Monday, January 21, 2019


A Mind Body Approach To getting Pregnant With Ayurveda Herbal Medicines..
Maybe you've been trying to conceive for a long time. Maybe you've been told you can't have children. Maybe you have, or are thinking of spending thousands of rupees in fertility treatments.
There's something else you should know....
What if I told you that you could get pregnant naturally... even if you've been told you can't?
You have a lot going on and have been on a roller coaster ride; but there are things you can do for your mind and body to get and stay pregnant. Whether you're dealing with PCOS, low egg count or even male infertility; I can show you how to choose the pregnancy you want.
Why do I work with women with fertility issues?
I coach individuals and couples who are seeking to improve their physical, emotional, and psychological health and well-being. I have integrated a variety of techniques which have proven to be powerful in assisting patients to access their inner wisdom and strengths. 
I also individualise you in Yoga practice and may incorporate breathing techniques, yoga postures, meditation, visualization, relaxation, and vedic chanting.
Why work with me as your coach during infertility?
I’ll help you on your journey of building your Family..
Conscious Pregnancy and Fertility Practices
CALL +919825463394/+919773170560
Nourishing your bodies preconception is very important. What we eat on a daily basis either promotes or discourages fertility. Smart nutrition is the foundation to fertility. The more nourished we are before we conceive, the more nourished our little babes will be too. The foods I am going to talk about in during consultation are great to eat before, during and after pregnancy. Learning what to eat and how to take care of yourselves before our new babe comes into our world, gives you a foundation to lean on for the rest of our lives.
Being pregnant has already radically altered your life in ways you are uncovering and exploring each day. There are so many unknowns in pregnancy and is has been imperative that you learn to surrender to the massive changes that are taking place inside of your body and set your life up in a way that gives you the space I need to be present for it all. You don’t want to look back on this part of your life and feel like you missed it. There is no way to know how you’re going to feel emotionally, physically, or mentally during pregnancy which is one of the reasons remaining flexible and adjusting the expectations you have on yourselves is paramount. Setting boundaries in your work life is ultimately about creating the space we need to live in our truest, deepest alignment.
I have supported many women with their fertility and pregnancy journeys over the last 30 years.
My Philosophy
I am here for the softening, the practice of being able to see everything in my life as a sacred expression of grace.
My philosophy can be stated as simply supporting patients to trust their intuition which isn’t nearly as woo woo as it sounds. Everyone is born with a direct line to their inner wisdom and my role is to help clear whatever is blocking that channel from coming through as effectively as possible.
The ancient knowledge reveals practices that show how a woman can make the best use of the miraculous creation process that is happening in her own body.
Pre-conception Practices
Supporting Conception and Fertility
Healthy Pregnancy and Birth
Clearing Stress for Mother or Baby
Simple Techniques for Releasing Stress
Communicating with Your Unborn Baby.
To learn more about these ancient techniques pl call the numbers s cited above..


Voice lessons during your pregnancy..Mantras For Healthy Baby During Pregnancy..
A mantra is one more way for a pregnant woman to relax her mind and body....As you are awakening the connection to the divine within.
Anything a pregnant woman does to alleviate stress in herself reduces stressors for her baby, too. If you want a calm and happy baby, then pay attention to where your energy is and what energies are coming in.
Why Mantras : The more and more you put out something positive, the more the Universe has to answer with positive energy. Have a mantra that resonates for you.
Get some post-its, write the mantra down, and paste it everywhere: in your car, on your laptop, on the fridge, on the medicine cabinet, on your end table, etc. Even when you stop noticing it, your energy will still register it, and that’s when things begin to shift. You will move out of this desperate, “need” energy and into a calm, forward-moving energy.
No one will ever know your body better than you. Sometimes, you just need to get back in touch with it and remember that you’re in this together.
Close your eyes and breathe down into your body. Listen and know that everything is good.
Pregnancy is a time of change at every level of a woman’s being. Physical changes and other challenges sometimes overshadow the experience of the miraculous internal process happening within her. The ancient knowledge of Ayurveda reveals practices that show how a woman can make the best use of the miraculous creation process that is happening in her own body.
There are specific mantras that can be for this anytime after the first trimester and throughout your pregnancy. They give strong protection energy and inner strength and willpower that gives your baby lifelong protection from negative influences, confusion, sadness and depression. As a mother you have a direct channel to your baby’s soul during pregnancy that lasts throughout their lives.
A mother can bring enlightenment to the baby she's carrying in her womb. She can make her baby into a pure crystal divine soul. She can say prayers & mantras so the child's soul will come out very strong, with a lot of clarity....they would be glorious.
You can use the sacred time of pregnancy to nurture your baby’s divine qualities easily. Through these sacred tools you are communicating with your baby’s soul and developing your baby in a way only a mother can. These practices can be used in combination with any religious or spiritual tradition you practice. We invite you to work with these simple, yet powerful techniques to experience the blessings they bring to you, your baby, and your family. 
CALL +919825463394/+919773170560


Pregnancy Body Therapy: Connecting Mother & Baby : Emotional, Physical and Spiritual Connections
Benefits of pregnancy Body Work in supporting women to connect with their baby and body and prepare to give birth.
