There are the various factors responsible together which have an effect on constitutional, temperamental, psychological and spiritual make up of each individual.The combination of these factors and the state of doshas in sperm and ovum at the time of conception determines the constitution of a person. Hereditary diseases and the impurities that are present in sperm and ovum.
Ayurveda, the ancient Indian medical system has given importance on this and postulated various measures to minimize the risks. These measures start well before conception.
Healthy mother, father, practice of a wholesome regimen and a healthy mind (psychological status of parents) play a important role in achieving a healthy offspring, thus structuring a healthy family, society and nation.
Charaka described that there are six factors which are unitely responsible for appropriate development of an embryo . He also describes the reason for similarities between offsprings’ and parents.
1) Maternal factors
2) Paternal factors
3) Atma (Soul)
4) Satmyaja- (Wholesomeness)
5) Nutritional factors
6) Psych/Mind
Above six factors are collectively responsible for the development of the embryo. Not single factors can form and develop embryo properly.
The features inherited from mother are - Skin, blood, muscle tissue, fat, umbilicus, heart, pancreas, gall bladder, spleen, kidney, urinary bladder, stomach, duodenum, small intestine, large intestine, omen- tum, rectum, anal canal and anus.
The second contributor is a father.The features inherited from father are - Hair,mustache, nails, Skin hair, axillaries, groin hair, teeth, blood vessels, ligament, tendon, semen.
The Third important factor is a soul (spirit) called as Chetana Dhatu or Atma. A new life is the union of an ovum, a sperm, and a soul. The attributes of the soul that the foetus acquires are - to take birth in specific species, life span, knowledge of self, mind, control on actions of sensory organs, in and out movements of the air elements (vata), inspiration, preservation of knowledge, unique appearance, distinctive voice, complexion, happiness and sorrow, desire and aversion, awareness, intelligence, memory, ego, enthusiasm. These features are called as Atmaja (At- ma=Soul, ja-emerging from) Bhava.
For the proper development of the embryo, it should be provided by acceptable or agreeable factor through maternal diet. When all the six procreative factors are present in concordance, then only a new life can come into existence. When these factors combine under the most favorable conditions and environment, then only a new life can concede. Satmya is the use of such things which do not cause harm to the body eventhough they are different qualities of one’s own constitution. The optimal presence of all these factors defines the suitability for a new life and it is called Satmya for the Garbha. The satmyaja factor is responsible for awarding health, vigor, non greedy attitude, serenity, well being of all organs, quality in voice, skin and reproductive cells (sperm & ovum) and satisfaction in sexual activity. These characteristics imparted by the satmya to a Garbha are called Satmyaja Bhava. These bhava decides the sustaining capacity and development of Garbha.
All living things fall under one of the three constitutions of mana namely Sattvika, Rajasa & Tamasa. All human beings possess qualities of all three constitutions, the qualities that are executed accordingly, a person is called Sattvik, Rajasik, and Tamasik.
Concept of heredity has been thoroughly presented in Aurvedic literature. Kula or Gotra of parents, the age of mother and father, health of reproductive organs, time of conception, bija of mother, diet taken by the mother during pregnancy, drugs taken by the mother during pregnancy, diseases of mother during pregnancy can affect the health and normalcy of the foetus.
Ayurveda is using four primary factors i.e. Mother, father, soul and nutrition. Every factor is made up of four elements Earth, water, fire, air. The soul that enters at the time of fertilization plays a crucial role in the physical and mental nature of the
child a couple will create. In spite of same family, birth time, nutrition; people differs in their life span, psychometaphysical aspects. Why do same intial pathological features produce different diseases in different people, why do they occur quickly in some whereas in others there is a long latent period. Such unexplained, indigenous or idiopathic factors are due to the atmaja bhava. The effect of what is done during the previous life is known as daiva .The mental state during the time period of conception and during the pregnancy impact the nature of the soul that incarnates into the womb. Modern epigenetic research would say that stress measured by cortisol levels impacts gene expression in the early stage of embryogenesis. The practice given by charaka is for the mother to visualize the desired child and eat, dress and live in the way that represents the culture wanted in the nature of the child. This lifestyle supports the visualization and is aimed at attracting soul desired by the parents. The thoughts and desires arising from the past karmas of the parents attract a soul of like nature. During the early stages of human development, material ambitious and an egotistical nature are justified because atma (deeds of previous life) drive us onwards and upwards.
Sattva as a linking and integrative force of the various deter- minants, which are related with the development of human organism and its personality.Sattva with its association with soul at the time of union of sperm ovum, is considered as an essential factor for the development of embryo.
Foetus in the womb is believed to be able to recognize love, happiness, sadness and stress. A pregnant woman’s thoughts have a physical connection to her unborn child. Everything the pregnant mother feels and thinks is communicated through neurohormones to her unborn child. A pregnant woman’s thoughts are the precursor for the euro hormones. When pregnant mother is anxious, stressed, or in a fearful state, the stress hormones released into her bloodstream cross through the placenta to the body. Stress activates the unbornchild’s endocrine system and influences foetal brain development.
Sometimes improper time, season, age of conception, all these periodic factors can influence the health of the foetus by creating a mutogenic or epigenetic influence probably.
Nutrition is the major intrauterine environmental factor that alters expression of the foetal genome and may have lifelong consequences. Garbha are growth and development of the body and tissues, a constant supply of energy, nourishment, respiration etc. Poor maternal nutritional status has been related to adverse birth outcomes. Understanding the relation between maternal nutrition and birth outcomes may provide a basis for developing nutritional interventions that will improve birth outcomes and long term quality of life and reduce mortality, morbidity and health care cost.
There is emerging evidence that the dietary habits of parents, especially woman in the earliest stages of pregnancy, may have an impact on the metabolism of their children.
Health of mother and father (good code of conduct), Practice of wholesome regimen and a healthy mind (psychological status of parents) play a significant role in achieving a healthy offspring. Each procreative factor is allocated a certain function of organogenesis, functional/ psychological phenomenon to develop in the future baby. A lag on the part of any of these six procreative factors may lead to structural, psychological defects.
Preconception counseling can play a major role not only in achieving the goal of a healthy progeny, but also in preventing congenital and genetic disorders. The Ayurveda suggest that the prevalence of congenital disorders controlled by various approaches which play vital role towards the development of normal foetus. Epigenetic studies also prove the effect of positive (satvik) and negative (tamsik) intrauterine environment on the foetus. Physical and Spiritual well being of the foetus is dependent on the positive intrauterine environment.
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