Monday, April 22, 2019


An Approach to Samskara in Ayurveda..
Hindus believe that every aspect of life is sacred.
That is why each significant stage, from conception to cremation, is celebrated as a reminder that life is a gift from God which should be duly respected and lived according to His wishes. This is the first installment describing the significance of the 16 Samskaras. These samskaras are meant to cultivate positive qualities which help purify the soul and ultimately lead it to Realization, or union with God.
This sacrament is performed to ensure the physical and spiritual health of the baby by keeping the mother in good morale.
Samskraras in the Vaidic tradition are celebrations which include pertinent ceremonies, performance of rituals, chanting of mantras, use of specific herbs, fruits, flowers, grains etc.,..another meaning is “to refine or purify”
The variety of rites and rituals related to the samskaras help in the formation and development of personality.
Samskaras impart a higher sanctity to life. Impurities associated with the material body are eradicated by performing samskaras. 
Pre-natal Samskaras
(1) Garbhadan (Conception)
(2) Pumsavana Sanctification of the embryo
(3) Simantonayana (Hair-parting)
This Punsavan Samskara is performed with a view that a healthy and bright child may born.
During pregnancy, samskaras are celebrated for a happy course of the pregnancy and the good health of the mother and the baby during the pre-natal period. The significance of this samskara is highly important, as these ceremony purify and refine field (woman’reproductive system) and seed (sperms), thus the born child will posses high qualities.
The Samskara performed around and during pregnancy have different purposes, but all are to aid in a healthy, auspicious pregnancy. These Samskaras are prescribed in the Grhya Sutras (ancient Hindu texts of householder rites) and are also in current ritual handbooks. From the first three Samskaras I will be discuss only Garbhaadana Samkara at present.
Before going into the specific Samskaras conducted at these stages, it is important to take note of an every day discipline to be observed by the pregnant mother.
A littler to know about Garbhaadana Samkara:
The rite of conception, a prenatal ceremony, performed at the time of conception. The aim of this Samskara is to get high quality progeny.
Garbhadhana: The Ritual of Conception
Garbhaadhana is the conception ritual for having healthy children. The word, Garbhadana, is a combination of two Sanskrit words, Garbha, meaning the womb, and Dana, meaning a gift. Thus it literally means a gift of/to the womb, embodying perhaps one of the most beautiful concepts in the Vedic way of Life.
It is to be concluded that while conceiving a child one’s mind must be very sober and devotional. For this purpose the Garbhadhana-sanskara is recommended in the Vedic scriptures.
What are the rules to get only a devotee child by Garbhadhaan Sanskar?
With this background we may now turn to how the creation of life at conception, is celebrated with the first Samskara, the Garbhadhana, and sets the individual on the Vedic Way Of Life..
The Vedic Way of Life commences with a celebration of the creation of a new life right from the stage of conception and continues through all stages of the pregnancy.
The ancient rishis and sages enjoined the sixteen samskaras for the eternal benefit of mankind through their direct experience with the Divine. 
To Schedule your session
CALL : 9773170560/9825463394
Samskaras provide sound mental and physical health and the confidence to face life's challenges.
The word Saṁskāra is derived from the Sanskrit root meaning “to refine”. In the classical Sanskrit literature the word Sanskara is used in a very wide sense:— in the sense of education, cultivation, training, making perfect, refining, polishing, embellishment, impression, form, mould, operation, impression on the sub-conscious mind, a purificatory rite, a sacred rite or ceremony, consecration, sanctification and hallowing; idea, notion and conception; effect of work, merit of action, adorns one’s personality etc.
Samskaras : The Hindu Sacraments : The word "Saṁskāra" as "sacrament" means the religious purificatory rites and
ceremonies for sanctifying the body, mind and intellect of an individual. The Saṁskāras are a means of moulding the personality of the individual, and through this moulding one becomes an ideal member of society and an enlightened being.
The sage Gautama gives eight spiritual-virtues of the Self (ātma-guṇas), that need to be cultivated for spiritual unfoldment and this is achieved through the medium of the Saṁskāras.
The eight gunas or qualities of the Self are are:— dayā, kṣanti, anasuya, sauca, anayasa, mangala, akarpaṇya, aspṛha.viz., compassion, forbearance, freedom from envy, purity, calmness, right behaviour, and freedom from greed and covetousness
Samskaras are the turning points of life and need to be celebrated. These rituals prepare the mind to assimilate not only the Vedic knowledge but also make one a person of character. 
So Samskaras are purificatory acts, making both body and mind pure and thereby helping one in spiritual upliftment.
Thus since the time of conception right upto the birth of the baby, family has to took all precautionary steps to guard the womb and the baby-to-be-bom against all evil influences.
Modern education and changing social values have eroded the importance of most of the religious rites now a days.
Samskaras are the turning points of life and need to be celebrated. Samskaras are great, time-tested tools in our traditional systems which help carve out a great personality. Apart from scriptural validation, history also proves to us the great effectiveness of these methods.
Samskaras bring about cultural gains.The various ceremonies related to the samskaras help in the formation and development of personality.It convey a higher sacredness to life. Various Impurities associated with the body are cleared by performing samskaras. The samskaras are a form of spiritual sadhana. There are special ceremonies to remove sins, bestow good quality and to increase intellect that are performed since in-utero life to death, called as Samsara.
Just as gold and diamonds that are dug out from the ore need refining and polishing in order to shine in their entire splendor, man too needs these Samskaras or purificatory ceremonies in order to shine in his best form physically, psychically and spiritually.
Samskaras (Sacraments) are rituals and sacrifices. By virtue of their performances the life of the performer receives a higher sanctity.
Ayurveda describes one theory as "Supraja japan". This "Supraja janan", as conceptualised in Ayurveda, involves the preparation of the couple planning pregnancy, three months prior to conception.The beginning is by pinda shuddhi or the purification of the gametes (sperm and ovum). 