The woman is on a journey in an unknown realm, where suddenly she has to handle new sensations and sudden emotions coming up with the deep transformations in their whole organism taking place with pregnancy. 
She may have to deal with nausea, healthy issues, with questions about life. The context of the own life is widening to another being and one might sense for the first time the responsibility to care and to live a healthy life; There will be changings in her professional and often personal life – she has to define herself in a new way.
On one hand, it can be a wonderful time, and there might be an openness like never before for to change things in a healthy way. On the other hand, there can be insecurity, fear, resistance; lack of support, all kinds of stress, grief, material insecurity, health issues, traumas, family issues.
Pregnancy Bodywork ...through bodywork, we are always somehow working with and touching the whole being.
First – on a symptomatic level: To be released from her tensions or pain that are limiting her wellbeing. To feel better. To let stress and worries go. To relax and regenerate.
More – on a deeper level: To inhabit her body, to fully feel alive, to be connected with herself and with the growing life in her womb. 
Pregnancy is about trusting the transforming processes and life’s rhythms, about connecting with one’s own deep wisdom and power, about let-it-go, let-it-flow. We are part of nature. Rhythms and cycles go through us and let us live and breathe. Pregnancy body work means enhancing connection between mother and baby.
I see my role in supporting a woman to feel “at home” within herself in this very particular transforming period of her life. “At home” means, ideally, to feel herself a unity, entire, ONE – all parts integrated, deeply sensing, relaxed, connected with herself and with the baby, connected with her deep source of potentials and intuition. 
A complete session of bodywork is clearly in supporting relaxation, energy flow, integration and connection.
My love of all things pregnancy and birth related comes from my own experience of becoming a mother. Although it wasn’t easy, I gained an immense respect for my body and its capabilities. I learned a lot about myself in labour, I really felt I connected with my inner self, I knew what I needed to do, and I had the confidence in my body to entrust the birth of my child with it. It wasn’t me giving birth, it was as if all the universe had conspired together to take over my body in this sacred act. And I trusted it.
I needed to pass this wisdom onto other mothers. I needed to empower woman to believe in their bodies ability to bring life into the world. 
In my experience I have found that many women feel that they do not have the ‘time’ to focus on themselves or their baby. There is pressure on the pregnant woman to continue to perform as she was prior to conception, and with this comes the feeling of failure if the body begins to reject this way of living.
I advised this was also an opportunity for her to relax and connect with baby. She advised that she has a very hectic schedule and relaxing / connecting is often neglected....that actually, your focus now needs to be on this baby! You are pregnant...your body needs to make this baby! 
My aim is to connect with a woman on an emotional and spiritual level supporting their confidence in themselves. I would have loved to work with a woman in her first trimester and see her through to the end of her pregnancy and beyond. Supporting her & baby both physically, emotionally and spiritually. I treat every woman like the goddess that they are, I do find it difficult to try and connect with someone on that emotional level who I will inevitably not be seeing again.
Each one of us is a goddess. Within each and every female we have the power and ability to do whatever we put our mind to.
When I meet a pregnant paient for the first time I feel privileged. Privileged that they are allowing me into their energy to help support their bodies into what they were designed to do. Within Body Therapy sessions, I always start with providing them a safe space to relax, unwind, and freely express emotions and fears. I often find that when I first meet them they initially ‘tell me what they feel they’re supposed to say.’ But when I have asked questions such as, what are your hopes for this pregnancy / birth. What are your fears? This tends to open a deeper level of conversation and occasionally unconscious thoughts are exposed, and I try to support the woman in working through them and hopefully, being able to let go of any negativity and release any hidden issues. I feel it instantly creates a connection between myself and the mother before I have even begun with physical touch
I feel it is important to try and educate people into the importance of body therapy, particularly in pregnancy, on a more spiritual, connective / emotional level. 
The woman’s connection to her own inner goddess, her own inner voice, to have the confidence that has been taken away by todays society to trust herself through her birth journey.
We can teach our baby this language before they have even taken their first breath. Massage can help encourage a healthy connection and cause the baby to respond. Massaging the abdomen has powerful effects.
Touch as a first Language: benefits of pregnancy massage and touch..
Overall results suggest that maternal touch of the abdomen was a powerful stimulus, producing a range of foetal behavioural responses. Foetuses displayed more arm, head, and mouth movements when the mother touched her abdomen as compared to maternal voice.
It has far reaching effects on her baby in the womb, and therefore in the outside world. Teaching a mother to connect without words, using touch, is an important part of the nurturing process.
Relax. Connect. Restore.
CALL +91989254463394/+919773170560
The changes in the body that pregnancy brings as muscles and ligaments stretch and babies grow can put a lot of strain on the body. Muscles in the shoulders tighten, resulting in swelling in the hands and arms and pain in the neck and shoulders. The weight of the growing baby pulls the spine forwards causing pain in the lower back and hips and the shifting pelvis causes swelling and tightness in the legs and feet.


