutis(8 prakrutis) and Shodasha vikaras(16 Vikaras) in Garbhashaya(uterus). Garbha(embryo/fetus) formation takes place only by the suitable combination of four factors responsible for the formation of embryo/fetus)such as Rtu(period), Kshetra(place of conception), Ambu(nutrition) and Bija(gametes). Six factors are responsible for the proper development of embryo are Matruja, Pitruja, Atmaja, Satmyaja, Rasaja and Satwaja(factors derived from mother, father, soul, wholesomeness, nutrition, psyche). Development of embryo/fetus) takes place by Rasa(nutrition) and Adhmana(inflation) of Vayu(air). The place of fire is said to be inside the Nabhi(umbilicus). Vayu(air) blows it by which the body of embryo/fetus) grows and attains development. Vayu(air) along with Agni(fire) demarcates and dilates channels in all directions. Shusruta has mentioned specific function for each Bhutha(element). Prithvi(earth) does Samhanana(compactness), Jala(water) Kledana(moistens), Teja(fire) Pachana(digests), by its specific function provides general shape, Vayu(air) does Vibhajana(division) of body parts and Akasha(ether) Vivardhana(increases); it also provides space to Srotases(channels). Charaka considers the influence of the parents in some detail which offers elaborate instructions intended to help a couple achieve pregnancy and impede obstacles to it. Reciting mantras will help a woman achieve pregnancy and bear a child with desirable qualities. Charaka recommends various other rituals and procedures reminiscent of Dharmasastra. Among the factors determining the childs character (sattva), Ayurveda refers to karma. Other determinants include activities of the expectant mother, as we have indicated, personalities of both parents, what is heard by the woman at the moment of conception and several other factors Actions of the father prior to conception influence the offspring through their effects on the father’s semen. According to the theory of conception articulated in the body section of the Ayurvedic texts, a viable embryo (garbha) results from the successful union of semen and menstrual blood etc. Blood, fat, heart, lungs and other vital organs derive from maternal contributions; from the father come hair, beard, nails, teeth and muscle. The fact of arising in a particular womb, life span, intellect, instinct, emotion and a sense of self are each governed by the atman. A viable embryo must have five constituents, without which the development of the fetus cannot proceed. Contributions from the mother and father nutrients individual self (atman) through which the influence of karma is manifest, and a constitutional integrity (satmya) binding these together, which is responsible for health, clarity and virility. Sattva specifies an individual’s intellectual and emotional character, and it arises spontaneously from atman in a given birth and departs at death. it also influences the manifestations of atman in the next birth. Charaka identifies sattva as the essential determinant of an individual’s particular personality traits. Karma is primarily a property of atman, but it also mediates other manifestations of atman and is associated with sativa. Caraka Samhita discusses three classes of sattva: pure (sudha), impassioned (rajasa) and foolish (tamasa), and from these three proceed a variety of personality types. Character types under the sudha class are named after deities. Brahama personality is pure, truthful, wise and free of passions. Rishi (sage) type is devoted to sacrifices, study, vows and similar concerns. The Indra personality is powerful, acquisitive, virile and concerned with his possessions and pleasures. Plan your pregnancy the Vedic way Call 9773170560/9825463394 Follow Month wise Regime during Pregnancy To have a healthy baby it’s important to follow month wise regime. Use of month wise regime makes her sacral region, flanks and back soft. Vayu moves into its right path. Faeces, urine and placenta are expelled easily. Women gains strength, complexion and delivers easily at a proper time a desire, excellent, healthy child possessing all the qualities and long life. Ayurveda recommends few things in diet corresponding to month of pregnancy responsible for healthier development of foetus. Shedule Your Consultation to know more about month wise regime. Ayurveda takes care of all aspects of human wellbeing. All the classics have mentioned keen descriptions about reproductory age, rutukal, dincharya, rutucharya, yogabhyas, panchkarma, pranayam, aahar-vihar, aacharrasayan, counseling, meditation, positive thinking & garbhini paricharya i.e., regimen from 1st to 9th month of pregnancy. . It helps to reduce the risk of adverse health effect on women & foetus & risk of hereditary diseases in next generation. This aims easy delivery at proper time, desired healthy child possing all the qualities with long life. Panchakarma Before Conception: It is a versatile & effective therapy for all kinds of problems. The couple should be purified by Snehan(Oliation therapy) , Swedan(Sudation therapy), Vaman i.e. Emesis, Virechan i.e., Purgation, Asthapan basti(Purificatory enema), Anuvasanbasti(Nourishing enema) & Nasya. Panchakarma detoxifies the body, maintain the dosha, dhatu & mala to prevent disease & also promotes resistance to outside pathogens(vyadhi kshamatva) & prepare the uterus for a healthy conception. #garbhsanskar
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