Samskaras impart a higher sanctity to life. Impurities associated with the material body are eradicated by performing samskaras.
Ancient Indian medicine (charak, susruta and other) has recognized the need for the mental,spiritual and physical preparation of the mother-to-be for the momentous event of childbirth and described detail in Garbhadana Samakara.
All these functions and other activities are done to get a healthy child. In summary Pregnancy should be by choice, and not by chance.
The variety of rites and rituals related to the samskaras help in the formation and development of personality. In the Parashar Smruti it is said, "Just as a picture is painted with various colors, so the character of a person is formed by undergoing various samskaras." Thus, the Hindu sages realised the need of consciously guiding and molding the character of individuals, instead of letting them grow in a haphazard manner. Impurities associated with the material body are eradicated by performing samskaras.
Removal of Dosha, Fulfillment of deficiencies, Increase in good qualities of Body and Soul are the uses of Samskaras. Samskaras are the procedures by which the mala, dosha, bad qualities, and deficiencies are removed from body as well as soul and good qualities are introduced and increased in both of them.
The ancient rishis and sages enjoined the sixteen samskaras for the eternal benefit of mankind through their direct experience with the Divine. 
The samskaras bring together family members, close relatives and friends, hence increase the cohesiveness of the family unit. Therein the unit harmonizes and strengthens the social structure. The consequence of this is a healthy society with a strong cultural identity which easily refines, boosts and perpetuates its traditional beliefs, customs, morals and values. These Samaskaras helps to build good society and so as country.
Samskars are the event done before conception up to death of person; so it is having social as well as medical significance. By all above Samskars, we can access the growth and development of child and can diagnosis any defect at certain age, which will help child to increase his skill of work as well as mental ability. This, also make person aware of his duty towards society and teach him how to behave in society, so that we can make crime free society. During the process of growth and development of child, undergoes different mental and physical changes in his body. Samkars help him to accept only good qualities and avoid bad conducts. Samkars also make aware of his responsibilities towards parents, wife, children and society.
There is unique relationship between Samskara and Culture. From birth till death, a human being is confined with various types of Samskaras and only these Samskaras grant him dignity and decorum, nourish him and purify him. It is this Samskara which introduces the perfection of humanity.
With these thoughts from the rituals at the time of birth of a child till the funeral ritual, our great Rishis have granted us the knowledge about our duties. It is only on the strength of the morale and good conduct that a man becomes Samskari and achieves a place of respect in the society.
It is very much essential that our children have in them Vedic code of conduct and discipline. If the best qualities and characteristics are cultivated in them right from their childhood then its impact remains through- out his life. Only those human beings have become human beings in real sense in whose life there is an impact of these Samskaras.
Samskaras are great, time-tested tools in our traditional systems which help carve out a great personality.
As a painting is made by joining the different kinds of colours with a brush, similarly by following the ritual consecrations, this body also becomes able to achieve BRAHMA (Salvation).
Thus, the entire life of a Hindu is one grand sacrament.
The birthing process for any woman is both physically traumatic and emotionally chaotic.
The ancient Rishis were well aware of the nature of childbirth and in order to facilitate a therapeutic environment instituted the concept of asaucham.
The period of asaucham prescribed after birth was for ten days and applied to the mother. During these ten days the mother was exempt from all domestic and ritual chores. The reason for this today is obvious for medical reasons. The new-born child receives its antibodies and ability to fight off infection through the mother’s milk. Therefore until its immunity is strengthened it should be protected from the possibility of catching infections from hordes of visitors. The mother should be allowed to rest and to bond with her new-born child rather than expending unnecessary energy chatting to visitors. 
So even in modern society it is possible to maintain this tradition and avoid visiting new mothers before the ten day period is over.
Ayurvedic Garbh Sanskar (The Art and Science of Pregnancy)
Sixteen Samskaras :
1 Garbhadhan Samskara
2 Punsavan Samskara
3 Simanatonayan Samskara
4 Jaat Karma Samskara
5 Namkaran Samskara
6 Niskraman Samskara
7 Anna-prashan Samskara
8 Karna-vidh Samskara
9 Vidyarambh Samskara
10 Chudakarm Samskara
11 Yagnopavit Samskara
12 Vedarambha Samskara
13 Keshanta Samskara
14 Samavartan Samskara
15 Vivah Samskara
16 Agni Samskara

Sunday, April 21, 2019


When a woman discovers she has a child within her womb, she is almost always compelled to become a newer and better version of herself.
Spiritual Mothering through Ayurveda : Putting The Mystical and Ancient Magic Back Into Pregnancy, Birth, and New Motherhood..
Abhimanyu, the boy warrior and son of Arjuna and Subhadra, Krishna’s sister, learned the art of penetrating the complex military formation known as the lotus array (padma vyūha) in his mother’s womb.
In 6000 year old Mahabharata, Arjuna’s son Abhimanyu learnt how to enter the Chakravyuha while in the womb.
Another story is about Prahlad, from Indian mythology who is described listening to devotional prayers and stories about Lord Vishnu from his mother’s womb.
There is a beautiful story in the Bhagavata Purana of how Prahlada became a devotee of Vishnu even when he was a foetus. This was due to his mother being taught the Vedic texts during her pregnancy. The Bhagavata Purana has the story of Prahlada who is supposed to have listened to stories about Lord Vishnu, even as he was in his mother’s womb, and became one of the most ardent devotees of Narayana. When Prahlada was threatened by his own father, the demon Hiranyakasipu, Lord Narayana took the incarnation of Narasimha, part lion-part human to come and save his child-devotee. It is this same belief that recommends pregnant women to recite Stotras, listen to soothing devotional music or to read sacred books because these are believed to have a positive influence on the unborn child.
Such ancient stories from the Puranas resonate to the present day in every Hindu household and make religion and spirituality such a lasting presence in the Vedic way of life.