Spiritual Awakening Through the Motherhood Journey
The woman is making the journey from maiden to mother, bringing a new life into the world. When a woman gets pregnant, she has the opportunity not only to birth a baby but rebirth herself as well. 
Your body is a temple, a sacred space, and will create and honor and house the most precious being in the world, your child.
The woman is on a journey in an unknown realm, where suddenly she has to handle new sensations and sudden emotions coming up with the deep transformations in their whole organism taking place with pregnancy. 
Motherhood should not be done alone. It is not a one woman show. Pregnant woman need positive support, love and care from those around them. My hope for my patients is that I can honour them as a maternal being, give them the confidence, and connection with their amazingly beautiful bodies to do what it is they are made for. I feel a real connection when a mother comes to me for the first time. I almost feel like a mother towards them – an energy wanting to help protect, and nurture them and their unborn baby. 
I want each mother I see to feel as though I am there for them, physically and emotionally. Offering them the support they need to be able to create life. I don’t want any woman to feel that she is doing this on her own. I also offer them further emotional support by letting them know that I am always available as an additional support . I offer them an open channel to get in touch with me at any time. It can be very comforting to know someone is there.
My love of all things pregnancy and birth related comes from my own experience of becoming a mother. Although it wasn’t easy, I gained an immense respect for my body and its capabilities. I learned a lot about myself in labour, I really felt I connected with my inner self, I knew what I needed to do, and I had the confidence in my body to entrust the birth of my child with it. It wasn’t me giving birth, it was as if all the universe had conspired together to take over my body in this sacred act. And I trusted it.
I needed to pass this wisdom onto other mothers. I needed to empower woman to believe in their bodies ability to bring life into the world. 
In my experience I have found that many women feel that they do not have the ‘time’ to focus on themselves or their baby. There is pressure on the pregnant woman to continue to perform as she was prior to conception, and with this comes the feeling of failure if the body begins to reject this way of living.
I advised this was also an opportunity for her to relax and connect with baby. She advised that she has a very hectic schedule and relaxing / connecting is often neglected....that actually, your focus now needs to be on this baby! You are pregnant...your body needs to make this baby! 
My aim is to connect with a woman on an emotional and spiritual level supporting their confidence in themselves. I would have loved to work with a woman in her first trimester and see her through to the end of her pregnancy and beyond. Supporting her & baby both physically, emotionally and spiritually. I treat every woman like the goddess that they are, I do find it difficult to try and connect with someone on that emotional level who I will inevitably not be seeing again.
Each one of us is a goddess. Within each and every female we have the power and ability to do whatever we put our mind to.
When I meet a pregnant paient for the first time I feel privileged. Privileged that they are allowing me into their energy to help support their bodies into what they were designed to do. Within Body Therapy sessions, I always start with providing them a safe space to relax, unwind, and freely express emotions and fears. I often find that when I first meet them they initially ‘tell me what they feel they’re supposed to say.’ But when I have asked questions such as, what are your hopes for this pregnancy / birth. What are your fears? This tends to open a deeper level of conversation and occasionally unconscious thoughts are exposed, and I try to support the woman in working through them and hopefully, being able to let go of any negativity and release any hidden issues. I feel it instantly creates a connection between myself and the mother before I have even begun with physical touch
I feel it is important to try and educate people into the importance of body therapy, particularly in pregnancy, on a more spiritual, connective / emotional level. 
The woman’s connection to her own inner goddess, her own inner voice, to have the confidence that has been taken away by todays society to trust herself through her birth journey.
Supporting this bodily process is allowing the subconscious to become more prevalent. Energy work, visualisations, breathing techniques, all play a part in allowing the mother to connect with her baby on a more spiritual ground.
I did this to help connect the energy and to also ‘introduce’ myself to baby. Whilst doing this I did some visualisation and breathing work. Asking my patient to take some deep breaths, taking the breath deep into the womb, visualising nourishing the baby.
Feeling grounded, I began some visualisations about connecting with the baby, asking her to stretch her hands to the sky, making space for the baby, continuing with the breathing exercises, starting to think about the birth, Baby easing its way into the world. I finished the visualisations and asked her to continue with the breathing, hand on belly moving the body how she felt comfortable, and to slowly open her eyes when she feels ready.
Your Womb is your sacred source space. She is the very embodiment of your feminine essence and power.
It is from a deep connection to this space that you fully embody the sacred light that lives within you, a deep sense of knowing, and clarity that comes from true presence with yourself and within each moment you experience life.
A woman who is deeply connected to her womb space doesn't seek answers from outside, as she knows herself, her truth and the wisdom that rises from within her own being.
Womb connection supports you to release fear and other emotions from the heart and womb space creating inner connection, clarity and love in your body.
Join me for Devotional Garbhsanskar Practices during pregnancy.
CALL +919825463394/+919773170560

Tuesday, January 15, 2019


Connect with Your Unborn baby through the Mind, Body and Breath.
Deepening your connection to your baby during pregnancy is not only fulfilling in itself, but has benefits for both mother and baby. It helps you to relax deeply, tune into your body and connect with the baby in your womb. When deeply relaxed, everything flows more easily in your body.
A little something that I have to tell all my pregnant patients do daily is to connect in with their growing baby and do the following.