The point here, though, is that fetuses can absorb any amount of information while we think that they are sleeping blissfully in their mothers’ wombs. They bring all that information into the world with them and use it to influence their societies. 
Garbh Sanskar:
Give your baby good health and values for the future. Garbh Sanskar is a process to give birth to a healthy and intelligent child. 
Schedule your sessions of Garbh Sanskar
CALL 9773170560/9825463394
Before going into the specific Samskaras conducted at these stages, it is important to take note of an every day discipline to be observed by the pregnant mother.
A littler to know about Garbhaadana Samkara:
Garbhaadhana is the conception ritual for having healthy children. The word, Garbhadana, is a combination of two Sanskrit words, Garbha, meaning the womb, and Dana, meaning a gift. Thus it literally means a gift of/to the womb, embodying perhaps one of the most beautiful concepts in the Vedic way of Life.
With this background we may now turn to how the creation of life at conception, is celebrated with the first Samskara, the Garbhadhana, and sets the individual on the Vedic Way Of Life..
The Vedic Way of Life commences with a celebration of the creation of a new life right from the stage of conception and continues through all stages of the pregnancy.

Saturday, April 20, 2019


Raising child’s subsequent emotional, intellectual and spiritual growth during pregnancy.
Wile you are pregnant, you are not only nourishing the child’s body through the umbilical chord. You are creating his/her pranic body, nourishing/creating his/her mind. This is an opportunity to teach core values of life to your unborn baby.Mother’s bond with the child starts right from the time of conception.
Whatever thoughts, feelings, emotions you carry in you, whatever impressions you give to your mind, are passed on in a subtle way to the child in you.
So, look at what pictures you hang in your rooms at this time, what movies you watch, what books you read, what discourses you listen to. Do use this time to read the life stories of spiritually advanced beings.
It is the duty of the spouse, the whole family and society, that they provide a peaceful, calm, non agitating environment for the pregnant one because you are doing this for the child, that is, for the future constitution of the entire society.
Do remember that the major education of your unborn baby is during the nine months of pregnancy. It is during these months that you are creating a baby, forming/shaping the child. Parents, family, meditate together at least during these period of pregnancy. Sanskaras is the beginning of all pious acts to receive a good, pious and intelligent class of people in our human society. As per our Vedas a child's mental development starts as soon as the child is conceived.
So, from before conception, through all these periods of ‘child training’, it is important that you learn your own Personality Orders like:
saumyataa: generating moon like calmness and pleasantness,
saumanasyam: beautiful-mindedness,
chitta-prasaadanam: making the mind a pleasant, thereby a clear, space.
As it develops in the adults, so it will impress itself upon the child’s mind.
This is not the end of the story but it is a good beginning.
Enjoy the peacefulness of your child’s mind.
.................................SWAMI VEDA BHARTI..
When a woman discovers she has a child within her womb, she is almost always compelled to become a newer and better version of herself. 
Spiritual Mothering through Ayurveda : Putting The Mystical and Ancient Magic Back Into Pregnancy, Birth, and New Motherhood..
In 6000 year old Mahabharata, Arjuna’s son Abhimanyu learnt how to enter the Chakravyuha while in the womb.
There is a beautiful story in the Bhagavata Purana of how Prahlada became a devotee of Vishnu even when he was a foetus. This was due to his mother being taught the Vedic texts during her pregnancy. The Bhagavata Purana has the story of Prahlada who is supposed to have listened to stories about Lord Vishnu, even as he was in his mother’s womb, and became one of the most ardent devotees of Narayana. When Prahlada was threatened by his own father, the demon Hiranyakasipu, Lord Narayana took the incarnation of Narasimha, part lion-part human to come and save his child-devotee. It is this same belief that recommends pregnant women to recite Stotras, listen to soothing devotional music or to read sacred books because these are believed to have a positive influence on the unborn child.
Such ancient stories from the Puranas resonate to the present day in every Hindu household and make religion and spirituality such a lasting presence in the Vedic way of life.
CALL 9773170560/9825463394
I advised all expected mothers to increase the good karmic level during pregnancy.
The child’s personality begins to take shape in the womb, and this can be influenced by the mother's state of mind during pregnancy because it can hear, feel and perceive through the mother.
Setting aside a short period of time each day in Meditation when the mother is in a calm and relaxed state, will provide an environment where the unborn child is bathed in love. We know that the growing baby in the womb is affected by chemicals released in the mother's brain in response to her emotions.
Promoting the Health of Mother and Baby During Pregnancy Using Ayurveda by Dr Unnati Chavda.
Enjoy the journey and embrace being pregnant.
Before going into the specific Samskaras conducted at these stages, it is important to take note of an every day discipline to be observed by the pregnant mother.
A littler to know about Garbhaadana Samkara.
Garbhaadhana is the conception ritual for having healthy children. The word, Garbhadana, is a combination of two Sanskrit words, Garbha, meaning the womb, and Dana, meaning a gift. Thus it literally means a gift of/to the womb, embodying perhaps one of the most beautiful concepts in the Vedic way of Life.
The Vedic Way of Life commences with a celebration of the creation of a new life right from the stage of conception and continues through all stages of the pregnancy.

Friday, April 19, 2019


How to Make a Baby Smarter in the Womb?
Reading to Your Baby in the Womb : Develop Baby's Brain
Reading/talking/listen to music with your unborn baby
Your baby feels everything you are feeling. Set the foundation for love by bonding with your baby while in the womb. It is traditionally believed that a child’s mental and behavioural development starts in the womb as it can be influenced by the mother’s emotional state while she carries the baby. 
The stories you read to your baby evoke certain emotions. The rhyming lines and the lullabies develop a sense of voice modulation too from an early stage. Many aspects also indicate that reading helps babies to pick up newer words for their vocabulary pretty early in life and make it easier for them to understand the meaning easily. However, when a baby hears the voice in the womb, becomes alert and responds to it. If you read to your baby daily, your baby will recognize your voice once he/she out in the real world and this will develop the bond between you and your baby.