Every day no matter what is going on in your life carve out a few minutes to sit quietly. With your eyes closed place your hands on your belly and begin to breath slowly into your baby . Begin taking three slow deep breaths in and three slow deep breaths out. You can begin to add the word and feelings of love on the in breath and exhale out any stress, inhale peace exhale out any worries or fear, inhale joy and happiness exhale out any sadness. Do this a few times until you start feeling calm.
When deeply relaxed, everything flows more easily in your body, circulating blood with its nutrients and oxygen to nourish both you and your unborn baby. Your breathing becomes deeper and more regular. The physical benefits of this for both you and your unborn baby are obvious. Mentally your mind becomes more settled and open and you are able to focus on your baby
Through your nose slowly breathe into your heart the word and feeling of love as you exhale breathe that breath of love down into your belly (baby) as you allow your whole body to relax .
Next breath , slowly breathe in the word and feeling of peace into your heart then breath that word and feeling of peacefulness down into your baby.
Now breathe in the word and feeling of joy and happiness deep into your heart and breathe that feeling of joy down into your baby.....feel the love and joy you have for this little miracle growing inside of you as it showers down from your heart into their being..
Your unborn baby is aware of everything you are thinking and feeling as they are sensitive to your vibrations.
Energetically connecting with your unborn baby.
Your hands have healing energy, while rubbing your belly imagine healing light or energy coming out from them, send energy from your hands into your baby. You can also place your right hand on your baby and your left hand on your heart. Think about the things you are grateful for, the love you feel and the love towards this baby send it from your heart to your baby.
As you continue to use the meditation, your connection will deepen. You may also want to share the meditation with the baby's father. When the guidance is to become aware of the baby "inside you", he can also connect with the baby inside you. Listening together will enhance your connection with each other, harmonize your intentions, and help you bond with each other as you bond with your baby.
Learn how to meditate during pregnancy?
CALL +919825463394/+919773170560
Practice meditation while you are pregnant and connect soul to soul.
Pregnancy is the ideal time to learn or restart a meditation practice because you’re effectively benefiting two people – you and mini-you. There are many different ways to meditate, from deep breathing to focus on an object, mantras, visualization, or chanting – find your own way and remember that it should not be a struggle or a chore.
By meditating on your breath, using different breath techniques and incorporating sound into your practice, you can become more familiar with the capacity your body has to naturally release tension and ease discomfort. 
By bonding and uniting with your unborn baby through the practice of meditation, affirmations, intentions and visualizations, you can prepare yourself emotionally and spiritually, tuning in to and developing your inherent maternal instincts.

Sunday, January 13, 2019


A mother has a sacred connection with her children beginning before her children are born. Just as a mother enhances her baby’s growth and well-being with proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, she can also enhance the baby’s spiritual growth and well being by consciously providing divine energies to her baby’s soul while it is in her womb. She can bless her baby with many wonderful abilities as it is developing throughout pregnancy.
Ancient spiritual practices teach ways you, as a mother, can develop your child’s soul as it is growing in your womb. You can transmit spiritual energy to your baby during pregnancy and throughout your child’s life through these simple practices, prayers, and meditations. These techniques awaken the highest spiritual energy and consciousness in a baby’s soul to reach its fullest potential.
A mother can transmit divine energies to her baby’s soul directly through sacred prayers at different stages of pregnancy. When you are carrying a baby in your womb, your soul and your baby’s soul are merged within your body. This special connection gives you the most profound opportunity to positively influence your baby’s soul throughout its entire life.
You can use the sacred time of pregnancy to nurture your baby’s divine qualities easily. Through these sacred tools you are communicating with your baby’s soul and developing your baby in a way only a mother can. These practices can be used in combination with any religious or spiritual tradition you practice.
Pregnancy is a time of change at every level of a woman’s being. Physical changes and other challenges sometimes overshadow the experience of the miraculous internal process happening within her. The ancient knowledge of Ayurveda reveals practices that show how a woman can make the best use of the miraculous creation process that is happening in her own body.
There are specific mantras that can be for this anytime after the first trimester and throughout your pregnancy. They give strong protection energy and inner strength and willpower that gives your baby lifelong protection from negative influences, confusion, sadness and depression. As a mother you have a direct channel to your baby’s soul during pregnancy that lasts throughout their lives.
In divine parenting you are developing the soul energy of your child to help them live consciously and navigate life’s challenges with ease. A mother is the greatest healer for her child; the father is the second greatest healer.
The parents’ love and prayers bring the highest healing and protection to their children. Easy-to-use meditation practices show how to use the special energetic connection between parents and children to support their happiness and success throughout all stages of life. 
Prayers During Pregnancy and Birth
Any prayer a mother does during pregnancy powerfully blesses her child’s soul. This is because of the special soul-to-soul relationship they share through the holy Womb Chakra. You can pray for what you would like your baby to have during their life, and the beautiful, divine qualities you would like them to posses.
The unborn baby is profoundly sensitive and can perceive the beauty, virtue and joy that the mother sees and feels as she meditates. As the mother meditates, the baby also learns to meditate, filling his consciousness with light and beauty. Therefore, keep perfect archetypes — perfect geometric forms, nature scenes, classical art — before the vision of the child.
Meditation upon the best classical music influences virtually every mental, emotional and physical process ~ and especially impacts the harmony of the emotional body.
Classical, beautiful music and meditation build the intricate patterns of the baby’s soul, and stimulate the development of the soul’s spiritual senses.
When the baby hears and feels divinely inspired music, his consciousness and the very atoms, cells and electrons of his/her four bodies will vibrate and to grow together around the patterns of this music.
To learn more about these ancient techniques of Ayurveda,Rituals and pregnancy mantra practices..
CALL +919825463394/+919773170560

Friday, January 11, 2019


When I’m working with a pregnant mom to help her optimize her nutrition, we go through her specific needs for nutrients, and how she can plan her meals to get those through food.
Most women know it is important to eat a varied diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, calcium-rich dairy or dairy alternatives, lean meats or vegetarian sources of protein (i.e. legumes, soy), nuts and seeds, and healthy fats. But now you have specific and/or increased needs for calories and protein, along with the micronutrients iron, vitamin C, folate (folic acid), vitamins B6 and B12, zinc, calcium, vitamins D and A, iodine, choline, and DHA (an omega-3 fat). Water/fluid needs increase as well. By getting these necessary nutrients through food and pure water (in addition to your prenatal vitamin, if recommended by your nutritionist and/or doctor), you’ll be maximizing the nutrition your baby receives.
One of the most important nutrients, omega-3s (especially DHA) serve key functions during pregnancy. They make up almost half the structure of the human brain, and are essential when the fetal brain is forming. Omega-3 intake during pregnancy is also associated with improvements in your mood and memory.
Eating for two also means you need to pay extra attention to protein. Your developing fetus needs extra protein, one place in particular: structural development of the placenta.
While you have increased needs for the majority of the vitamins and minerals listed above, and each are essential for proper growth and development of your baby, you will get most of these when you eat a varied diet including lots of fruits and vegetables, nuts and legumes. If salads and steamed vegetables make you gag, try incorporating them into smoothies, soups or egg dishes to make them more palatable.
Don’t stress if you just can’t eat a lot of vegetables- you can use fruits and nuts and seeds to get many of the same nutrients, in addition to a good prenatal vitamin for extra folate. 
Similarly, if beans and lentils turn you off, try blending them and sneaking them into your dishes. And if you can’t tolerate dairy during pregnancy, make sure you are getting enough calcium through leafy greens, beans and lentils, and/or fortified plant-based milks. Getting enough calcium may help you stave off leg cramps, and preserves your own stores of calcium while baby takes what he or she needs for the formation of bones and teeth.
Iron is another key mineral worth mentioning on its own. Most women choose to ensure they are meeting this increase by taking a prentatal vitamin with iron, but you can also reach this by consuming a targeted amount of green, leafy vegetables, lean meat and poultry, legumes, organic soy, and whole grains.
Another key nutrient that most women know that we need more of is folic acid. I recommend getting it from folate-rich food sources such as citrus fruits and juices, and fromthe dark-green leafy vegetables, nuts, and legumes and whole grains.
And finally, the last nutrient I’ll mention here specifically is zinc. You’ll meet your increased zinc needs by including meat, fish, dairy and/or eggs in your diet daily. If you are vegetarian, you might want to consider a prenatal with added zinc, as vegetarian sources (ie whole grains, wheat germ, black eyed peas) have less absorbable zinc.
There is so much you can do to ensure a healthy pregnancy, and optimizing your nutrition is just one of the things you can do to feel your best. So eat well, relax, sleep, stretch, move often, and enjoy this amazing and powerful time in your life!
Before incorporating anything in your diet, your doctor's/Gynecologist advice must required.
CALL +919825463394/+919773170560
Sometimes though, it can also be overwhelming, worrying whether what we are doing is the best thing for baby, or reading and hearing conflicting information - especially about what we should and shouldn’t eat while pregnant. Rest assured, if you are taking care of your body, staying hydrated, eating enough to gain some weight but not too much unnecessary weight, exercising if you are able, and not engaging in other harmful activities, your baby should grow just as he or she should. That said, paying closer attention to your nutrition during pregnancy can help you have an easier, happier pregnancy, better birth experience, healthier baby, and make it easier to return to pre-pregnancy weight.
The phrase “eating for two” is correct in this sense, but your calorie needs don’t actually increase that much.
In fact, during your first trimester you don’t need to consume any more calories than you used to (as long as you were meeting your nutrition needs and not underweight before pregnancy). After that, you’ll need to consume about 300 extra calories per day during your second and third trimesters.
Gaining too much weight can make pregnancy, delivery and returning to pre-pregnancy weight more difficult, is linked with obesity later in life, and increases your risk for pre-eclampsia, pregnancy induced hypertension , and gestational diabetes.