While figuring out the things to read to a baby in the womb, it is important to know how your activities are going to benefit the little one. Everything that you do, right from eating to speaking to exercising, affects the baby in one way or the other. The aural perception is so strong that most babies are able to develop an affinity for the native language over any other even without understanding it fully.
Pregnancy is not just a stressful time for the mother but also for the baby. The baby undergoes a fluctuation in emotions and can feel overwhelmed at times. Indulging in some nice reading activity can help you calm down and your soothing voice can also control the heart rate of your anxious baby and help to relax in your womb.
The bond is truly formed from all the activities that the mother indulges in when the little one is inside her. Being constantly aware of the mother’s voice helps the baby develop trust for it, which is why most babies stop crying after they hear the mother’s voice. If a particular music is played regularly, the baby can recognise it pretty well, too. Playing it again once the baby is out can also strengthen the bond yet again. And this isn’t simply restricted to the mother. If the partner reads a story to the child, the baby will begin to recognize that voice too.
As your baby grows in your womb, brain development is still in progress and the neural connections form rapidly. Listening to the mother’s voice or stories help strengthen those connections. And these can help baby recall when hears them again after birth. Repetition is a proven form of memorization and when the seeds are sown early in life right from the womb, it develops memory and concentration power in babies.
Once you know what to read for your baby in the womb, don’t stop there. Combine the reading activity with listening to music or humming some songs of your own. Everything that a baby hears is going to work to baby's benefit and make a lovely individual in every way possible.
Health experts have identified the factors that can improve a baby’s IQ while he/she is in the mother’s womb. Parents’ dream of having an intelligent and smart baby has now become a reality. Eating healthful foods and stimulating the unborn child while he/she is still in the womb creates a connection in the brain to boost intelligence and concentration, which helps him/her learn later on.
Get a head-start on enhancing the IQ of your unborn baby with prenatal stimulation and healthy lifestyle right away.
Promoting the Health of Mother and Baby During Pregnancy Using Ayurveda begins with a month by month description of developments during pregnancy. It then covers the topics of apana vata, nutrition, the daily routine, yoga asana, meditation, happiness, challenges, herbs as well as herbal medicines and hwebal treatments, classical month by month regimens, herbal ghee and preparing for the baby.
CALL +919825463394/+919773170560
My mission is to educate Mothers about the importance of bonding with babies by starting a regular storytime even before birth. And prenatal bonding, especially through reading aloud, is also the very best way to build strong sibling relationships!
Bonding with unborn baby is not something that you can pick up from any book. It is something that you must experience by talking to him/her every day. Talking will strengthen the love you already possess and help mentally prepare you to become a parent.
After hearing and memorizing your voice and your comforting tone in the womb, it may be easier for your baby to bond with you after birth when they hear your voice. Talking or singing to your baby while he/she’s still in your belly can be comforting for you and them. It gives you both a chance to bond, and plenty of time to perfect those bedtime story voices.
The more you communicate with your unborn baby the stronger your connection feels and you are able to tap into a deep well of inner strength that you have never made contact with before.
While in womb, babies begin learning language from their mothers.
Touching your belly is another way of stimulating your little one in the womb.
Learning to communicate with someone who is inside you can seem awkward at first, but once you start, you’ll never stop. This is the closest that you will be with your baby so savour every moment with them. Eat, dance, pray and enjoy life together because life is short. Before you know it, they’ll be going to school, and after a few years, they’ll be adults.
After a period of practicing reading to your baby in utero, you’ll fall into a storytime routine that’s comfortingly familiar even to baby, who’s been listening avidly from inside the womb and it will become a cherished family ritual with lifelong rewards.
Babies in utero can recognize, and show a strong preference for, their mother’s voice over the voice of a stranger....Babies in utero can distinguish between words spoken in their mother’s language and in other languages. Science shows that reading to baby in the womb helps to stimulates emotions in a baby and helps baby react to different stimuli. It also prepares a baby for the life after his/her birth.
Science showing that your baby really can hear you from inside the womb, and that she’s already picking up on your unique voice, your laugh, your favorite song to sing and all the sounds, rhythms, patterns, and melodies of your traditional language. Reading the Womb is one of the best things you can do for your baby, right up there with prenatal nutrition and checkups. We know now that babies can hear, taste, smell, and feel from inside the womb.
Your baby's Language Development/Lessions Starts in the Womb.
Research shows that the mother's voice plays a crucial role in babies' growth and development in the womb.
Garbh Sanskar : Make your baby a genius while inside the womb.
Your unborn baby is aware of everything you are thinking and feeling as they are sensitive to your vibrations .
Breathing and connecting with your unborn baby in the womb:
A little something that I have to tell all my pregnant patients do daily is to connect in with their growing baby and do the following.
Every day no matter what is going on in your life carve out a few minutes to sit quietly. With your eyes closed place your hands on your belly and begin to breath slowly into your baby . Begin taking three slow deep breaths in and three slow deep breaths out. You can begin to add the word and feelings of love on the in breath and exhale out any stress, inhale peace exhale out any worries or fear, inhale joy and happiness exhale out any sadness. Do this a few times until you start feeling calm.
When deeply relaxed, everything flows more easily in your body, circulating blood with its nutrients and oxygen to nourish both you and your unborn baby. Your breathing becomes deeper and more regular. The physical benefits of this for both you and your unborn baby are obvious. Mentally your mind becomes more settled and open and you are able to focus on your baby
Through your nose slowly breathe into your heart the word and feeling of love as you exhale breathe that breath of love down into your belly (baby) as you allow your whole body to relax .
Next breath , slowly breathe in the word and feeling of peace into your heart then breath that word and feeling of peacefulness down into your baby.