It is equally important to remember that pregnancy is not a time for weight loss or restrictive eating. It’s important to follow your obstetrician’s recommendation for weight gain that is right for you specifically. And remember, a healthy pregnancy does include some fat storage- you’ll need this during both labor and when breastfeeding your baby. Most of your weight gain goes to increases in blood volume, increases in your uterus and breast size, placenta weight, overall fluid volume and amniotic fluid, and of course the size of your growing baby!


Reading to Your Baby in the Womb : Develop Baby's Brain
Reading/talking/listen to music with your unborn baby
The stories you read to your baby evoke certain emotions. The rhyming lines and the lullabies develop a sense of voice modulation too from an early stage. Many aspects also indicate that reading helps babies to pick up newer words for their vocabulary pretty early in life and make it easier for them to understand the meaning easily. However, when a baby hears the voice in the womb, becomes alert and responds to it. If you read to your baby daily, your baby will recognize your voice once he/she out in the real world and this will develop the bond between you and your baby.
While figuring out the things to read to a baby in the womb, it is important to know how your activities are going to benefit the little one. Everything that you do, right from eating to speaking to exercising, affects the baby in one way or the other. The aural perception is so strong that most babies are able to develop an affinity for the native language over any other even without understanding it fully.
Pregnancy is not just a stressful time for the mother but also for the baby. The baby undergoes a fluctuation in emotions and can feel overwhelmed at times. Indulging in some nice reading activity can help you calm down and your soothing voice can also control the heart rate of your anxious baby and help to relax in your womb.
The bond is truly formed from all the activities that the mother indulges in when the little one is inside her. Being constantly aware of the mother’s voice helps the baby develop trust for it, which is why most babies stop crying after they hear the mother’s voice. If a particular music is played regularly, the baby can recognise it pretty well, too. Playing it again once the baby is out can also strengthen the bond yet again. And this isn’t simply restricted to the mother. If the partner reads a story to the child, the baby will begin to recognize that voice too.
As your baby grows in your womb, brain development is still in progress and the neural connections form rapidly. Listening to the mother’s voice or stories help strengthen those connections. And these can help baby recall when hears them again after birth. Repetition is a proven form of memorization and when the seeds are sown early in life right from the womb, it develops memory and concentration power in babies.
Once you know what to read for your baby in the womb, don’t stop there. Combine the reading activity with listening to music or humming some songs of your own. Everything that a baby hears is going to work to baby's benefit and make a lovely individual in every way possible.
Health experts have identified the factors that can improve a baby’s IQ while he/she is in the mother’s womb. Parents’ dream of having an intelligent and smart baby has now become a reality. Eating healthful foods and stimulating the unborn child while he/she is still in the womb creates a connection in the brain to boost intelligence and concentration, which helps him/her learn later on.
Get a head-start on enhancing the IQ of your unborn baby with prenatal stimulation and healthy lifestyle right away.
CALL +919825463394/+919773170560
Bonding with unborn baby is not something that you can pick up from any book. It is something that you must experience by talking to him/her every day. Talking will strengthen the love you already possess and help mentally prepare you to become a parent.
Touching your belly is another way of stimulating your little one in the womb.
Learning to communicate with someone who is inside you can seem awkward at first, but once you start, you’ll never stop. This is the closest that you will be with your baby so savour every moment with them. Eat, dance, pray and enjoy life together because life is short. Before you know it, they’ll be going to school, and after a few years, they’ll be adults.
After a period of practicing reading to your baby in utero, you’ll fall into a storytime routine that’s comfortingly familiar even to baby, who’s been listening avidly from inside the womb and it will become a cherished family ritual with lifelong rewards.
Your baby's Language Development Starts in the Womb.
Research shows that the mother's voice plays a crucial role in babies' growth and development in the womb.
Garbh Sanskar : Make your baby a genius while inside the womb.
Your unborn baby is aware of everything you are thinking and feeling as they are sensitive to your vibrations .
Breathing and connecting with your unborn baby in the womb:
A little something that I have to tell all my pregnant patients do daily is to connect in with their growing baby and do the following.
Every day no matter what is going on in your life carve out a few minutes to sit quietly. With your eyes closed place your hands on your belly and begin to breath slowly into your baby . Begin taking three slow deep breaths in and three slow deep breaths out. You can begin to add the word and feelings of love on the in breath and exhale out any stress, inhale peace exhale out any worries or fear, inhale joy and happiness exhale out any sadness. Do this a few times until you start feeling calm.
Through your nose slowly breathe into your heart the word and feeling of love as you exhale breathe that breath of love down into your belly (baby) as you allow your whole body to relax .
Next breath , slowly breathe in the word and feeling of peace into your heart then breath that word and feeling of peacefulness down into your baby.
Now breathe in the word and feeling of joy and happiness deep into your heart and breathe that feeling of joy down into your baby.....feel the love and joy you have for this little miracle growing inside of you as it showers down from your heart into their being..
Your hands have healing energy, while rubbing your belly imagine healing light or energy coming out from them, send energy from your hands into your baby. You can also place your right hand on your baby and your left hand on your heart. Think about the things you are grateful for, the love you feel and the love towards this baby send it from your heart to your baby.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019


Remember, you are your baby’s first and most important teacher.
When you're pregnant, it's natural to wonder if your baby's learning anything. Discover more about your baby's development and what may learn in the womb.
Did you know that during the entire pregnancy the baby shares the mom's outside world?
Our health, emotional responses, intelligence and even our artistic talents are laid down in the nine months between conception and birth.
Your baby is in sync with your physical, mental, emotional, & spiritual experiences throughout your pregnancy. Thus naturally your womb becomes your babies first class room. The emotional, chemical molecules that you experience on a daily basis pass through the placenta to your unborn baby, allowing him/her to better prepare for life outside the womb.
If you're aiming to create a peaceful, non-violent & inviting world for your baby you want to make sure to exposure yourself primarily to soothing and uplifting thoughts, images, news, sounds and nourishing foods. It's important to start connecting and nurturing your baby as soon as you find out you are pregnant. Pregnancy becomes a wonderful time for self-spiritual awakening and for developing a deep and long lasting connection between you and your growing baby.
Spend some time each day talking to your baby, telling about the things you will do together, and how you are feeling that day. You may find that your baby responds to the sound of your voice, and begins kicking and nudging you as you talk. If you feel uncomfortable talking to your bump, trying singing instead.
Your baby will begin communicating with you on his/her food likes and dislikes by the way that you are feeling. It's important to not make a radical diet change, but to eat nutritious and healthy foods. Eating a variety of fruits, vegetables and legumes helps to keep your vitamin and mineral levels stable and starts creating healthy eating habits for your growing little one. 
The amniotic fluid is often flavoured by what the mother eats. By swallowing it, the baby becomes familiar with their tastes and aromas. After birth it can not only recognise them but it also prefers them over others. 
A baby whose mother consumed a lot of garlic during the pregnancy is able to recognise the mother's milk among other samples with ease. In other words, babies know in advance what their mother's milk could taste like.
By getting used to the tastes and flavours typical of the local mother's food, babies are actually preparing for the cultural environment they will be born in, since food is among the most definite manifestations of cultural specifics.
Even babies start to learn their mother tongue even as they are still in the womb.
Further survey confirmed that if mothers suffer from depression during pregnancy, their children also show signs of depression to the same degree.
Tips for future mothers
* Listen to your body, take care of it, pamper it with massages and do things in moderation.
* Be certain to have plenty of positive emotions. Take a positive view of life.
* Communicate with the baby in your womb, talk and sing to it so that it can learn to recognize your voice. Allow the daddy to take part in this communication as well. Create a world for all three of you starting now.
* Radiate love towards your baby, tell it you love it. It will understand and learn how to love.
* Look at beautiful things, listen to nice music and seek aesthetics and harmony in everything around you. The beauty you take in will enrich the soul of your child as well.
* Dream of what qualities you would like your baby to have. With your thoughts you can model its character as well.
Be careful what you eat! Researchers believe that the diet of the pregnant woman can directly influence the baby's future abilities. Foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids are associated with greater verbal intelligence and better social skills among children of school age. Meanwhile, foods which contain poisons, contaminants and heavy metals are deemed responsible not only for congenital malformations, but also for lower intelligence.
What Does It Mean To Raise A Spiritual Child?
Communication with your baby before birth is an amazing and profoundly powerful experience that will bring a refreshing level of spiritual wisdom into your life.
My spirit baby knowledge take me into the unknown on a daily basis and I openly share what the spirit babies continue to teach me along with my own soul's path towards wisdom. I thank all the women, men, mothers, fathers, teachers, and healers for bringing the spirit baby love forward into conversations during consultation and sharing the knowledge. In that knowledge of us all working together to SHARE in big ways, I celebrate the divine callings and inspired thoughts of each; After all, we all were spirit baby's at one time or another. We ALL have a personal connection. 
CALL +919825463394/+919773170560
Life in the womb is extremely active and interactive. Our ability to learn in inherent from even before birth; our first abode – the womb – 'is, in fact, a classroom.'

Tuesday, January 8, 2019


Why is it important to create a relationship to your unborn baby before birth? 
The ways in which you respond to and care for your unborn baby may affect physical and emotional well-being for the rest of baby's life. The choices you make today about your baby's birth may make a vital difference for years to come. You can prepare your unborn baby for a happy, healthy life. 
I will show you how?
CALL +919825463394/+919773170560
Establish a deeper level of communication – through relaxation, visualization, meditation, guided imagery, journal writing, dream work, music, partner dialogue, affirmations, stimulation, verbal stimulation, free drawing, rhythmic breathing, Meditation and any other creative way you can think of.
Mom's Voice Plays Special Role in Activating Newborn's Brain.
When mothers talk to their babies while they’re still in the womb many researches believe that is actually the first step in language development. One thing for sure is that babies get used to the sound of their mother’s voice and perhaps when they are born, that familiarity lends itself to quicker recognition and a fast bond after birth. When your baby is born, he/she will recognize your voice and turn towards you whenever hears your voice. 
A gift to every loving, caring parent. A communication that will change the experience of pregnancy and childbirth forever!