Now breathe in the word and feeling of joy and happiness deep into your heart and breathe that feeling of joy down into your baby.....feel the love and joy you have for this little miracle growing inside of you as it showers down from your heart into their being..
Energetically connecting with your unborn baby.
Your hands have healing energy, while rubbing your belly imagine healing light or energy coming out from them, send energy from your hands into your baby. You can also place your right hand on your baby and your left hand on your heart. Think about the things you are grateful for, the love you feel and the love towards this baby send it from your heart to your baby.
As you continue to use the meditation, your connection will deepen. You may also want to share the meditation with the baby's father. When the guidance is to become aware of the baby "inside you", he can also connect with the baby inside you. Listening together will enhance your connection with each other, harmonize your intentions, and help you bond with each other as you bond with your baby.
There are also several studies that show reading to the baby in utero will cause a drop in fetal heart rate, which in turn regulates them and brings a sense of calm. I’ve found that reading is an incredible way to strengthen the bond with unborn babies. What’s nice about reading too, is that it’s something the other parent can participate in.
Talking, reading, and playing a variety of music can help stimulate baby’s senses and improve her/his brain development.
Talking to this magic little being growing in your body over last months has been such nourishing balm for your emotional and energetic bodies. Each time you slow down, tune in, and share with this little one what’s going on for the day, how much you love them, or read them a story, you strengthen your connection and feel yourself becoming more and more of a Mother. Just like babies, Mothers are born.You have no idea how healing and life altering it would be to embody creation at its essence and be in communication with life force itself as it makes its way from the spiritual realm into this physical world.
Recent research tells us that exposure to sunlight or sun gazing in utero can help visual development. Just one more reason to take a quiet, leisurely stroll in the sun with your growing baby (At the timer of sun rises). Sunlight is bright enough to penetrate your skin and shed some light on baby.
Your Baby's Journey from Conception to Birth.
According to Ayurveda, Garbh Sanskar is one of the best ways to give birth to a healthy baby. It’s all about the mother maintaining a sound state of mind, not only mentally, but physically, emotionally and spiritually as well. Garbh sanskar helps develop that eternal-spiritual bond between the mother and her unborn baby.
“Use all five senses to connect with your baby and create a nurturing environment for both of you.”
I will take you through a journey of the five senses with your baby in the womb. Stimulating Your Baby's Senses In The Womb. Learn about how your baby's senses develop before birth! If you want that perfect balance to promote healthy development in utero, these ideas for exciting baby’s senses are a great place to start.
All is well and calm and safe. Rest, relax, and grow, and join us to create beautiful world.
If you foster calm and peace in your baby’s environment even before he/she is born, the effects can last through the birth, the newborn weeks, the first year, and on into childhood. A “magical beginning” indeed!

You are not only nourishing the child’s body through the umbilical chord. You are creating his/her pranic body, nourishing/creating his/her mind.
Whatever thoughts, feelings, emotions you carry in you, whatever impressions you give to your mind, are passed on in a subtle way to the child in you.


How to Make Your Baby a Genius While Inside the Womb.
Why is it important to create a relationship to your unborn baby before birth? 
The ways in which you respond to and care for your unborn baby may affect physical and emotional well-being for the rest of baby's life. The choices you make today about your baby's birth may make a vital difference for years to come. You can prepare your unborn baby for a happy, healthy life. 
In Ayurveda, pregnancy is viewed as a very special and spiritual time in a woman’s life. It is often reported that a pregnant woman’s aura is particularly luminous and golden, intangible...pregnancy glow..that we hear about. This is a time when a woman’s intuitive abilities are particularly high, and meditation and other spiritual practices are highly recommended at this time.
I support conception, infertility,Conscious Conception, Spirit Communication, Meditation Sessions & Intuitive Ayurvedic Herbal Medicine.
Be open and aware of any sensations, feelings, thoughts, visions, signs, and or symbols that come to you. Trust your connection and always be open. Babies in spirit speak to us in many ways and all you can do is pay attention to it, be aware, and listen deeply. 
Preconception, Birth & Spirit Baby Communication with Dr Unnati Chavda.
CALL +919825463394/+919773170560 
My personal experience with spirit baby communication with my own little own has been quite a journey.
Conscious Pregnancy builds upon the conscious conception as we maintain a clear vessel, and work on our emotional state and clearing any new emotions , while supporting our body mind and spirit through nutrition, spiritual practice, bodywork and movement.
Establish a deeper level of communication – through relaxation, visualization, meditation, guided imagery, journal writing, dream work, music, partner dialogue, affirmations, stimulation, verbal stimulation, free drawing, rhythmic breathing, Meditation and any other creative way you can think of.
Mom's Voice Plays Special Role in Activating Newborn's Brain.
When mothers talk to their babies while they’re still in the womb many researches believe that is actually the first step in language development. One thing for sure is that babies get used to the sound of their mother’s voice and perhaps when they are born, that familiarity lends itself to quicker recognition and a fast bond after birth. When your baby is born, he/she will recognize your voice and turn towards you whenever hears your voice. 
A gift to every loving, caring parent. A communication that will change the experience of pregnancy and childbirth forever!
Pregnancy is a time of growth, awareness and anticipation. Creating a new life is one of the world’s most powerful experiences. While connecting with your unborn baby spiritually you can allow yourself to engage with activities that enhance your sense of being, your spirituality and your connection to your baby.
If you re interested to communicate your unborn baby spiritually or have any interest in spirit baby communication then you already have the inner gift and wisdom to connect with your baby. The next steps are to follow your inner feelings and sensations that will guide you to listen to your baby by using your natural connections to your intuition and your psychic awareness.
Communication with your baby before birth is an amazing and profoundly powerful experience that will bring a refreshing level of spiritual wisdom into your life.
The parents need to be in good shape spiritually, physically and mentally & also encouraged to increase her spiritual practices such as her devotional prayers, daily rituals and self care. 