Pregnancy is a time of growth, awareness and anticipation. Creating a new life is one of the world’s most powerful experiences. While connecting with your unborn baby spiritually you can allow yourself to engage with activities that enhance your sense of being, your spirituality and your connection to your baby.
If you re interested to communicate your unborn baby spiritually or have any interest in spirit baby communication then you already have the inner gift and wisdom to connect with your baby. The next steps are to follow your inner feelings and sensations that will guide you to listen to your baby by using your natural connections to your intuition and your psychic awareness.
Communication with your baby before birth is an amazing and profoundly powerful experience that will bring a refreshing level of spiritual wisdom into your life.
The parents need to be in good shape spiritually, physically and mentally & also encouraged to increase her spiritual practices such as her devotional prayers, daily rituals and self care. 
If you have not yet learned to meditate, now would be the time. Every thought or desire you have, attracts spirit. In this case, you are wanting a child. Breathe in that desire and begin to initiate contact.
Your unborn baby is:
• Capable of learning
• Able to hear and respond to voices and sounds—including music
• Sensitive to his parents’ feelings about him/her
• Capable of responding to love
• An active, feeling human being.
Women need to prepare for natural birth in every aspect of their lives, including the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical areas of their being.
Women who are well prepared in their minds, bodies and spirits can experience birth as a profoundly moving and empowering event.
Researchers says that what you are feeling, baby also hears what you are feeling. The mood of your baby is, indeed, largely determined by your mood. Baby picks up on what you are expressing by the melody of your voice, listening to the changes in your pitch. Your baby hears how your heart responds to certain situations; how it speeds up or slows down when you are happy, frightened or sad. Your baby hears your emotions and sympathizes with you. Your baby also reads the emotions in your breathing. You can be breathing quitely, hurriedly, be sighing, or take long pauses and so on. All this conveys a message. A message in which baby, in turn, responds to in own unique way.
Whether you practice yoga, listen to guided meditations, or simply take time each day for intentional, relaxed breathing, I think breathing mindfully is one of the simplest, most powerful things you can do to connect with your growing baby. Imagine you’re breathing all that wonderful, life-giving oxygen to your baby.
I think there’s a sense of bringing the outside world into baby’s world.
Song Your Sing
Choosing a favorite song that reflects your ethnic or religious heritage, makes you feel calm and content, or was a childhood favorite of yours. Research shows that babies recognize their parents’ voices and even respond to songs that they heard repeatedly in utero—so try to sing your song at regular times throughout the day, especially at bedtime.
Take up your paintbrush to create- “Womb with a View” painting in which you visualize what your baby’s world might look and feel like. Without pressure to make a “good” painting, try to capture your vision in your own artistic way. It doesn’t have to be realistic, “just close your eyes and try to capture some of that internal world. Try to imagine the world from the baby’s perspective. Your finished painting doesn’t have to be worthy as good painter, but it will be deeply meaningful to you and, later, to your baby.
Easy Dance
Take your baby for a spin around the dance (if your doctor advice you to do a little) by choosing a few upbeat songs that get you in the mood to groove. Not only will dancing get your heart pumping, which lowers stress hormones and raises...feel-good hormones, but it also gives you a chance to spend fun, quality time together. I can say When Mom and baby are moving together, they’re sharing that experience. 
Every bite of food you choose for yourself during pregnancy feeds your baby too. Follow recommendations on foods to avoid, but also embrace the opportunity to visualize how your meals are nourishing your baby and helping baby to grow. Take a moment to imagine your baby eating with you, so you’re having every meal together.
Your unborn baby loves everything about you—as you do about for your baby.
Whether you choose to write a letter, poem, song, or ongoing journal, writing something you plan to give your baby to read one day is a beautiful way to communicate directly with her while baby still growing inside you. Write about your hopes, your values, your family history, anything you are thinking about as you get ready to meet your unborn baby. I think writing during pregnancy “captures that very special little window in your relationship.”
Eliminate the negativity around you.
Connect with positive people, read positive books, watch happy, positive movies. Don’t let negative people or images drag you down while you’re trying to conceive or pregnant. Create healthy boundaries and buy yourself a “no” button. It’s OK to say “no” and put yourself first.
During pregnancy, a woman begins to feel an overpowering need to connect with the life that beats within her body. For that reason, when she is resting, she will seek to connect.
Yes, there is a lot to do before the baby arrives, but you don't need to do it all today. You need more rest during pregnancy, so try to slow down and take it easy for a while. Set aside time each day to simply sit and focus on your pregnancy – but just a time to sit and think about your developing baby. Consider keeping a pregnancy journal to help you focus on the pregnancy. Don't worry about writing a rose-tinted view of pregnancy, just be honest. Talk about how you feel physically, and any worries and concerns you might be feeling. This may help to identify what is causing any anxiety, and help you take steps to overcome it.
Take bump photos
Not only will your own photos make a lovely keepsake once the pregnancy is over, but will also help you to focus on your growing baby during pregnancy. As you compare the bump photos from each week, you will be able to see how much your baby is changing and growing during the pregnancy. This visual reminder may help to make the pregnancy seem more real, and will give you time to reflect upon the changes occurring.
Learn How to Connect With Your Unborn Baby Spiritually 
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