If you have not yet learned to meditate, now would be the time. Every thought or desire you have, attracts spirit. In this case, you are wanting a child. Breathe in that desire and begin to initiate contact.
Your unborn baby is:
• Capable of learning
• Able to hear and respond to voices and sounds—including music
• Sensitive to his parents’ feelings about him/her
• Capable of responding to love
• An active, feeling human being.
Women need to prepare for natural birth in every aspect of their lives, including the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical areas of their being.
Women who are well prepared in their minds, bodies and spirits can experience birth as a profoundly moving and empowering event.
Researchers says that what you are feeling, baby also hears what you are feeling. The mood of your baby is, indeed, largely determined by your mood. Baby picks up on what you are expressing by the melody of your voice, listening to the changes in your pitch. Your baby hears how your heart responds to certain situations; how it speeds up or slows down when you are happy, frightened or sad. Your baby hears your emotions and sympathizes with you. Your baby also reads the emotions in your breathing. You can be breathing quitely, hurriedly, be sighing, or take long pauses and so on. All this conveys a message. A message in which baby, in turn, responds to in own unique way.
Whether you practice yoga, listen to guided meditations, or simply take time each day for intentional, relaxed breathing, I think breathing mindfully is one of the simplest, most powerful things you can do to connect with your growing baby. Imagine you’re breathing all that wonderful, life-giving oxygen to your baby.
I think there’s a sense of bringing the outside world into baby’s world.
Babies Learn to Recognize Words in the Womb.
Babies Listen and Learn While in the Womb
Start Singing and Reading to Your Baby in the Womb:
Choosing a favorite song that reflects your ethnic or religious heritage, makes you feel calm and content, or was a childhood favorite of yours. Research shows that babies recognize their parents’ voices and even respond to songs that they heard repeatedly in utero—so try to sing your song at regular times throughout the day, especially at bedtime.
Music can play a role in happiness. Several studies have shown that uplifting, soothing music helps increase the baby's intelligence. The positive vibes thus created will be passed on to your baby also.
Relaxing with some soothing music is good for both you and the baby. The key is moderation, and by listening to music you love for short periods of time throughout the day, you can ensure your well-being as well as that of your baby.
So I advice you that you should make sure you listen to good classical or sweet music which can help brain development of your baby.
Babies are able to remember things from their neonatal experience as well as learn while in the womb.
Studies show that third-trimester babies not only hear but also recognize the sound of their mother’s voice. Mom’s soothing tones cause a baby’s fetal heart rate to lower and can help establish auditory bonds that carry on after birth.
Reading, talking, listening to music and engaging with your child before its born can bring positive effects to your pregnancy days.
Deep Breath :
Sit quietly, take a series of deep breaths, and focus in on your heart center. Inhale love into the around your heart and exhale any stress or anxiety. Feel the stress and anxiety release from your cells. Continue to focus on your breath, allowing the space for your spirit baby to come forth. 
Take up your paintbrush to create- “Womb with a View” painting in which you visualize what your baby’s world might look and feel like. Without pressure to make a “good” painting, try to capture your vision in your own artistic way. It doesn’t have to be realistic, “just close your eyes and try to capture some of that internal world. Try to imagine the world from the baby’s perspective. Your finished painting doesn’t have to be worthy as good painter, but it will be deeply meaningful to you and, later, to your baby.
Easy Dance
Take your baby for a spin around the dance (if your doctor advice you to do a little) by choosing a few upbeat songs that get you in the mood to groove. Not only will dancing get your heart pumping, which lowers stress hormones and raises...feel-good hormones, but it also gives you a chance to spend fun, quality time together. I can say When Mom and baby are moving together, they’re sharing that experience. 
Every bite of food you choose for yourself during pregnancy feeds your baby too. Follow recommendations on foods to avoid, but also embrace the opportunity to visualize how your meals are nourishing your baby and helping baby to grow. Take a moment to imagine your baby eating with you, so you’re having every meal together.
Your unborn baby loves everything about you—as you do about for your baby.
Whether you choose to write a letter, poem, song, or ongoing journal, writing something you plan to give your baby to read one day is a beautiful way to communicate directly with her while baby still growing inside you. Write about your hopes, your values, your family history, anything you are thinking about as you get ready to meet your unborn baby. I think writing during pregnancy “captures that very special little window in your relationship.”
Eliminate the negativity around you.
Connect with positive people, read positive books, watch happy, positive movies. Don’t let negative people or images drag you down while you’re trying to conceive or pregnant. Create healthy boundaries and buy yourself a “no” button. It’s OK to say “no” and put yourself first.
During pregnancy, a woman begins to feel an overpowering need to connect with the life that beats within her body. For that reason, when she is resting, she will seek to connect.
Yes, there is a lot to do before the baby arrives, but you don't need to do it all today. You need more rest during pregnancy, so try to slow down and take it easy for a while. Set aside time each day to simply sit and focus on your pregnancy – but just a time to sit and think about your developing baby. Consider keeping a pregnancy journal to help you focus on the pregnancy. Don't worry about writing a rose-tinted view of pregnancy, just be honest. Talk about how you feel physically, and any worries and concerns you might be feeling. This may help to identify what is causing any anxiety, and help you take steps to overcome it.
The ojas moves between mother and baby. It is important to rest during this time and eat ojas building foods. The mother shouldn't waste energy and should let the energy go inward She should spend time in nature as well as chant and meditate. Things to avoid include overwork, worry, anger, hunger, sorrow and devitalized food. The more you talk to your baby and meditate with your baby the more you will hear from it!
Take bump photos
Not only will your own photos make a lovely keepsake once the pregnancy is over, but will also help you to focus on your growing baby during pregnancy. As you compare the bump photos from each week, you will be able to see how much your baby is changing and growing during the pregnancy. This visual reminder may help to make the pregnancy seem more real, and will give you time to reflect upon the changes occurring.
Learn How to Connect With Your Unborn Baby Spiritually 
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in fact, you know your baby better than anyone else.
There is a moment when you discover your unborn baby is a part of you and remains intimately connected to you day & night. whenever you move, laugh, cry, worry or rest, your baby feels it and responds. Because you co- created this intelligent little being in your womb, you have a profound influence not only on the outcome on your pregnancy, but on who your baby one day become. You have been communicating with your unborn baby from the first miraculous moment of conception.
The aura of a pregnant woman is one of the easiest to see, for it is particularly luminous and full of gold. The gold colour in the aura indicates that the pregnant woman is intensely connected to high spiritual beings who support and foster the embryo. Pregnancy is therefore a privileged time for spiritual growth. Itis a time to do a lot of meditation and enlightening reading, and to work at developing intuition and perception.
Learn practical strategies to implement yoga, meditation, visualisation and journalling to your pregnancy plus preparation for labor and delivery.
It turns out that both the character and the emotional state of the mother are projected onto the child, for example fear and worry. Research has shown that the fourth, fifth and sixth months of the pregnancy are of the utmost importance when it comes to forming the child's emotional sphere; it is at that time that the structures in the brain responsible for the emotions, are being developed and differentiated most actively.
Babies can recognize voices within their first two months, most especially their parents’. Reading or talking to them helps build a bond between you two.
Working with women who are trying to conceive is one of the most fulfilling parts of my Ayurveda Practice.


Meditations for Pregnancy and Bonding With Your Unborn Baby..
Enlightened Pregnancy: Connecting with Your Baby Spiritually
Meditation is an ancient practice that supports well-being, and it is a tool that can help mother and baby both physically and spiritually. 
Pregnancy and birth is inherently a sacred time. It is a time when women tap into deeper parts of themselves. It is a time when many mothers feel connected with their babies on a soul-to-soul level, a connection that may show itself in dreams or in an intuitive sense of knowing.
As part of bringing a baby into the world, mothers are also bringing a spirit into incarnation.
Enlightened Pregnancy means it help expecting mothers to connect with their coming baby on a spiritual level. It contains poems, meditations, and visualization exercises that support motherss in tapping into their own spiritual essence, and using that to guide and support their baby through the time in the womb and after. 
Meditation has shown positive benefits and mindfulness practices in reducing stress and anxiety and increasing happiness. These benefits to the mother translate to a healthier biochemical environment for the baby in the womb. Additionally, by reducing fear and stress, a mother can have an easier and more joyous experience of birth. For expecting mothers, it is a way to cultivate peace, joy and strength for themselves and for their baby. 
During the period of meditation let your mind become still and quiet. During a meditation session the only thing that matters is the focus of your meditation. When thoughts arise, observe them as ‘just thoughts,’ let go of them, and bring your focus back.
Close your eyes and envision your baby in your womb, or in your arms. Then envision the divine, in whatever form feels natural and happy to you, above you and your baby. Arouse devotion for the divine by evoking feelings such as gratitude, respect, awe, love, purity, luminosity and peace. Then focus inwardly on the area of your heart in the center of your chest. Focus strongly so that sounds, feelings, and smells become distant. Be still. Let your mind become tranquil and calm. Pull your thoughts and awareness away from other people and things. Bring your full and complete attention to your heart. Continue this exercise for a few minutes, maintaining strong concentration and inner focus....thus developing inner connection with your baby, and connecting with the divine in whatever form resonates for them. That way they can be beacons of light, peace, and strength for their baby.
Meditation is an easy and free way to help you keep balanced and calm. By practising every day you continue to ‘fill up’ your own energy container, so that when it’s time to deliver your baby and enjoy those first 6 – 10 weeks of motherhood, you have a reservoir to rely on and a new skill that will support you through the many years of ups and downs ahead.
It is considered an especially good time for spiritual growth because the mind is more fluid and open than usual. During a baby’s journey to life there are many profound spiritual opportunities. Using Enlightened Pregnancy, a mother accompanies and guides the baby on this journey.
Have you also thought about how you can connect with your baby on a spiritual level? Do you want to help your baby to form a calm and joyful disposition while still in the womb? Then this book is for you. I will provide you with knowledge and tools to cultivate peace, joy, and strength for yourself and your support a soul in transitioning from one life to the next. 
I offers practices that will help you find calm and ease during this life-changing time, providing lifelong skills for healthy living and wise parenting.
CALL +919825463394/+919773179560
Join with me for making a positive and lasting contribution in the field of women’s health, physical and emotional support to childbearing women and their families in our community and globally. 
Enlightened Pregnancy: Connecting with Your Baby Spiritually..


Ayurveda for Pre-Conception : Planning Before Pregnancy
Conscious Beginnings : Conscious Conception
Transformation of a woman into a mother begins right from the time she conceives and so does the planning for the upbringing and development of the child.
Ayurveda appreciates the importance of ‘Suprajanan’ ....The science related with – grooming the process of childbirth well in advance – right from preparation for conception, achieving spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional state of equilibrium of both mother and the foetus till the childbirth and thereafter in a definitely superior fashion.
The procedure starts almost 3-6 months prior to conception. A planned pregnancy is always superior in all aspects to an unscheduled one. 
Join us to experience how more expectant mothers can prepare a healthier body to help welcome a spiritual soul.
I have an opportunity to support parents to welcome their new ... to help expecting parents to connect with their coming baby on a spiritual level. ... These benefits to the mother translate to a healthier biochemical ... fear and stress, a mother can have an easier and more joyous experience of birth.
Ayurveda gives great importance to the preparation of both partners prior to conception. The birth of a healthy baby is seen as equivalent to planting a tree, for which we need a seed, soil, time and the right nourishment. This approach can be seen as the ultimate in preventative medicine with actions a few months prior to conception having lifelong effects for your unborn baby.
Just as a healthy seed bears healthy fruit, if the parent‟s sperm and ovum are pure then the baby is more likely to inherit a strong constitution and immunity.
If parents conceive when mentally or physically weak this may impact negatively on the baby‟s condition. With the intention of giving their baby the happiest and healthiest genetic inheritance, Ayurveda suggests parents to observe a preconception regime called vajikaranam. The ancient text Charaka Samhita explains, the aim of vajikaranam is to enable a couple to produce healthy progeny who can assist them to perform their life's mission (dharma). 
Garbhini Parichaya
The development of the fetus in the uterus is discussed in the Charaka Samhita in the section called Garbhava Kranti, and special regimens are prescribed for each month in the subsection Garbhini Paricharya. Aurveda explains the basic guidelines for an easy delivery that has to be followed during the nine months of pregnancy.
Charaka Samhita states : 
‘Evamkurvati hi arogya-bala-varna-samvahana sampadamupetamjnatinamshreshtamapatyamjanayati’.
If a pregnant woman is taken care of as advised, she will give birth to a child who does not have any diseases - a healthy, physically strong, radiant and well nourished baby.
About six months before conception a personalised purification and rejuvenation regime for the couple has to ensure optimal ovum and sperm quality and quantity.
Ayurveda has a long tradition of supporting and promoting pregnancy. 
Panchakarma : The first step is to detoxify the body. Ayurveda recognises six types of body tissues in which the health of the repoductive cells of both men and female are dependent. The health of all tissues is dependant on having good digestion, which controls how well we assimilate food into the body. Since this is a prolonged cleanse, keeping your digestive fire strong is very important. Hence, the first step in producing healthy sperm and eggs is to ensure digestion is working well. This is achieved through a deep internal cleansing to balance the doshas and remove toxins-known as ama, ensuring digestion works optimally. Reducing toxicity in the body is especially important.
The cleanse serves to clear toxins (ama) and excess doshas so that channels flow freely and toxins do not inhibit the proper functioning of any tissue.
This is a time of cleansing, which requires a lot of energy and reserves. Abstinence is a yogic practice used to conserve physical energy, ojas, and mental energy so that a more introspective and clear mind-set is maintained.
The detoxification and purification process must begin with the current conditions, so if a woman has more unresolved doubts, conflicts or attachments, these must first undergo purification, then her mind and body can become more capable of offering a stabilizing influence to a new soul coming to her family.
The preconception time offers a golden opportunity to provide the best of the both of you to your future baby. Ayurvedic preconception care takes advantage of our body’s natural ability to cleanse and renew. No matter what your past experiences with fertility are, Ayurveda offers a complete approach to fertility that embraces both the male and the female roles as equally important.
Continue to replenish ojas through diet and lifestyle, while making sure your digestive fire remains strong. Diet plays a key role for the successful conception. A good diet and lifestyle is to be maintained by both parents for at least three months before planning for a good progeny. Just as a healthy seed bears healthy fruit, the first step in producing healthy sperm and eggs is achieved through a deep internal cleansing to balance the doshas and remove toxins by detoxifying the body.
Emotional Cleansing
Allow these three months to give space for cleansing any past hurt or resentment in your relationship with your partner.
Spiritual Cleansing
This is also a time to cleanse yourself of any dysfunctionalities within—any anger, greed, attachment, or excess pride and ego. Release all expectations of life and of yourself and even any expectations that you may have of your future baby.
If you are planning foe a pregnancy or already pregnant..OR Want to learn more about Ayurvedic pre-conception and pregnancy care..
CALL +919825463394/+919773170560
Making a baby the Ayurvedic Way!
It can be challenging to live out Ayurvedic ideals but we can all take more conscious steps to live a more balanced and harmonious life. Any attempts to become more balanced before conceiving will not only benefit future offspring, but also ourselves.
Ayurveda has remarkable tools that can help assist you in completing your family.
Conceived a natural ayurvedic approach to nurture parents and babies through the journey of creation. 
Once you are pregnant ...everything you do, see and hear should be soft, pleasing and wholesome, to reassure and strengthen the growing baby. Ayurvedic texts say a pregnant woman is to be treated as delicately as if one is carrying a pot full to the brim with oil, without spilling a drop.
Also remember that you are about to become an instrument for a new soul. Start to pour into yourself all that you want surrounding this baby....This is also a time to align yourselves in thought and spirit.
Practice meditation and yoga regularly. Be sure to practice more gently while cleansing..Create a peaceful, loving, and welcoming atmosphere. Visualize your desired baby, enter the practice in a meditative state.
Transformation of a woman into a mother begins right from the time she conceives and so does the planning for the upbringing and development of the child. Both the mother and the baby gets attached to each other by an inextricable innate bond, such that every minute act, thoughts, joys, sorrows, emotions, eating habits influences baby’s physical, mental and emotional growth. Further on as time passes by the baby also recognizes and responds to mother’s voice and feelings. The mother can comfort the baby by expressing her love and care through her emotions.
Garbha sanskaar is the process of developing the course of childbirth into the most momentous experience and creation of a healthful conscious being.
The Garbha Sanskar process basically comprises of three stages :
1. Preconception (Beej sanskar)
2. Duration of Pregnancy (Garbhasanskar)
3. Post Delivery (Bal sanskar)
AYURVEDA has a well-documented description of caring for pregnant women, called Garbhini Paricharya. The regimen prescribes practices for each month and stage of pregnancy. These systems are, in fact, diligently followed as traditional practices even today. Garbhini Paricharya prescribes ahara (diet), vihara (lifestyle) and vichara (thought process) to be followed during pregnancy as these have a direct effect on the mother and the child. Of these, wholesome diet is given great importance as it aids foetal growth, maternal health and lactation after childbirth. Great care is also recommended during the first three months and after the completion of the seventh month of pregnancy.